Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Fake storage writer for testing."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy

from plaso.lib import definitions
from import event_heaps
from import identifiers
from import interface

[docs]class FakeStorageWriter(interface.StorageWriter): """Fake storage writer object. Attributes: analysis_reports (list[AnalysisReport]): analysis reports. session_completion (SessionCompletion): session completion attribute container. session_start (SessionStart): session start attribute container. task_completion (TaskCompletion): task completion attribute container. task_start (TaskStart): task start attribute container. """ def __init__( self, session, storage_type=definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION, task=None): """Initializes a storage writer object. Args: session (Session): session the storage changes are part of. storage_type (Optional[str]): storage type. task(Optional[Task]): task. """ super(FakeStorageWriter, self).__init__( session, storage_type=storage_type, task=task) self._errors = [] self._event_data = {} self._event_sources = [] self._event_tags = [] self._events = [] self._is_open = False self._task_storage_writers = {} self.analysis_reports = [] self.session_completion = None self.session_start = None self.task_completion = None self.task_start = None def _PrepareAttributeContainer(self, attribute_container): """Prepares an attribute container for storage. Args: attribute_container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. Returns: AttributeContainer: copy of the attribute container to store in the fake storage. """ attribute_values_hash = hash(attribute_container.GetAttributeValuesString()) identifier = identifiers.FakeIdentifier(attribute_values_hash) attribute_container.SetIdentifier(identifier) # Make sure the fake storage preserves the state of the attribute container. return copy.deepcopy(attribute_container) def _RaiseIfNotWritable(self): """Raises if the storage file is not writable. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ if not self._is_open: raise IOError('Unable to write to closed storage writer.') def _ReadEventDataIntoEvent(self, event): """Reads the data into the event. This function is intended to offer backwards compatible event behavior. Args: event (EventObject): event. """ if self._storage_type != definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION: return event_data_identifier = event.GetEventDataIdentifier() if event_data_identifier: lookup_key = event_data_identifier.CopyToString() event_data = self._event_data[lookup_key] for attribute_name, attribute_value in event_data.GetAttributes(): setattr(event, attribute_name, attribute_value)
[docs] def AddAnalysisReport(self, analysis_report): """Adds an analysis report. Args: analysis_report (AnalysisReport): analysis report. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() analysis_report = self._PrepareAttributeContainer(analysis_report) self.analysis_reports.append(analysis_report)
[docs] def AddError(self, error): """Adds an error. Args: error (ExtractionError): error. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() error = self._PrepareAttributeContainer(error) self._errors.append(error) self.number_of_errors += 1
[docs] def AddEvent(self, event): """Adds an event. Args: event (EventObject): event. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed or if the event data identifier type is not supported. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() # TODO: change to no longer allow event_data_identifier is None # after refactoring every parser to generate event data. event_data_identifier = event.GetEventDataIdentifier() if event_data_identifier: if not isinstance(event_data_identifier, identifiers.FakeIdentifier): raise IOError('Unsupported event data identifier type: {0:s}'.format( type(event_data_identifier))) event = self._PrepareAttributeContainer(event) self._events.append(event) self.number_of_events += 1
[docs] def AddEventData(self, event_data): """Adds event data. Args: event_data (EventData): event data. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() event_data = self._PrepareAttributeContainer(event_data) identifier = event_data.GetIdentifier() lookup_key = identifier.CopyToString() self._event_data[lookup_key] = event_data
[docs] def AddEventSource(self, event_source): """Adds an event source. Args: event_source (EventSource): event source. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() event_source = self._PrepareAttributeContainer(event_source) self._event_sources.append(event_source) self.number_of_event_sources += 1
[docs] def AddEventTag(self, event_tag): """Adds an event tag. Args: event_tag (EventTag): event tag. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() event_identifier = event_tag.GetEventIdentifier() if not isinstance(event_identifier, identifiers.FakeIdentifier): raise IOError('Unsupported event identifier type: {0:s}'.format( type(event_identifier))) event_tag = self._PrepareAttributeContainer(event_tag) self._event_tags.append(event_tag) self.number_of_event_tags += 1
[docs] def CreateTaskStorage(self, task): """Creates a task storage. Args: task (Task): task. Returns: FakeStorageWriter: storage writer. Raises: IOError: if the task storage already exists. """ if task.identifier in self._task_storage_writers: raise IOError('Storage writer for task: {0:s} already exists.'.format( task.identifier)) storage_writer = FakeStorageWriter( self._session, storage_type=definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_TASK, task=task) self._task_storage_writers[task.identifier] = storage_writer return storage_writer
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the storage writer. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._is_open = False
[docs] def GetErrors(self): """Retrieves the errors. Returns: generator(ExtractionError): error generator. """ return iter(self._errors)
[docs] def GetEvents(self): """Retrieves the events. Yields: EventObject: event. """ for event in self._events: # TODO: refactor this into psort. self._ReadEventDataIntoEvent(event) yield event
[docs] def GetEventData(self): """Retrieves the event data. Returns: generator(EventData): event data generator. """ return iter(self._event_data.values())
