Source code for plaso.output.elastic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""An output module that saves events to Elasticsearch."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from collections import Counter
import logging

from dfvfs.serializer.json_serializer import JsonPathSpecSerializer

  from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
  from elasticsearch.exceptions import ConnectionError as ElasticConnectionError
except ImportError:
  Elasticsearch = None

from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import timelib
from plaso.output import interface
from plaso.output import manager

# Configure Elasticsearch logger
elastic_logger = logging.getLogger('elasticsearch.trace')

[docs]class ElasticSearchHelper(object): """Elasticsearch helper class.""" def __init__( self, output_mediator, host, port, flush_interval, index_name, mapping, doc_type, elastic_password=None, elastic_user=None): """Create a Elasticsearch helper. Args: output_mediator (OutputMediator): The output mediator object. host (str): IP address or hostname for the server. port (int): Port number for the server. flush_interval (int): How many events to queue before being indexed. index_name (str): Name of the Elasticsearch index. mapping (dict): Elasticsearch index configuration. doc_type (str): Elasticsearch document type name. elastic_password (Optional[str]): Elasticsearch password to authenticate with. elastic_user (Optional[str]): Elasticsearch username to authenticate with. """ super(ElasticSearchHelper, self).__init__() elastic_hosts = [{'host': host, 'port': port}] if elastic_user is None: self.client = Elasticsearch(elastic_hosts) else: self.client = Elasticsearch( elastic_hosts, http_auth=(elastic_user, elastic_password)) self._output_mediator = output_mediator self._index = self._EnsureIndexExists(index_name, mapping) self._doc_type = doc_type self._flush_interval = flush_interval self._events = [] self._counter = Counter() self._elastic_user = elastic_user self._elastic_password = elastic_password
[docs] def AddEvent(self, event_object, force_flush=False): """Index event in Elasticsearch. Args: event_object (EventObject): the event object. force_flush (bool): Force bulk insert of events in the queue. """ if event_object: self._events.append( {'index': {'_index': self._index, '_type': self._doc_type}}) self._events.append(self._GetSanitizedEventValues(event_object)) self._counter['events'] += 1 # Check if we need to flush the queued events if force_flush or self._counter['events'] % self._flush_interval == 0: self._FlushEventsToElasticSearch()
def _EnsureIndexExists(self, index_name, mapping): """Create Elasticsearch index. Args: index_name: Name of the index. mapping: Mapping for the index Returns: Name of the index. """ try: if not self.client.indices.exists(index_name): self.client.indices.create( index=index_name, body={'mappings': mapping}) except ElasticConnectionError as exception: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to connect to Elasticsearch backend with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) return index_name def _GetSanitizedEventValues(self, event_object): """Builds a dictionary from an event_object. The event object need to be sanitized to prevent certain values from causing problems when indexing with Elasticsearch. For example the value of the pathspec attribute is a nested dictionary which will cause problems for Elasticsearch automatic indexing. Args: event_object (EventObject): event object. Returns: Dictionary with sanitized event object values. """ event_values = {} for attribute_name, attribute_value in event_object.GetAttributes(): # Ignore the regvalue attribute as it cause issues when indexing if attribute_name == 'regvalue': continue if attribute_name == 'pathspec': try: attribute_value = JsonPathSpecSerializer.WriteSerialized( attribute_value) except TypeError: continue event_values[attribute_name] = attribute_value # Add string representation of the timestamp try: attribute_value = timelib.Timestamp.RoundToSeconds(event_object.timestamp) except TypeError as exception: logging.warning( ('Unable to round timestamp {0!s}. error: {1!s}. ' 'Defaulting to 0').format( event_object.timestamp, exception)) attribute_value = 0 attribute_value = timelib.Timestamp.CopyToIsoFormat( attribute_value, timezone=self._output_mediator.timezone) event_values['datetime'] = attribute_value message, _ = self._output_mediator.GetFormattedMessages(event_object) if message is None: raise errors.NoFormatterFound( 'Unable to find event formatter for: {0:s}.'