Source code for plaso.analysis.interface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This file contains the interface for analysis plugins."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import collections
import logging
import sys
import threading
import time

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
  import Queue  # pylint: disable=import-error
  import queue as Queue  # pylint: disable=import-error

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
import requests

# Some distributions unvendor urllib3 from the requests module, and we need to
# access some methods inside urllib3 to disable warnings. We'll try to import it
# here, to keep the imports together.
  import urllib3
except ImportError:
  urllib3 = None

from plaso.analysis import definitions
from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import reports
from plaso.lib import errors

[docs]class AnalysisPlugin(object): """Class that defines the analysis plugin interface.""" # The URLS should contain a list of URLs with additional information about # this analysis plugin. URLS = [] # The name of the plugin. This is the name that is matched against when # loading plugins, so it is important that this name is short, concise and # explains the nature of the plugin easily. It also needs to be unique. NAME = 'analysis_plugin' # A flag indicating whether or not this plugin should be run during extraction # phase or reserved entirely for post processing stage. # Typically this would mean that the plugin is perhaps too computationally # heavy to be run during event extraction and should rather be run during # post-processing. # Since most plugins should perhaps rather be run during post-processing # this is set to False by default and needs to be overwritten if the plugin # should be able to run during the extraction phase. ENABLE_IN_EXTRACTION = False def __init__(self): """Initializes an analysis plugin.""" super(AnalysisPlugin, self).__init__() self.plugin_type = definitions.PLUGIN_TYPE_REPORT @property def plugin_name(self): """str: name of the plugin.""" return self.NAME def _CreateEventTag(self, event, comment, labels): """Creates an event tag. Args: event (EventObject): event to tag. comment (str): event tag comment. labels (list[str]): event tag labels. """ event_identifier = event.GetIdentifier() event_tag = events.EventTag(comment=comment) event_tag.SetEventIdentifier(event_identifier) event_tag.AddLabels(labels) event_identifier_string = event_identifier.CopyToString() logging.debug('Created event tag: {0:s} for event: {1:s}'.format( comment, event_identifier_string)) return event_tag
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def CompileReport(self, mediator): """Compiles a report of the analysis. After the plugin has received every copy of an event to analyze this function will be called so that the report can be assembled. Args: mediator (AnalysisMediator): mediates interactions between analysis plugins and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. Returns: AnalysisReport: report. """
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ExamineEvent(self, mediator, event): """Analyzes an event object. Args: mediator (AnalysisMediator): mediates interactions between analysis plugins and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. event (EventObject): event. """
[docs]class HashTaggingAnalysisPlugin(AnalysisPlugin): """An interface for plugins that tag events based on the source file hash. An implementation of this class should be paired with an implementation of the HashAnalyzer interface. Attributes: hash_analysis_queue (Queue.queue): queue that contains the results of analysis of file hashes. hash_queue (Queue.queue): queue that contains file hashes. """ # The event data types the plugin will collect hashes from. Subclasses # must override this attribute. DATA_TYPES = [] # The default number of seconds for the plugin to wait for analysis results # to be added to the hash_analysis_queue by the analyzer thread. DEFAULT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT = 4 SECONDS_BETWEEN_STATUS_LOG_MESSAGES = 30 def __init__(self, analyzer_class): """Initializes a hash tagging analysis plugin. Args: analyzer_class (type): a subclass of HashAnalyzer that will be instantiated by the plugin. """ super(HashTaggingAnalysisPlugin, self).