Source code for plaso.multi_processing.plaso_xmlrpc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""XML RPC proxy server and client."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import logging
import sys
import threading

# pylint: disable=import-error,wrong-import-order
if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
  import xmlrpclib
  import SimpleXMLRPCServer
  import SocketServer
  from xmlrpc import server as SimpleXMLRPCServer
  from xmlrpc import client as xmlrpclib
  import socketserver as SocketServer

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from xml.parsers import expat

from plaso.multi_processing import rpc

[docs]class XMLRPCClient(rpc.RPCClient): """Class that defines the XML RPC client.""" _RPC_FUNCTION_NAME = '' def __init__(self): """Initializes the process status RPC client object.""" super(XMLRPCClient, self).__init__() self._xmlrpc_proxy = None
[docs] def CallFunction(self): """Calls the function via RPC.""" if self._xmlrpc_proxy is None: return rpc_call = getattr(self._xmlrpc_proxy, self._RPC_FUNCTION_NAME, None) if rpc_call is None: return try: return rpc_call() except ( expat.ExpatError, SocketServer.socket.error, xmlrpclib.Fault) as exception: logging.warning('Error while making RPC call: {0:s}'.format(exception)) return
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the RPC communication channel to the server.""" self._xmlrpc_proxy = None
[docs] def Open(self, hostname, port): """Opens a RPC communication channel to the server. Args: hostname: the hostname or IP address to connect to for requests. port: the port to connect to for requests. Returns: A boolean indicating if the communication channel was established. """ server_url = 'http://{0:s}:{1:d}'.format(hostname, port) try: self._xmlrpc_proxy = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(server_url, allow_none=True) except SocketServer.socket.error as exception: logging.warning(( 'Unable to connect to RPC server on {0:s}:{1:d} with error: ' '{2:s}').format(hostname, port, exception)) return False return True
[docs]class ThreadedXMLRPCServer(rpc.RPCServer): """Class that defines the threaded XML RPC server.""" _RPC_FUNCTION_NAME = '' _THREAD_NAME = '' def __init__(self, callback): """Initialize the RPC server. Args: callback: the callback function to invoke on get status RPC request. """ super(ThreadedXMLRPCServer, self).__init__(callback) self._rpc_thread = None self._xmlrpc_server = None def _Close(self): """Closes the RPC communication channel for clients.""" if not self._xmlrpc_server: return self._xmlrpc_server.shutdown() self._xmlrpc_server = None def _Open(self, hostname, port): """Opens the RPC communication channel for clients. Args: hostname: the hostname or IP address to connect to for requests. port: the port to connect to for requests. Returns: A boolean indicating if the communication channel was successfully opened. """ try: self._xmlrpc_server = SimpleXMLRPCServer.SimpleXMLRPCServer( (hostname, port), logRequests=False, allow_none=True) except SocketServer.socket.error as exception: logging.warning(( 'Unable to bind a RPC server on {0:s}:{1:d} with error: ' '{2:s}').format(hostname, port, exception)) return False self._xmlrpc_server.register_function( self._callback, self._RPC_FUNCTION_NAME) return True
[docs] def Start(self, hostname, port): """Starts the process status RPC server. Args: hostname: the hostname or IP address to connect to for requests. port: the port to connect to for requests. Returns: A boolean indicating if the RPC server was successfully started. """ if not self._Open(hostname, port): return False self._rpc_thread = threading.Thread( name=self._THREAD_NAME, target=self._xmlrpc_server.serve_forever) self._rpc_thread.start() return True
[docs] def Stop(self): """Stops the process status RPC server.""" self._Close() if self._rpc_thread.isAlive(): self._rpc_thread.join() self._rpc_thread = None
[docs]class XMLProcessStatusRPCClient(XMLRPCClient): """Class that defines a XML process status RPC client.""" _RPC_FUNCTION_NAME = 'status'
[docs]class XMLProcessStatusRPCServer(ThreadedXMLRPCServer): """Class that defines a XML process status RPC server.""" _RPC_FUNCTION_NAME = 'status' _THREAD_NAME = 'process_status_rpc_server'