Source code for plaso.lib.timelib

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Time manipulation functions and variables.

This module contain common methods that can be used to convert timestamps
from various formats into number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970,
00:00:00 UTC that is used internally to store timestamps.

It also contains various functions to represent timestamps in a more
human readable form.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import calendar
import datetime
import logging
import time

import dateutil.parser
import pytz

from plaso.lib import errors

    'jan': 1,
    'feb': 2,
    'mar': 3,
    'apr': 4,
    'may': 5,
    'jun': 6,
    'jul': 7,
    'aug': 8,
    'sep': 9,
    'oct': 10,
    'nov': 11,
    'dec': 12}

[docs]class Timestamp(object): """Class for converting timestamps to Plaso timestamps. The Plaso timestamp is a 64-bit signed timestamp value containing: micro seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00. The timestamp is not necessarily in UTC. """ # The minimum timestamp in seconds. TIMESTAMP_MIN_SECONDS = -(((1 << 63) - 1) / 1000000) # The maximum timestamp in seconds. TIMESTAMP_MAX_SECONDS = ((1 << 63) - 1) / 1000000 # The minimum timestamp in micro seconds. TIMESTAMP_MIN_MICRO_SECONDS = -((1 << 63) - 1) # The maximum timestamp in micro seconds. TIMESTAMP_MAX_MICRO_SECONDS = (1 << 63) - 1 # Timestamp that represents the timestamp representing not # a date and time value. # TODO: replace this with a real None implementation. NONE_TIMESTAMP = 0 # The number of micro seconds per second. MICRO_SECONDS_PER_SECOND = 1000000 # The number of microseconds per minute. MICROSECONDS_PER_MINUTE = (60 * MICRO_SECONDS_PER_SECOND) # The multiplication factor to change milliseconds to micro seconds. MILLI_SECONDS_TO_MICRO_SECONDS = 1000
[docs] @classmethod def CopyFromString(cls, time_string): """Copies a timestamp from a string containing a date and time value. Args: time_string: A string containing a date and time value formatted as: YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss.######[+-]##:## Where # are numeric digits ranging from 0 to 9 and the seconds fraction can be either 3 or 6 digits. The time of day, seconds fraction and timezone offset are optional. The default timezone is UTC. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Raises: ValueError: if the time string is invalid or not supported. """ if not time_string: raise ValueError('Invalid time string.') time_string_length = len(time_string) # The time string should at least contain 'YYYY-MM-DD'. if (time_string_length < 10 or time_string[4] != '-' or time_string[7] != '-'): raise ValueError('Invalid time string.') # If a time of day is specified the time string it should at least # contain 'YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss'. if (time_string_length > 10 and ( time_string_length < 19 or time_string[10] != ' ' or time_string[13] != ':' or time_string[16] != ':')): raise ValueError('Invalid time string.') try: year = int(time_string[0:4], 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse year.') try: month = int(time_string[5:7], 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse month.') if month not in range(1, 13): raise ValueError('Month value out of bounds.') try: day_of_month = int(time_string[8:10], 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse day of month.') if day_of_month not in range(1, 32): raise ValueError('Day of month value out of bounds.') hours = 0 minutes = 0 seconds = 0 if time_string_length > 10: try: hours = int(time_string[11:13], 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse hours.') if hours not in range(0, 24): raise ValueError('Hours value out of bounds.') try: minutes = int(time_string[14:16], 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse minutes.') if minutes not in range(0, 60): raise ValueError('Minutes value out of bounds.') try: seconds = int(time_string[17:19], 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse day of seconds.') if seconds not in range(0, 60): raise ValueError('Seconds value out of bounds.') micro_seconds = 0 timezone_offset = 0 if time_string_length > 19: if time_string[19] != '.': timezone_index = 19 else: for timezone_index in range(19, time_string_length): if time_string[timezone_index] in ['+', '-']: break # The calculation that follow rely on the timezone index to point # beyond the string in case no timezone offset was defined. if timezone_index == time_string_length - 1: timezone_index += 1 if timezone_index > 19: fraction_of_seconds_length = timezone_index - 20 if fraction_of_seconds_length not in [3, 6]: raise ValueError('Invalid time string.') try: micro_seconds = int(time_string[20:timezone_index], 10) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse fraction of seconds.') if fraction_of_seconds_length == 3: micro_seconds *= 1000 if timezone_index < time_string_length: if (time_string_length - timezone_index != 6 or time_string[timezone_index + 3] != ':'): raise ValueError('Invalid time string.') try: timezone_offset = int(time_string[ timezone_index + 1:timezone_index + 3]) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse timezone hours offset.') if timezone_offset not in range(0, 24): raise ValueError('Timezone hours offset value out of bounds.') # Note that when the sign of the timezone offset is negative # the difference needs to be added. We do so by flipping the sign. if time_string[timezone_index] == '-': timezone_offset *= 60 else: timezone_offset *= -60 try: timezone_offset += int(time_string[ timezone_index + 4:timezone_index + 6]) except ValueError: raise ValueError('Unable to parse timezone minutes offset.') timezone_offset *= 60 timestamp = int(calendar.timegm(( year, month, day_of_month, hours, minutes, seconds))) return ((timestamp + timezone_offset) * 1000000) + micro_seconds
