Source code for plaso.parsers.winreg_plugins.mrulistex

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""This file contains MRUListEx Windows Registry plugins."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc

from dtfabric.runtime import data_maps as dtfabric_data_maps

from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.containers import windows_events
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.parsers import logger
from plaso.parsers import winreg
from plaso.parsers.shared import shell_items
from plaso.parsers.winreg_plugins import dtfabric_plugin
from plaso.parsers.winreg_plugins import interface

[docs]class MRUListExStringRegistryKeyFilter( interface.WindowsRegistryKeyWithValuesFilter): """Windows Registry key with values filter.""" _IGNORE_KEY_PATH_SEGMENTS = frozenset([ '\\BagMRU\\'.upper(), '\\Explorer\\ComDlg32\\OpenSavePidlMRU\\'.upper()]) _IGNORE_KEY_PATH_SUFFIXES = frozenset([ '\\BagMRU'.upper(), '\\Explorer\\StreamMRU'.upper(), '\\Explorer\\ComDlg32\\OpenSavePidlMRU'.upper()]) _VALUE_NAMES = ['0', 'MRUListEx'] def __init__(self): """Initializes Windows Registry key filter object.""" super(MRUListExStringRegistryKeyFilter, self).__init__(self._VALUE_NAMES)
[docs] def Match(self, registry_key): """Determines if a Windows Registry key matches the filter. Args: registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. Returns: bool: True if the Windows Registry key matches the filter. """ key_path_upper = registry_key.path.upper() # Prevent this filter matching non-string MRUListEx values. for ignore_key_path_suffix in self._IGNORE_KEY_PATH_SUFFIXES: if key_path_upper.endswith(ignore_key_path_suffix): return False for ignore_key_path_segment in self._IGNORE_KEY_PATH_SEGMENTS: if ignore_key_path_segment in key_path_upper: return False
return super(MRUListExStringRegistryKeyFilter, self).Match(registry_key)
[docs]class BaseMRUListExWindowsRegistryPlugin( dtfabric_plugin.DtFabricBaseWindowsRegistryPlugin): """Class for common MRUListEx Windows Registry plugin functionality.""" _SOURCE_APPEND = ': MRUListEx' _DEFINITION_FILE = 'mru.yaml' # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,redundant-returns-doc @abc.abstractmethod def _ParseMRUListExEntryValue( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, entry_index, entry_number, **kwargs): """Parses the MRUListEx entry value. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key that contains the MRUListEx value. entry_index (int): MRUListEx entry index. entry_number (int): entry number. Returns: str: MRUList entry value. """ def _ParseMRUListExValue(self, registry_key): """Parses the MRUListEx value in a given Registry key. Args: registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key that contains the MRUListEx value. Returns: mrulistex_entries: MRUListEx entries or None if not available. """ mrulistex_value = registry_key.GetValueByName('MRUListEx') # The key exists but does not contain a value named "MRUList". if not mrulistex_value: return None mrulistex_entries_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('mrulistex_entries') context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext(values={ 'data_size': len(}) return self._ReadStructureFromByteStream(, 0, mrulistex_entries_map, context=context) def _ParseMRUListExKey( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage='cp1252'): """Extract event objects from a MRUListEx Registry key. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. codepage (Optional[str]): extended ASCII string codepage. """ try: mrulistex = self._ParseMRUListExValue(registry_key) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( 'unable to parse MRUListEx value with error: {0!s}'.format(exception)) return if not mrulistex: return values_dict = {} found_terminator = False for entry_index, entry_number in enumerate(mrulistex): # The MRU list is terminated with -1 (0xffffffff). if entry_number == -1: break if found_terminator: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'found additional MRUListEx entries after terminator in key: ' '{0:s}.').format(registry_key.path)) # Only create one parser error per terminator. found_terminator = False value_string = self._ParseMRUListExEntryValue( parser_mediator, registry_key, entry_index, entry_number, codepage=codepage) value_text = 'Index: {0:d} [MRU Value {1:d}]'.format( entry_index + 1, entry_number) values_dict[value_text] = value_string event_data = windows_events.WindowsRegistryEventData() event_data.key_path = registry_key.path event_data.offset = registry_key.offset event_data.regvalue = values_dict event_data.source_append = self._SOURCE_APPEND event = time_events.DateTimeValuesEvent( registry_key.last_written_time, definitions.TIME_DESCRIPTION_WRITTEN)
parser_mediator.ProduceEventWithEventData(event, event_data)
