Source code for plaso.lib.plist

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The plist file object."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import binascii
import os
import plistlib

from binplist import binplist

[docs]class PlistFile(object): """Class that defines a plist file. Attributes: root_key: the plist root key (instance of plistlib._InternalDict). """ def __init__(self): """Initializes the plist file object.""" super(PlistFile, self).__init__() self.root_key = None
[docs] def GetValueByPath(self, path_segments): """Retrieves a plist value by path. Args: path_segments: a list of path segments strings relative from the root of the plist. Returns: The value of the key specified by the path or None. """ key = self.root_key for path_segment in path_segments: # pylint: disable=protected-access if isinstance(key, (dict, plistlib._InternalDict)): key = key.get(path_segment) elif isinstance(key, list): try: list_index = int(path_segment, 10) except ValueError: return key = key[list_index] else: return if not key: return return key
[docs] def Read(self, file_object): """Reads a plist from a file-like object. Args: file_object: the file-like object. Raises: IOError: if the plist file-like object cannot be read. """ try:, os.SEEK_SET) # Note that binplist.readPlist does not seek to offset 0. self.root_key = binplist.readPlist(file_object) except ( AttributeError, binascii.Error, binplist.FormatError, LookupError, OverflowError, ValueError) as exception: raise IOError(exception)