[docs] def GetEventSources(self): """Retrieves the event sources. Returns: generator(EventSource): event source generator. """ return iter(self._event_sources)
[docs] def GetEventTags(self): """Retrieves the event tags. Returns: generator(EventTags): event tag generator. """ return iter(self._event_tags)
[docs] def GetFirstWrittenEventSource(self): """Retrieves the first event source that was written after open. Using GetFirstWrittenEventSource and GetNextWrittenEventSource newly added event sources can be retrieved in order of addition. Returns: EventSource: event source or None if there are no newly written ones. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ if not self._is_open: raise IOError('Unable to read from closed storage writer.') if self._written_event_source_index >= len(self._event_sources): return event_source = self._event_sources[self._first_written_event_source_index] self._written_event_source_index = ( self._first_written_event_source_index + 1) return event_source
[docs] def GetNextWrittenEventSource(self): """Retrieves the next event source that was written after open. Returns: EventSource: event source or None if there are no newly written ones. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ if not self._is_open: raise IOError('Unable to read from closed storage writer.') if self._written_event_source_index >= len(self._event_sources): return event_source = self._event_sources[self._written_event_source_index] self._written_event_source_index += 1 return event_source
[docs] def GetSortedEvents(self, time_range=None): """Retrieves the events in increasing chronological order. Args: time_range (Optional[TimeRange]): time range used to filter events that fall in a specific period. Returns: generator(EventObject): event generator. Raises: IOError: when the storage writer is closed. """ if not self._is_open: raise IOError('Unable to read from closed storage writer.') event_heap = event_heaps.EventHeap() for event in self._events: if (time_range and ( event.timestamp < time_range.start_timestamp or event.timestamp > time_range.end_timestamp)): continue # Make a copy of the event before adding the event data. event = copy.deepcopy(event) # TODO: refactor this into psort. self._ReadEventDataIntoEvent(event) event_heap.PushEvent(event) return iter(event_heap.PopEvents())
[docs] def Open(self): """Opens the storage writer. Raises: IOError: if the storage writer is already opened. """ if self._is_open: raise IOError('Storage writer already opened.') self._is_open = True self._first_written_event_source_index = len(self._event_sources) self._written_event_source_index = self._first_written_event_source_index
[docs] def PrepareMergeTaskStorage(self, task): """Prepares a task storage for merging. Args: task (Task): task. Raises: IOError: if the task storage does not exist. """ if task.identifier not in self._task_storage_writers: raise IOError('Storage writer for task: {0:s} does not exist.'.format( task.identifier))
[docs] def ReadPreprocessingInformation(self, unused_knowledge_base): """Reads preprocessing information. The preprocessing information contains the system configuration which contains information about various system specific configuration data, for example the user accounts. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): is used to store the preprocessing information. Raises: IOError: if the storage type does not support writing preprocessing information or when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() if self._storage_type != definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION: raise IOError('Preprocessing information not supported by storage type.')
# TODO: implement.
[docs] def SetSerializersProfiler(self, serializers_profiler): """Sets the serializers profiler. Args: serializers_profiler (SerializersProfiler): serializers profile. """ pass
[docs] def WritePreprocessingInformation(self, unused_knowledge_base): """Writes preprocessing information. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): contains the preprocessing information. Raises: IOError: if the storage type does not support writing preprocessing information or when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() if self._storage_type != definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION: raise IOError('Preprocessing information not supported by storage type.')
# TODO: implement.
[docs] def WriteSessionCompletion(self, aborted=False): """Writes session completion information. Args: aborted (Optional[bool]): True if the session was aborted. Raises: IOError: if the storage type does not support writing a session completion or when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() if self._storage_type != definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION: raise IOError('Session start not supported by storage type.') self._session.aborted = aborted self.session_completion = self._session.CreateSessionCompletion()
[docs] def WriteSessionStart(self): """Writes session start information. Raises: IOError: if the storage type does not support writing a session start or when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() if self._storage_type != definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION: raise IOError('Session start not supported by storage type.') self.session_start = self._session.CreateSessionStart()
[docs] def WriteTaskCompletion(self, aborted=False): """Writes task completion information. Args: aborted (Optional[bool]): True if the session was aborted. Raises: IOError: if the storage type does not support writing a task completion or when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() if self._storage_type != definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_TASK: raise IOError('Task completion not supported by storage type.') self._task.aborted = aborted self.task_completion = self._task.CreateTaskCompletion()
[docs] def WriteTaskStart(self): """Writes task start information. Raises: IOError: if the storage type does not support writing a task start or when the storage writer is closed. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() if self._storage_type != definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_TASK: raise IOError('Task start not supported by storage type.') self.task_start = self._task.CreateTaskStart()