[docs]class MRUListExStringWindowsRegistryPlugin(BaseMRUListExWindowsRegistryPlugin): """Windows Registry plugin to parse a string MRUListEx.""" NAME = 'mrulistex_string' DESCRIPTION = 'Parser for Most Recently Used (MRU) Registry data.' FILTERS = frozenset([MRUListExStringRegistryKeyFilter()]) URLS = [ '', ''] # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc def _ParseMRUListExEntryValue( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, entry_index, entry_number, **kwargs): """Parses the MRUListEx entry value. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key that contains the MRUListEx value. entry_index (int): MRUListEx entry index. entry_number (int): entry number. Returns: str: MRUList entry value. """ value_string = '' value = registry_key.GetValueByName('{0:d}'.format(entry_number)) if value is None: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( 'missing MRUListEx value: {0:d} in key: {1:s}.'.format( entry_number, registry_key.path)) elif value.DataIsString(): value_string = value.GetDataAsObject() elif value.DataIsBinaryData(): utf16le_string_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('utf16le_string') try: value_string = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream(, 0, utf16le_string_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'unable to parse MRUListEx entry value: {0:d} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(entry_number, exception)) value_string = value_string.rstrip('\x00') return value_string # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,arguments-differ
[docs] def ExtractEvents( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage='cp1252', **kwargs): """Extracts events from a Windows Registry key. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. codepage (Optional[str]): extended ASCII string codepage. """
self._ParseMRUListExKey(parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage=codepage)
[docs]class MRUListExShellItemListWindowsRegistryPlugin( BaseMRUListExWindowsRegistryPlugin): """Windows Registry plugin to parse a shell item list MRUListEx.""" NAME = 'mrulistex_shell_item_list' DESCRIPTION = 'Parser for Most Recently Used (MRU) Registry data.' FILTERS = frozenset([ interface.WindowsRegistryKeyPathFilter( 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\' 'Explorer\\ComDlg32\\OpenSavePidlMRU'), interface.WindowsRegistryKeyPathFilter( 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\' 'Explorer\\StreamMRU')]) # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,arguments-differ def _ParseMRUListExEntryValue( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, entry_index, entry_number, codepage='cp1252', **kwargs): """Parses the MRUListEx entry value. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key that contains the MRUListEx value. entry_index (int): MRUListEx entry index. entry_number (int): entry number. codepage (Optional[str]): extended ASCII string codepage. Returns: str: MRUList entry value. """ value_string = '' value = registry_key.GetValueByName('{0:d}'.format(entry_number)) if value is None: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( 'missing MRUListEx value: {0:d} in key: {1:s}.'.format( entry_number, registry_key.path)) elif not value.DataIsBinaryData(): logger.debug(( '[{0:s}] Non-binary MRUListEx entry value: {1:d} in key: ' '{2:s}.').format(self.NAME, entry_number, registry_key.path)) elif shell_items_parser = shell_items.ShellItemsParser(registry_key.path) shell_items_parser.ParseByteStream( parser_mediator,, codepage=codepage) value_string = 'Shell item path: {0:s}'.format( shell_items_parser.CopyToPath()) return value_string # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,arguments-differ
[docs] def ExtractEvents( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage='cp1252', **kwargs): """Extracts events from a Windows Registry key. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. codepage (Optional[str]): extended ASCII string codepage. """ if != 'OpenSavePidlMRU': self._ParseMRUListExKey(parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage=codepage) if == 'OpenSavePidlMRU': # For the OpenSavePidlMRU MRUListEx we also need to parse its subkeys # since the Registry key path does not support wildcards yet. for subkey in registry_key.GetSubkeys():
self._ParseMRUListExKey(parser_mediator, subkey, codepage=codepage)
[docs]class MRUListExStringAndShellItemWindowsRegistryPlugin( BaseMRUListExWindowsRegistryPlugin): """Windows Registry plugin to parse a string and shell item MRUListEx.""" NAME = 'mrulistex_string_and_shell_item' DESCRIPTION = 'Parser for Most Recently Used (MRU) Registry data.' FILTERS = frozenset([ interface.WindowsRegistryKeyPathFilter( 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\' 'Explorer\\RecentDocs')]) # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,arguments-differ def _ParseMRUListExEntryValue( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, entry_index, entry_number, codepage='cp1252', **kwargs): """Parses the MRUListEx entry value. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key that contains the MRUListEx value. entry_index (int): MRUListEx entry index. entry_number (int): entry number. codepage (Optional[str]): extended ASCII string codepage. Returns: str: MRUList entry value. """ value_string = '' value = registry_key.GetValueByName('{0:d}'.format(entry_number)) if value is None: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( 'missing MRUListEx value: {0:d} in key: {1:s}.'