.format( getattr(event_object, 'data_type', 'UNKNOWN'))) event_values['message'] = message # Tags needs to be a list for Elasticsearch to index correctly. try: labels = list(event_values['tag'].labels) except (KeyError, AttributeError): labels = [] event_values['tag'] = labels source_short, source = self._output_mediator.GetFormattedSources( event_object) if source is None or source_short is None: raise errors.NoFormatterFound( 'Unable to find event formatter for: {0:s}.'.format( getattr(event_object, 'data_type', 'UNKNOWN'))) event_values['source_short'] = source_short event_values['source_long'] = source return event_values def _FlushEventsToElasticSearch(self): """Insert events in bulk to Elasticsearch.""" try: self.client.bulk( index=self._index, doc_type=self._doc_type, body=self._events) except ValueError as e: # Ignore problematic events logging.warning('{0:s}'.format(e)) # Clear the events list self._events = []'{0:d} events added'.format(self._counter['events']))
[docs]class ElasticSearchOutputModule(interface.OutputModule): """Output module for Elasticsearch.""" NAME = 'elastic' DESCRIPTION = 'Saves the events into an Elasticsearch database.' # Strings longer than this will not be analyzed by elasticsearch. _ELASTIC_ANALYZER_STRING_LIMIT = 10922 def __init__(self, output_mediator): """Initializes the output module object. Args: output_mediator: The output mediator object (instance of OutputMediator). """ super(ElasticSearchOutputModule, self).__init__(output_mediator) self._doc_type = None self._elastic = None self._elastic_password = None self._elastic_user = None self._flush_interval = None self._host = None self._index_name = None self._mapping = None self._output_mediator = output_mediator self._port = None self._raw_fields = False
[docs] def Close(self): """Close connection to the Elasticsearch database. Sends any remaining buffered events for indexing. """ self._elastic.AddEvent(event_object=None, force_flush=True)
[docs] def SetServerInformation(self, server, port): """Set the Elasticsearch server information. Args: server (str): IP address or hostname of the server. port (int): Port number of the server. """ self._host = server self._port = port'Server address: {0:s}'.format(self._host))'Server port: {0:d}'.format(self._port))
[docs] def SetFlushInterval(self, flush_interval): """Set the flush interval. Args: flush_interval (int): Number of events to buffer before bulk insert. """ self._flush_interval = flush_interval'Flush interval: {0:d}'.format(self._flush_interval))
[docs] def SetIndexName(self, index_name): """Set the index name. Args: index_name: the index name. """ self._index_name = index_name'Index name: {0:s}'.format(self._index_name))
[docs] def SetDocType(self, doc_type): """Set the port. Args: doc_type (str): The document type to use when indexing. """ self._doc_type = doc_type'Document type: {0:s}'.format(self._doc_type))
[docs] def SetRawFields(self, raw_fields): """Set raw (not analyzed) fields. This is used for sorting and aggregations in Elasticsearch. multi-fields.html Args: raw_fields (bool): Add not-analyzed index for string fields. """ self._raw_fields = raw_fields'Add non analyzed string fields: {0!s}'.format( self._raw_fields))
[docs] def SetElasticUser(self, elastic_user): """Set the Elastic username. Args: elastic_user (str): Elastic user to authenticate with. """ self._elastic_user = elastic_user'Elastic user: {0:s}'.format(self._elastic_user))
[docs] def SetElasticPassword(self, elastic_password): """Set the Elastic password. Args: elastic_password (str): Elastic password to authenticate with. """ self._elastic_password = elastic_password'Elastic password: {0:s}'.format('****'))
[docs] def WriteEventBody(self, event): """Writes the body of an event to the output. Args: event (EventObject): event. """ self._elastic.AddEvent(event)
[docs] def WriteHeader(self): """Setup the Elasticsearch index.""" if not self._mapping: self._mapping = {} if self._raw_fields: if self._doc_type not in self._mapping: self._mapping[self._doc_type] = {} _raw_field_mapping = [{ 'strings': { 'match_mapping_type': 'string', 'mapping': { 'fields': { 'raw': { 'type': 'text', 'index': 'not_analyzed', 'ignore_above': self._ELASTIC_ANALYZER_STRING_LIMIT } } } } }] self._mapping[self._doc_type]['dynamic_templates'] = _raw_field_mapping self._elastic = ElasticSearchHelper( self._output_mediator, self._host, self._port, self._flush_interval, self._index_name, self._mapping, self._doc_type, elastic_password=self._elastic_password, elastic_user=self._elastic_user)'Adding events to Elasticsearch..')
manager.OutputManager.RegisterOutput( ElasticSearchOutputModule, disabled=Elasticsearch is None)