Source code for plaso.preprocessors.interface

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This file contains classes used for preprocessing in plaso."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc

from artifacts import definitions as artifact_definitions
from dfvfs.helpers import file_system_searcher
from dfwinreg import registry_searcher

from plaso.lib import errors

[docs]class ArtifactPreprocessorPlugin(object): """The artifact preprocessor plugin interface. The artifact preprocessor determines preprocessing attributes based on an artifact definition defined by ARTIFACT_DEFINITION_NAME. """
[docs]class FileSystemArtifactPreprocessorPlugin(ArtifactPreprocessorPlugin): """File system artifact preprocessor plugin interface. Shared functionality for preprocessing attributes based on a file system artifact definition, such as file or path. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _ParsePathSpecification( self, knowledge_base, searcher, file_system, path_specification, path_separator): """Parses a file system for a preprocessing attribute. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. searcher (dfvfs.FileSystemSearcher): file system searcher to preprocess the file system. file_system (dfvfs.FileSystem): file system to be preprocessed. path_specification (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification that contains the artifact value data. path_separator (str): path segment separator. Raises: errors.PreProcessFail: if the preprocessing fails. """
[docs] def Collect( self, knowledge_base, artifact_definition, searcher, file_system): """Collects values using a file artifact definition. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. artifact_definition (artifacts.ArtifactDefinition): artifact definition. searcher (dfvfs.FileSystemSearcher): file system searcher to preprocess the file system. file_system (dfvfs.FileSystem): file system to be preprocessed. Raises: PreProcessFail: if the Windows Registry key or value cannot be read. """ for source in artifact_definition.sources: if source.type_indicator not in ( artifact_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_FILE, artifact_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_PATH): continue for path in source.paths: # Make sure the path separators used in the artifact definition # correspond to those used by the file system. path_segments = path.split(source.separator) find_spec = file_system_searcher.FindSpec( location_glob=path_segments[1:], case_sensitive=False) for path_specification in searcher.Find(find_specs=[find_spec]): self._ParsePathSpecification( knowledge_base, searcher, file_system, path_specification,
[docs]class FileEntryArtifactPreprocessorPlugin(FileSystemArtifactPreprocessorPlugin): """File entry artifact preprocessor plugin interface. Shared functionality for preprocessing attributes based on a file entry artifact definition, such as file or path. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _ParseFileEntry(self, knowledge_base, file_entry): """Parses a file entry for a preprocessing attribute. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry that contains the artifact value data. Raises: errors.PreProcessFail: if the preprocessing fails. """ def _ParsePathSpecification( self, knowledge_base, searcher, file_system, path_specification, path_separator): """Parses a file system for a preprocessing attribute. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. searcher (dfvfs.FileSystemSearcher): file system searcher to preprocess the file system. file_system (dfvfs.FileSystem): file system to be preprocessed. path_specification (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification that contains the artifact value data. path_separator (str): path segment separator. Raises: errors.PreProcessFail: if the preprocessing fails. """ try: file_entry = searcher.GetFileEntryByPathSpec(path_specification) except IOError as exception: relative_path = searcher.GetRelativePath(path_specification) if path_separator != file_system.PATH_SEPARATOR: relative_path_segments = file_system.SplitPath(relative_path) relative_path = '{0:s}{1:s}'.format( path_separator, path_separator.join(relative_path_segments)) raise errors.PreProcessFail(( 'Unable to retrieve file entry: {0:s} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(relative_path, exception))
self._ParseFileEntry(knowledge_base, file_entry)
[docs]class FileArtifactPreprocessorPlugin(FileEntryArtifactPreprocessorPlugin): """File artifact preprocessor plugin interface. Shared functionality for preprocessing attributes based on a file artifact definition, such as file or path. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _ParseFileData(self, knowledge_base, file_object): """Parses file content (data) for a preprocessing attribute. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object that contains the artifact value data. Raises: errors.PreProcessFail: if the preprocessing fails. """ def _ParseFileEntry(self, knowledge_base, file_entry): """Parses a file entry for a preprocessing attribute. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry that contains the artifact value data. Raises: errors.PreProcessFail: if the preprocessing fails. """ file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject() try: self._ParseFileData(knowledge_base, file_object) finally:
[docs]class WindowsRegistryKeyArtifactPreprocessorPlugin(ArtifactPreprocessorPlugin): """Windows Registry key artifact preprocessor plugin interface. Shared functionality for preprocessing attributes based on a Windows Registry artifact definition, such as Windows Registry key or value. """ @abc.abstractmethod def _ParseKey(self, knowledge_base, registry_key, value_name): """Parses a Windows Registry key for a preprocessing attribute. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. value_name (str): name of the Windows Registry value. Raises: errors.PreProcessFail: if the preprocessing fails. """
[docs] def Collect( self, knowledge_base, artifact_definition, searcher): """Collects values using a Windows Registry value artifact definition. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. artifact_definition (artifacts.ArtifactDefinition): artifact definition. searcher (dfwinreg.WinRegistrySearcher): Windows Registry searcher to preprocess the Windows Registry. Raises: PreProcessFail: if the Windows Registry key or value cannot be read. """ for source in artifact_definition.sources: if source.type_indicator not in ( artifact_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_KEY, artifact_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_VALUE): continue if source.type_indicator == ( artifact_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_KEY): key_value_pairs = [{'key': key} for key in source.keys] else: key_value_pairs = source.key_value_pairs for key_value_pair in key_value_pairs: key_path = key_value_pair['key'] # The artifact definitions currently incorrectly define # CurrentControlSet so we correct it here for now. # Also see: key_path_upper = key_path.upper() if key_path_upper.startswith('%%CURRENT_CONTROL_SET%%'): key_path = '{0:s}{1:s}'.format( 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\System\\CurrentControlSet', key_path[23:]) find_spec = registry_searcher.FindSpec(key_path_glob=key_path) for key_path in searcher.Find(find_specs=[find_spec]): try: registry_key = searcher.GetKeyByPath(key_path) except IOError as exception: raise errors.PreProcessFail(( 'Unable to retrieve Windows Registry key: {0:s} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(key_path, exception)) if registry_key: value_name = key_value_pair.get('value', None)
self._ParseKey(knowledge_base, registry_key, value_name)
[docs]class WindowsRegistryValueArtifactPreprocessorPlugin( WindowsRegistryKeyArtifactPreprocessorPlugin): """Windows Registry value artifact preprocessor plugin interface. Shared functionality for preprocessing attributes based on a Windows Registry value artifact definition. """ def _ParseKey(self, knowledge_base, registry_key, value_name): """Parses a Windows Registry key for a preprocessing attribute. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. value_name (str): name of the Windows Registry value. Raises: errors.PreProcessFail: if the preprocessing fails. """ try: registry_value = registry_key.GetValueByName(value_name) except IOError as exception: raise errors.PreProcessFail(( 'Unable to retrieve Windows Registry key: {0:s} value: {1:s} ' 'with error: {2!s}').format( registry_key.path, value_name, exception)) if registry_value: value_object = registry_value.GetDataAsObject() if value_object: self._ParseValueData(knowledge_base, value_object) @abc.abstractmethod def _ParseValueData(self, knowledge_base, value_data): """Parses Windows Registry value data for a preprocessing attribute. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): to fill with preprocessing information. value_data (object): Windows Registry value data. Raises: errors.PreProcessFail: if the preprocessing fails.