.format( entry_number, registry_key.path)) elif not value.DataIsBinaryData(): logger.debug(( '[{0:s}] Non-binary MRUListEx entry value: {1:d} in key: ' '{2:s}.').format(self.NAME, entry_number, registry_key.path)) elif utf16le_string_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('utf16le_string') context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: path = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream(, 0, utf16le_string_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'unable to parse MRUListEx entry value: {0:d} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(entry_number, exception)) return value_string path = path.rstrip('\x00') shell_item_data =[context.byte_size:] if not shell_item_data: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'missing shell item in MRUListEx value: {0:d} in key: ' '{1:s}.').format(entry_number, registry_key.path)) value_string = 'Path: {0:s}'.format(path) else: shell_items_parser = shell_items.ShellItemsParser(registry_key.path) shell_items_parser.ParseByteStream( parser_mediator, shell_item_data, codepage=codepage) value_string = 'Path: {0:s}, Shell item: [{1:s}]'.format( path, shell_items_parser.CopyToPath()) return value_string # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,arguments-differ
[docs] def ExtractEvents( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage='cp1252', **kwargs): """Extracts events from a Windows Registry key. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. codepage (Optional[str]): extended ASCII string codepage. """ self._ParseMRUListExKey(parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage=codepage) if == 'RecentDocs': # For the RecentDocs MRUListEx we also need to parse its subkeys # since the Registry key path does not support wildcards yet. for subkey in registry_key.GetSubkeys():
self._ParseMRUListExKey(parser_mediator, subkey, codepage=codepage)
[docs]class MRUListExStringAndShellItemListWindowsRegistryPlugin( BaseMRUListExWindowsRegistryPlugin): """Windows Registry plugin to parse a string and shell item list MRUListEx.""" NAME = 'mrulistex_string_and_shell_item_list' DESCRIPTION = 'Parser for Most Recently Used (MRU) Registry data.' FILTERS = frozenset([ interface.WindowsRegistryKeyPathFilter( 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\' 'Explorer\\ComDlg32\\LastVisitedPidlMRU')]) # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,arguments-differ def _ParseMRUListExEntryValue( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, entry_index, entry_number, codepage='cp1252', **kwargs): """Parses the MRUListEx entry value. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key that contains the MRUListEx value. entry_index (int): MRUListEx entry index. entry_number (int): entry number. codepage (Optional[str]): extended ASCII string codepage. Returns: str: MRUList entry value. """ value_string = '' value = registry_key.GetValueByName('{0:d}'.format(entry_number)) if value is None: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( 'missing MRUListEx value: {0:d} in key: {1:s}.'.format( entry_number, registry_key.path)) elif not value.DataIsBinaryData(): logger.debug(( '[{0:s}] Non-binary MRUListEx entry value: {1:d} in key: ' '{2:s}.').format(self.NAME, entry_number, registry_key.path)) elif utf16le_string_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('utf16le_string') context = dtfabric_data_maps.DataTypeMapContext() try: path = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream(, 0, utf16le_string_map, context=context) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'unable to parse MRUListEx entry value: {0:d} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(entry_number, exception)) return value_string path = path.rstrip('\x00') shell_item_list_data =[context.byte_size:] if not shell_item_list_data: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'missing shell item in MRUListEx value: {0:d} in key: ' '{1:s}.').format(entry_number, registry_key.path)) value_string = 'Path: {0:s}'.format(path) else: shell_items_parser = shell_items.ShellItemsParser(registry_key.path) shell_items_parser.ParseByteStream( parser_mediator, shell_item_list_data, codepage=codepage) value_string = 'Path: {0:s}, Shell item path: {1:s}'.format( path, shell_items_parser.CopyToPath()) return value_string # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,arguments-differ
[docs] def ExtractEvents( self, parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage='cp1252', **kwargs): """Extracts events from a Windows Registry key. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. registry_key (dfwinreg.WinRegistryKey): Windows Registry key. codepage (Optional[str]): extended ASCII string codepage. """
self._ParseMRUListExKey(parser_mediator, registry_key, codepage=codepage) winreg.WinRegistryParser.RegisterPlugins([ MRUListExStringWindowsRegistryPlugin, MRUListExShellItemListWindowsRegistryPlugin, MRUListExStringAndShellItemWindowsRegistryPlugin, MRUListExStringAndShellItemListWindowsRegistryPlugin])