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToDatetime(cls, timestamp, timezone, raise_error=False): """Copies the timestamp to a datetime object. Args: timestamp: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. timezone: The timezone (pytz.timezone) object. raise_error: Boolean that if set to True will not absorb an OverflowError if the timestamp is out of bounds. By default there will be no error raised. Returns: A datetime object (instance of datetime.datetime). A datetime object of January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC is returned on error if raises_error is not set. Raises: OverflowError: If raises_error is set to True and an overflow error occurs. ValueError: If raises_error is set to True and no timestamp value is provided. """ datetime_object = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.UTC) if not timestamp: if raise_error: raise ValueError('Missing timestamp value') return datetime_object try: datetime_object += datetime.timedelta(microseconds=timestamp) return datetime_object.astimezone(timezone) except OverflowError as exception: if raise_error: raise logging.error(( 'Unable to copy {0:d} to a datetime object with error: ' '{1:s}').format(timestamp, exception)) return datetime_object
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToIsoFormat(cls, timestamp, timezone=pytz.UTC, raise_error=False): """Copies the timestamp to an ISO 8601 formatted string. Args: timestamp: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. timezone: Optional timezone (instance of pytz.timezone). raise_error: Boolean that if set to True will not absorb an OverflowError if the timestamp is out of bounds. By default there will be no error raised. Returns: A string containing an ISO 8601 formatted date and time. """ datetime_object = cls.CopyToDatetime( timestamp, timezone, raise_error=raise_error) return datetime_object.isoformat()
[docs] @classmethod def CopyToPosix(cls, timestamp): """Converts microsecond timestamps to POSIX timestamps. Args: timestamp: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. """ return timestamp // cls.MICRO_SECONDS_PER_SECOND
[docs] @classmethod def FromPosixTime(cls, posix_time): """Converts a POSIX timestamp into a timestamp. The POSIX time is a signed 32-bit or 64-bit value containing: seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 Args: posix_time: The POSIX timestamp. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC or 0 on error. """ if (posix_time < cls.TIMESTAMP_MIN_SECONDS or posix_time > cls.TIMESTAMP_MAX_SECONDS): return 0 return int(posix_time) * cls.MICRO_SECONDS_PER_SECOND
[docs] @classmethod def FromPythonDatetime(cls, datetime_object): """Converts a Python datetime object into a timestamp. Args: datetime_object: The datetime object (instance of datetime.datetime). Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC or 0 on error. """ if not isinstance(datetime_object, datetime.datetime): return 0 posix_time = int(calendar.timegm(datetime_object.utctimetuple())) return cls.FromPosixTime(posix_time) + datetime_object.microsecond
[docs] @classmethod def FromTimeString( cls, time_string, dayfirst=False, gmt_as_timezone=True, timezone=pytz.UTC): """Converts a string containing a date and time value into a timestamp. Args: time_string: String that contains a date and time value. dayfirst: An optional boolean argument. If set to true then the parser will change the precedence in which it parses timestamps from MM-DD-YYYY to DD-MM-YYYY (and YYYY-MM-DD will be YYYY-DD-MM, etc). gmt_as_timezone: Sometimes the dateutil parser will interpret GMT and UTC the same way, that is not make a distinction. By default this is set to true, that is GMT can be interpreted differently than UTC. If that is not the expected result this attribute can be set to false. timezone: Optional timezone object (instance of pytz.timezone) that the data and time value in the string represents. This value is used when the timezone cannot be determined from the string. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC or 0 on error. Raises: TimestampError: if the time string could not be parsed. """ if not gmt_as_timezone and time_string.endswith(' GMT'): time_string = '{0:s}UTC'.format(time_string[:-3]) try: # TODO: deprecate the use of dateutil parser. datetime_object = dateutil.parser.parse(time_string, dayfirst=dayfirst) except (TypeError, ValueError) as exception: raise errors.TimestampError(( 'Unable to convert time string: {0:s} in to a datetime object ' 'with error: {1!s}').format(time_string, exception)) if datetime_object.tzinfo: datetime_object = datetime_object.astimezone(pytz.UTC) else: datetime_object = timezone.localize(datetime_object) return cls.FromPythonDatetime(datetime_object)
[docs] @classmethod def GetNow(cls): """Retrieves the current time (now) as a timestamp in UTC. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. """ time_elements = time.gmtime() return calendar.timegm(time_elements) * 1000000
[docs] @classmethod def LocaltimeToUTC(cls, timestamp, timezone, is_dst=False): """Converts the timestamp in localtime of the timezone to UTC. Args: timestamp: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. timezone: The timezone (pytz.timezone) object. is_dst: A boolean to indicate the timestamp is corrected for daylight savings time (DST) only used for the DST transition period. Returns: The timestamp which is an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC or 0 on error. """ if timezone and timezone != pytz.UTC: datetime_object = ( datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, tzinfo=None) + datetime.timedelta(microseconds=timestamp)) # Check if timezone is UTC since utcoffset() does not support is_dst # for UTC and will raise. datetime_delta = timezone.utcoffset(datetime_object, is_dst=is_dst) seconds_delta = int(datetime_delta.total_seconds()) timestamp -= seconds_delta * cls.MICRO_SECONDS_PER_SECOND return timestamp
[docs] @classmethod def RoundToSeconds(cls, timestamp): """Takes a timestamp value and rounds it to a second precision.""" leftovers = timestamp % cls.MICRO_SECONDS_PER_SECOND scrubbed = timestamp - leftovers rounded = round(float(leftovers) / cls.MICRO_SECONDS_PER_SECOND) return int(scrubbed + rounded * cls.MICRO_SECONDS_PER_SECOND)
[docs]def GetCurrentYear(): """Determines the current year.""" datetime_object = return datetime_object.year
[docs]def GetYearFromPosixTime(posix_time, timezone=pytz.UTC): """Gets the year from a POSIX timestamp The POSIX time is the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. Args: posix_time: An integer containing the number of seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC. timezone: Optional timezone of the POSIX timestamp. Returns: The year of the POSIX timestamp. Raises: ValueError: If the posix timestamp is out of the range of supported values. """ datetime_object = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(posix_time, tz=timezone) return datetime_object.year