__init__() self._analysis_queue_timeout = self.DEFAULT_QUEUE_TIMEOUT self._analyzer_started = False self._comment = 'Tag applied by {0:s} analysis plugin'.format(self.NAME) self._event_identifiers_by_pathspec = collections.defaultdict(list) self._hash_pathspecs = collections.defaultdict(list) self._requester_class = None self._time_of_last_status_log = time.time() self.hash_analysis_queue = Queue.Queue() self.hash_queue = Queue.Queue() self._analyzer = analyzer_class(self.hash_queue, self.hash_analysis_queue) def _HandleHashAnalysis(self, hash_analysis): """Deals with the results of the analysis of a hash. This method ensures that labels are generated for the hash, then tags all events derived from files with that hash. Args: hash_analysis (HashAnalysis): hash analysis plugin's results for a given hash. Returns: tuple: containing: list[dfvfs.PathSpec]: pathspecs that had the hash value looked up. list[str]: labels that corresponds to the hash value that was looked up. list[EventTag]: event tags for all events that were extracted from the path specifications. """ tags = [] labels = self.GenerateLabels(hash_analysis.hash_information) path_specifications = self._hash_pathspecs.pop(hash_analysis.subject_hash) for path_specification in path_specifications: event_identifiers = self._event_identifiers_by_pathspec.pop( path_specification, []) if not labels: continue for event_identifier in event_identifiers: event_tag = events.EventTag(comment=self._comment) event_tag.SetEventIdentifier(event_identifier) event_tag.AddLabels(labels) tags.append(event_tag) return path_specifications, labels, tags def _EnsureRequesterStarted(self): """Checks if the analyzer is running and starts it if not.""" if not self._analyzer_started: self._analyzer.start() self._analyzer_started = True
[docs] def ExamineEvent(self, mediator, event): """Evaluates whether an event contains the right data for a hash lookup. Args: mediator (AnalysisMediator): mediates interactions between analysis plugins and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. event (EventObject): event. """ self._EnsureRequesterStarted() path_spec = event.pathspec event_identifiers = self._event_identifiers_by_pathspec[path_spec] event_identifier = event.GetIdentifier() event_identifiers.append(event_identifier) if event.data_type not in self.DATA_TYPES or not self._analyzer.lookup_hash: return lookup_hash = '{0:s}_hash'.format(self._analyzer.lookup_hash) lookup_hash = getattr(event, lookup_hash, None) if not lookup_hash: display_name = mediator.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(path_spec) logging.warning(( 'Lookup hash attribute: {0:s}_hash missing from event that ' 'originated from: {1:s}.').format( self._analyzer.lookup_hash, display_name)) return path_specs = self._hash_pathspecs[lookup_hash] path_specs.append(path_spec) # There may be multiple path specification that have the same hash. We only # want to look them up once. if len(path_specs) == 1: self.hash_queue.put(lookup_hash)
def _ContinueReportCompilation(self): """Determines if the plugin should continue trying to compile the report. Returns: bool: True if the plugin should continue, False otherwise. """ analyzer_alive = self._analyzer.is_alive() hash_queue_has_tasks = self.hash_queue.unfinished_tasks > 0 analysis_queue = not self.hash_analysis_queue.empty() # pylint: disable=consider-using-ternary return (analyzer_alive and hash_queue_has_tasks) or analysis_queue # TODO: Refactor to do this more elegantly, perhaps via callback. def _LogProgressUpdateIfReasonable(self): """Prints a progress update if enough time has passed.""" next_log_time = ( self._time_of_last_status_log + self.SECONDS_BETWEEN_STATUS_LOG_MESSAGES) current_time = time.time() if current_time < next_log_time: return completion_time = time.ctime(current_time + self.EstimateTimeRemaining()) log_message = ( '{0:s} hash analysis plugin running. {1:d} hashes in queue, ' 'estimated completion time {2:s}.'.format( self.NAME, self.hash_queue.qsize(), completion_time)) self._time_of_last_status_log = current_time
