Source code for plaso.engine.profiler

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The profiler classes."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import os
import time

  from guppy import hpy
except ImportError:
  hpy = None

[docs]class CPUTimeMeasurements(object): """The CPU time measurements. Attributes: number_of_samples (int): number of samples. total_cpu_time (int): total CPU time measured by the samples. total_system_time (int): total system time measured by the samples. """ def __init__(self): """Initializes the CPU time measurements object.""" super(CPUTimeMeasurements, self).__init__() self._cpu_time = None self._system_time = None self.number_of_samples = 0 self.total_cpu_time = 0 self.total_system_time = 0
[docs] def SampleStart(self): """Starts measuring the CPU and system time.""" self._cpu_time = time.clock() self._system_time = time.time()
[docs] def SampleStop(self): """Stops the current measurement and adds the sample.""" if self._cpu_time is None or self._system_time is None: return self.total_cpu_time += time.clock() - self._cpu_time self.total_system_time += time.time() - self._system_time self.number_of_samples += 1 self._cpu_time = None self._system_time = None
[docs]class CPUTimeProfiler(object): """The CPU time profiler.""" _FILENAME_PREFIX = 'cputime' def __init__(self, identifier, path=None): """Initializes the CPU time profiler object. Args: identifier (str): identifier of the profiling session used to create the sample filename. path (Optional[str]): path to write the sample file. """ super(CPUTimeProfiler, self).__init__() self._identifier = identifier self._profile_measurements = {} self._sample_file = '{0:s}-{1!s}.csv'.format( self._FILENAME_PREFIX, identifier) if path: self._sample_file = os.path.join(path, self._sample_file)
[docs] def StartTiming(self, profile_name): """Starts timing CPU time. Args: profile_name (str): name of the profile to sample. """ if profile_name not in self._profile_measurements: self._profile_measurements[profile_name] = CPUTimeMeasurements() self._profile_measurements[profile_name].SampleStart()
[docs] def StopTiming(self, profile_name): """Stops timing CPU time. Args: profile_name (str): name of the profile to sample. """ if profile_name not in self._profile_measurements: return self._profile_measurements[profile_name].SampleStop()
[docs] def Write(self): """Writes the CPU time measurements to a sample file.""" try: os.remove(self._sample_file) except OSError: pass with open(self._sample_file, 'wb') as file_object: line = ( 'profile name\tnumber of samples\ttotal CPU time\t' 'total system time\n') file_object.write(line.encode('utf-8')) for name, measurements in iter(self._profile_measurements.items()): line = '{0:s}\t{1!s}\t{2!s}\t{3!s}\n'.format( name, measurements.number_of_samples, measurements.total_cpu_time, measurements.total_system_time) file_object.write(line.encode('utf-8'))
[docs]class BaseMemoryProfiler(object): """The memory profiler interface.""" def __init__(self, identifier, path=None, profiling_sample_rate=1000): """Initializes a memory profiler object. Args: identifier (str): unique name of the profile. profiling_sample_rate (Optional[int]): the profiling sample rate. Contains the number of event sources processed. path (Optional[str]): path to write the sample file. """ super(BaseMemoryProfiler, self).__init__() self._identifier = identifier self._path = path self._profiling_sample = 0 self._profiling_sample_rate = profiling_sample_rate @abc.abstractmethod def _Sample(self): """Takes a sample for profiling."""
[docs] @classmethod def IsSupported(cls): """Determines if the profiler is supported. Returns: bool: True if the profiler is supported. """ return False
[docs] def Sample(self): """Takes a sample for profiling.""" self._profiling_sample += 1 if self._profiling_sample >= self._profiling_sample_rate: self._Sample() self._profiling_sample = 0
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Start(self): """Starts the profiler."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Stop(self): """Stops the profiler."""
[docs]class GuppyMemoryProfiler(BaseMemoryProfiler): """The guppy-based memory profiler.""" def __init__(self, identifier, path=None, profiling_sample_rate=1000): """Initializes a memory profiler object. Args: identifier (str): unique name of the profile. path (Optional[str]): path to write the sample file. profiling_sample_rate (Optional[int]): the profiling sample rate. Contains the number of event sources processed. """ super(GuppyMemoryProfiler, self).__init__( identifier, path=path, profiling_sample_rate=profiling_sample_rate) self._heapy = None self._sample_file = '{0!s}.hpy'.format(identifier) if self._path: self._sample_file = os.path.join(self._path, self._sample_file) if hpy: self._heapy = hpy() def _Sample(self): """Takes a sample for profiling.""" if not self._heapy: return heap = self._heapy.heap() heap.dump(self._sample_file)
[docs] @classmethod def IsSupported(cls): """Determines if the profiler is supported. Returns: bool: True if the profiler is supported. """ return hpy is not None
[docs] def Start(self): """Starts the profiler.""" if not self._heapy: return self._heapy.setrelheap() try: os.remove(self._sample_file) except OSError: pass
[docs] def Stop(self): """Stops the profiler.""" return
[docs]class ParsersProfiler(CPUTimeProfiler): """The parsers profiler.""" _FILENAME_PREFIX = 'parsers'
[docs]class ProcessingProfiler(CPUTimeProfiler): """The processing profiler.""" _FILENAME_PREFIX = 'processing'
[docs]class SerializersProfiler(CPUTimeProfiler): """The serializers profiler.""" _FILENAME_PREFIX = 'serializers'