Source code for plaso.analysis.mediator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The analysis plugin mediator object."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import time

from plaso.engine import path_helper
from plaso.lib import timelib

[docs]class AnalysisMediator(object): """Analysis plugin mediator. Attributes: last_activity_timestamp (int): timestamp received that indicates the last time activity was observed. The last activity timestamp is updated when the mediator produces an attribute container, such as an event tag. This timestamp is used by the multi processing worker process to indicate the last time the worker was known to be active. This information is then used by the foreman to detect workers that are not responding (stalled). number_of_produced_analysis_reports (int): number of produced analysis reports. number_of_produced_event_tags (int): number of produced event tags. """ def __init__(self, storage_writer, knowledge_base, data_location=None): """Initializes an analysis plugin mediator. Args: storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer. knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): contains information from the source data needed for analysis. data_location (Optional[str]): location of data files used during analysis. """ super(AnalysisMediator, self).__init__() self._abort = False self._data_location = data_location self._event_filter_expression = None self._knowledge_base = knowledge_base self._mount_path = None self._storage_writer = storage_writer self._text_prepend = None self.last_activity_timestamp = 0.0 self.number_of_produced_analysis_reports = 0 self.number_of_produced_event_tags = 0 @property def abort(self): """bool: True if the analysis should be aborted.""" return self._abort @property def data_location(self): """str: path to the data files.""" return self._data_location @property def operating_system(self): """str: operating system or None if not set.""" return self._knowledge_base.GetValue('operating_system')
[docs] def GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Retrieves the display name for a path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. Returns: str: human readable version of the path specification. """ return path_helper.PathHelper.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec( path_spec, mount_path=self._mount_path, text_prepend=self._text_prepend)
[docs] def GetUsernameForPath(self, path): """Retrieves a username for a specific path. This is determining if a specific path is within a user's directory and returning the username of the user if so. Args: path (str): path. Returns: str: username or None if the path does not appear to be within a user's directory. """ return self._knowledge_base.GetUsernameForPath(path)
[docs] def ProduceAnalysisReport(self, plugin): """Produces an analysis report. Args: plugin (AnalysisPlugin): plugin. """ analysis_report = plugin.CompileReport(self) if not analysis_report: return analysis_report.time_compiled = timelib.Timestamp.GetNow() plugin_name = getattr(analysis_report, 'plugin_name', plugin.plugin_name) if plugin_name: analysis_report.plugin_name = plugin_name if self._event_filter_expression: # TODO: rename filter string when refactoring the analysis reports. analysis_report.filter_string = self._event_filter_expression self._storage_writer.AddAnalysisReport(analysis_report) self.number_of_produced_analysis_reports += 1 self.number_of_produced_event_tags = ( self._storage_writer.number_of_event_tags) self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def ProduceEventTag(self, event_tag): """Produces an event tag. Args: event_tag (EventTag): event tag. """ self._storage_writer.AddEventTag(event_tag) self.number_of_produced_event_tags += 1 self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def SignalAbort(self): """Signals the analysis plugins to abort.""" self._abort = True