[docs] def CompileReport(self, mediator): """Compiles an analysis report. Args: mediator (AnalysisMediator): mediates interactions between analysis plugins and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. Returns: AnalysisReport: report. """ # TODO: refactor to update the counter on demand instead of # during reporting. path_specs_per_labels_counter = collections.Counter() tags = [] while self._ContinueReportCompilation(): try: self._LogProgressUpdateIfReasonable() hash_analysis = self.hash_analysis_queue.get( timeout=self._analysis_queue_timeout) except Queue.Empty: # The result queue is empty, but there could still be items that need # to be processed by the analyzer. continue pathspecs, labels, new_tags = self._HandleHashAnalysis( hash_analysis) tags.extend(new_tags) for label in labels: path_specs_per_labels_counter[label] += len(pathspecs) self._analyzer.SignalAbort() lines_of_text = ['{0:s} hash tagging results'.format(self.NAME)] for label, count in sorted(path_specs_per_labels_counter.items()): line_of_text = ( '{0:d} path specifications tagged with label: {1:s}'.format( count, label)) lines_of_text.append(line_of_text) lines_of_text.append('') report_text = '\n'.join(lines_of_text) for event_tag in tags: mediator.ProduceEventTag(event_tag) return reports.AnalysisReport( plugin_name=self.NAME, text=report_text)
[docs] def EstimateTimeRemaining(self): """Estimates how long until all hashes have been analyzed. Returns: int: estimated number of seconds until all hashes have been analyzed. """ number_of_hashes = self.hash_queue.qsize() hashes_per_batch = self._analyzer.hashes_per_batch wait_time_per_batch = self._analyzer.wait_after_analysis analyses_performed = self._analyzer.analyses_performed if analyses_performed == 0: average_analysis_time = self._analyzer.seconds_spent_analyzing else: average_analysis_time, _ = divmod( self._analyzer.seconds_spent_analyzing, analyses_performed) batches_remaining, _ = divmod(number_of_hashes, hashes_per_batch) estimated_seconds_per_batch = average_analysis_time + wait_time_per_batch return batches_remaining * estimated_seconds_per_batch
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def GenerateLabels(self, hash_information): """Generates a list of strings to tag events with. Args: hash_information (object): object that mediates the result of the analysis of a hash, as returned by the Analyze() method of the analyzer class associated with this plugin. Returns: list[str]: list of labels to apply to events. """
[docs] def SetLookupHash(self, lookup_hash): """Sets the hash to query. Args: lookup_hash (str): name of the hash attribute to look up. """ self._analyzer.SetLookupHash(lookup_hash)
[docs]class HashAnalyzer(threading.Thread): """Class that defines the interfaces for hash analyzer threads. This interface should be implemented once for each hash analysis plugin. Attributes: analyses_performed (int): number of analysis batches completed by this analyzer. hashes_per_batch (int): maximum number of hashes to analyze at once. lookup_hash (str): name of the hash attribute to look up. seconds_spent_analyzing (int): number of seconds this analyzer has spent performing analysis (as opposed to waiting on queues, etc.) wait_after_analysis (int): number of seconds the analyzer will sleep for after analyzing a batch of hashes. """ # How long to wait for new items to be added to the the input queue. EMPTY_QUEUE_WAIT_TIME = 4 # List of lookup hashes supported by the analyzer. SUPPORTED_HASHES = [] def __init__( self, hash_queue, hash_analysis_queue, hashes_per_batch=1, lookup_hash='sha256', wait_after_analysis=0): """Initializes a hash analyzer. Args: hash_queue (Queue.queue): contains hashes to be analyzed. hash_analysis_queue (Queue.queue): queue that the analyzer will append HashAnalysis objects to. hashes_per_batch (Optional[int]): number of hashes to analyze at once. lookup_hash (Optional[str]): name of the hash attribute to look up. wait_after_analysis (Optional[int]: number of seconds to wait after each batch is analyzed. """ super(HashAnalyzer, self).__init__() self._abort = False self._hash_queue = hash_queue self._hash_analysis_queue = hash_analysis_queue self.analyses_performed = 0 self.hashes_per_batch = hashes_per_batch self.lookup_hash = lookup_hash self.seconds_spent_analyzing = 0 self.wait_after_analysis = wait_after_analysis def _GetHashes(self, target_queue, max_hashes): """Retrieves a list of items from a queue. Args: target_queue (Queue.queue): queue to retrieve hashes from. max_hashes (int): maximum number of items to retrieve from the target_queue. Returns: list[object]: list of at most max_hashes elements from the target_queue. The list may have no elements if the target_queue is empty. """ hashes = [] for _ in range(0, max_hashes): try: item = target_queue.get_nowait() except Queue.Empty: continue hashes.append(item) return hashes
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Analyze(self, hashes): """Analyzes a list of hashes. Args: hashes (list[str]): list of hashes to look up. Returns: list[HashAnalysis]: list of results of analyzing the hashes. """
