Source code for plaso.parsers.sqlite

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""SQLite parser."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import tempfile

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
  from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3
except ImportError:
  import sqlite3

from dfvfs.path import factory as dfvfs_factory

from plaso.lib import specification
from plaso.parsers import interface
from plaso.parsers import logger
from plaso.parsers import manager
from plaso.parsers import plugins

[docs]class SQLiteCache(plugins.BasePluginCache): """Cache for storing results of SQL queries.""" def __init__(self): """Initializes a SQLite cache.""" super(SQLiteCache, self).__init__() self._row_caches = {}
[docs] def CacheQueryResults( self, sql_results, attribute_name, key_name, column_names): """Build a dictionary object based on a SQL command. This function will take a SQL command, execute it and for each resulting row it will store a key in a dictionary. An example:: sql_results = A SQL result object after executing the SQL command: 'SELECT foo, bla, bar FROM my_table' attribute_name = 'all_the_things' key_name = 'foo' column_names = ['bla', 'bar'] Results from running this against the database: 'first', 'stuff', 'things' 'second', 'another stuff', 'another thing' This will result in a dictionary object being created in the cache, called 'all_the_things' and it will contain the following value:: all_the_things = { 'first': ['stuff', 'things'], 'second': ['another_stuff', 'another_thing'], 'third': ['single_thing']} Args: sql_results (sqlite3.Cursor): result after executing a SQL command on a database. attribute_name (str): attribute name in the cache to store results to. This will be the name of the dictionary attribute. key_name (str): name of the result field that should be used as a key in the resulting dictionary that is created. column_names (list[str]): of column names that are stored as values to the dictionary. If this list has only one value in it the value will be stored directly, otherwise the value will be a list containing the extracted results based on the names provided in this list. """ row = sql_results.fetchone() if not row: return # Note that pysqlite does not accept a Unicode string in row['string'] and # will raise "IndexError: Index must be int or string". keys_name_to_index_map = { name: index for index, name in enumerate(row.keys())} attribute_value = {} while row: value_index = keys_name_to_index_map.get(key_name) key_value = row[value_index] attribute_value[key_value] = [] for column_name in column_names: value_index = keys_name_to_index_map.get(column_name) column_value = row[value_index] attribute_value[key_value].append(column_value) row = sql_results.fetchone()
setattr(self, attribute_name, attribute_value)
[docs] def GetRowCache(self, query): """Retrieves the row cache for a specific query. The row cache is a set that contains hashes of values in a row. The row cache is used to find duplicate row when a database and a database with a WAL file is parsed. Args: query (str): query. Returns: set: hashes of the rows that have been parsed. """ query_hash = hash(query) if query_hash not in self._row_caches: self._row_caches[query_hash] = set()
return self._row_caches[query_hash]
[docs]class SQLiteDatabase(object): """SQLite database. Attributes: schema (dict[str, str]): schema as an SQL query per table name, for example {'Users': 'CREATE TABLE Users ("id" INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ...)'}. """ _READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 65536 SCHEMA_QUERY = ( 'SELECT tbl_name, sql ' 'FROM sqlite_master ' 'WHERE type = "table" AND tbl_name != "xp_proc" ' 'AND tbl_name != "sqlite_sequence"') def __init__(self, filename, temporary_directory=None): """Initializes the database object. Args: filename (str): name of the file entry. temporary_directory (Optional[str]): path of the directory for temporary files. """ self._database = None self._filename = filename self._is_open = False self._temp_db_file_path = '' self._temporary_directory = temporary_directory self._temp_wal_file_path = '' self.schema = {} @property def tables(self): """list[str]: names of all the tables.""" if self._is_open: return self.schema.keys() return [] def _CopyFileObjectToTemporaryFile(self, file_object, temporary_file): """Copies the contents of the file-like object to a temporary file. Args: file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. temporary_file (file): temporary file. """, os.SEEK_SET) data = while data: temporary_file.write(data) data =
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the database connection and cleans up the temporary file.""" self.schema = {} if self._is_open: self._database.close() self._database = None if os.path.exists(self._temp_db_file_path): try: os.remove(self._temp_db_file_path) except (OSError, IOError) as exception: logger.warning(( 'Unable to remove temporary copy: {0:s} of SQLite database: ' '{1:s} with error: {2!s}').format( self._temp_db_file_path, self._filename, exception)) self._temp_db_file_path = '' if os.path.exists(self._temp_wal_file_path): try: os.remove(self._temp_wal_file_path) except (OSError, IOError) as exception: logger.warning(( 'Unable to remove temporary copy: {0:s} of SQLite database: ' '{1:s} with error: {2!s}').format( self._temp_wal_file_path, self._filename, exception)) self._temp_wal_file_path = ''