# This method is part of the threading.Thread interface, hence its name does # not follow the style guide.
[docs] def run(self): """The method called by the threading library to start the thread.""" while not self._abort: hashes = self._GetHashes(self._hash_queue, self.hashes_per_batch) if hashes: time_before_analysis = time.time() hash_analyses = self.Analyze(hashes) current_time = time.time() self.seconds_spent_analyzing += current_time - time_before_analysis self.analyses_performed += 1 for hash_analysis in hash_analyses: self._hash_analysis_queue.put(hash_analysis) self._hash_queue.task_done() time.sleep(self.wait_after_analysis) else: # Wait for some more hashes to be added to the queue. time.sleep(self.EMPTY_QUEUE_WAIT_TIME)
[docs] def SetLookupHash(self, lookup_hash): """Sets the hash to query. Args: lookup_hash (str): name of the hash attribute to look up. Raises: ValueError: if the lookup hash is not supported. """ if lookup_hash not in self.SUPPORTED_HASHES: raise ValueError('Unsupported lookup hash: {0!s}'.format(lookup_hash)) self.lookup_hash = lookup_hash
[docs] def SignalAbort(self): """Instructs this analyzer to stop running.""" self._abort = True
[docs]class HTTPHashAnalyzer(HashAnalyzer): """Interface for hash analysis plugins that use HTTP(S)""" def __init__(self, hash_queue, hash_analysis_queue, **kwargs): """Initializes a HTTP hash analyzer. Args: hash_queue (Queue.queue): a queue that contains hashes to be analyzed. hash_analysis_queue (Queue.queue): queue that the analyzer will append HashAnalysis objects to. """ super(HTTPHashAnalyzer, self).__init__( hash_queue, hash_analysis_queue, **kwargs) self._checked_for_old_python_version = False def _CheckPythonVersionAndDisableWarnings(self): """Checks python version, and disables SSL warnings. urllib3 will warn on each HTTPS request made by older versions of Python. Rather than spamming the user, we print one warning message, then disable warnings in urllib3. """ if self._checked_for_old_python_version: return if sys.version_info[0:3] < (2, 7, 9): logging.warning( 'You are running a version of Python prior to 2.7.9. Your version ' 'of Python has multiple weaknesses in its SSL implementation that ' 'can allow an attacker to read or modify SSL encrypted data. ' 'Please update. Further SSL warnings will be suppressed. See ' ' for more information.') # Some distributions de-vendor urllib3 from requests, so we have to # check if this has occurred and disable warnings in the correct # package. if (hasattr(requests, 'packages') and hasattr(requests.packages, 'urllib3') and hasattr(requests.packages.urllib3, 'disable_warnings')): requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings() else: if urllib3 and hasattr(urllib3, 'disable_warnings'): urllib3.disable_warnings() self._checked_for_old_python_version = True
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def Analyze(self, hashes): """Analyzes a list of hashes. Args: hashes (list[str]): hashes to look up. Returns: list[HashAnalysis]: analysis results. """
[docs] def MakeRequestAndDecodeJSON(self, url, method, **kwargs): """Make a HTTP request and decode the results as JSON. Args: url (str): URL to make a request to. method (str): HTTP method to used to make the request. GET and POST are supported. kwargs: parameters to the requests .get() or post() methods, depending on the value of the method parameter. Returns: dict[str, object]: body of the HTTP response, decoded from JSON. Raises: ConnectionError: If it is not possible to connect to the given URL, or it the request returns a HTTP error. ValueError: If an invalid HTTP method is specified. """ method_upper = method.upper() if method_upper not in ('GET', 'POST'): raise ValueError('Method {0:s} is not supported') if url.lower().startswith('https'): self._CheckPythonVersionAndDisableWarnings() try: if method_upper == 'GET': response = requests.get(url, **kwargs) elif method_upper == 'POST': response =, **kwargs) response.raise_for_status() except requests.ConnectionError as exception: error_string = 'Unable to connect to {0:s}: {1:s}'.format( url, exception) raise errors.ConnectionError(error_string) except requests.HTTPError as exception: error_string = '{0:s} returned a HTTP error: {1:s}'.format( url, exception) raise errors.ConnectionError(error_string) return response.json()
[docs]class HashAnalysis(object): """Analysis information about a hash. Attributes: hash_information (object): object containing information about the hash. subject_hash (str): hash that was analyzed. """ def __init__(self, subject_hash, hash_information): """Initializes analysis information about a hash. Args: subject_hash (str): hash that the hash_information relates to. hash_information (object): information about the hash. This object will be used by the GenerateLabels method in the HashTaggingAnalysisPlugin to tag events that relate to the hash. """ self.hash_information = hash_information self.subject_hash = subject_hash