self._is_open = False
[docs] def Open(self, file_object, wal_file_object=None): """Opens a SQLite database file. Since pysqlite cannot read directly from a file-like object a temporary copy of the file is made. After creating a copy the database file this function sets up a connection with the database and determines the names of the tables. Args: file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. wal_file_object (Optional[dfvfs.FileIO]): file-like object for the Write-Ahead Log (WAL) file. Raises: IOError: if the file-like object cannot be read. sqlite3.DatabaseError: if the database cannot be parsed. ValueError: if the file-like object is missing. """ if not file_object: raise ValueError('Missing file object.') # TODO: Current design copies the entire file into a buffer # that is parsed by each SQLite parser. This is not very efficient, # especially when many SQLite parsers are ran against a relatively # large SQLite database. This temporary file that is created should # be usable by all SQLite parsers so the file should only be read # once in memory and then deleted when all SQLite parsers have completed. # TODO: Change this into a proper implementation using APSW # and virtual filesystems when that will be available. # Info: and # # Until then, just copy the file into a tempfile and parse it. temporary_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile( delete=False, dir=self._temporary_directory) try: self._CopyFileObjectToTemporaryFile(file_object, temporary_file) self._temp_db_file_path = except IOError: os.remove( raise finally: temporary_file.close() if wal_file_object: # Create WAL file using same filename so it is available for # sqlite3.connect() temporary_filename = '{0:s}-wal'.format(self._temp_db_file_path) temporary_file = open(temporary_filename, 'wb') try: self._CopyFileObjectToTemporaryFile(wal_file_object, temporary_file) self._temp_wal_file_path = temporary_filename except IOError: os.remove(temporary_filename) raise finally: temporary_file.close() self._database = sqlite3.connect(self._temp_db_file_path) try: self._database.row_factory = sqlite3.Row cursor = self._database.cursor() sql_results = cursor.execute(self.SCHEMA_QUERY) self.schema = { table_name: ' '.join(query.split()) for table_name, query in sql_results} except sqlite3.DatabaseError as exception: self._database.close() self._database = None os.remove(self._temp_db_file_path) self._temp_db_file_path = '' if self._temp_wal_file_path: os.remove(self._temp_wal_file_path) self._temp_wal_file_path = '' logger.debug( 'Unable to parse SQLite database: {0:s} with error: {1!s}'.format( self._filename, exception)) raise
self._is_open = True
[docs] def Query(self, query): """Queries the database. Args: query (str): SQL query. Returns: sqlite3.Cursor: results. Raises: sqlite3.DatabaseError: if querying the database fails. """ cursor = self._database.cursor() cursor.execute(query)
return cursor
[docs]class SQLiteParser(interface.FileEntryParser): """Parses SQLite database files.""" NAME = 'sqlite' DESCRIPTION = 'Parser for SQLite database files.' _plugin_classes = {} def _OpenDatabaseWithWAL( self, parser_mediator, database_file_entry, database_file_object, filename): """Opens a database with its Write-Ahead Log (WAL) committed. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. database_file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry of the database. database_file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object of the database. filename (str): name of the database file entry. Returns: tuple: contains: SQLiteDatabase: a database object with WAL file committed or None dfvfs.FileEntry: a file entry object of WAL file or None """ path_spec = database_file_entry.path_spec location = getattr(path_spec, 'location', None) if not path_spec or not location: return None, None location_wal = '{0:s}-wal'.format(location) file_system = database_file_entry.GetFileSystem() wal_path_spec = dfvfs_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( file_system.type_indicator, parent=path_spec.parent, location=location_wal) wal_file_entry = file_system.GetFileEntryByPathSpec(wal_path_spec) if not wal_file_entry: return None, None wal_file_object = wal_file_entry.GetFileObject() if not wal_file_object: return None, None database_wal = SQLiteDatabase( filename, temporary_directory=parser_mediator.temporary_directory) try: database_wal.Open(database_file_object, wal_file_object=wal_file_object) except (IOError, ValueError, sqlite3.DatabaseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'unable to open SQLite database and WAL with error: ' '{0!s}').format(exception)) return None, None finally: wal_file_object.close() return database_wal, wal_file_entry
[docs] @classmethod def GetFormatSpecification(cls): """Retrieves the format specification. Returns: FormatSpecification: a format specification or None if not available. """ format_specification = specification.FormatSpecification(cls.NAME) format_specification.AddNewSignature(b'SQLite format 3', offset=0)
return format_specification
[docs] def ParseFileEntry(self, parser_mediator, file_entry): """Parses a SQLite database file entry. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry to be parsed. Raises: UnableToParseFile: when the file cannot be parsed. """ filename = parser_mediator.GetFilename() database = SQLiteDatabase( filename, temporary_directory=parser_mediator.temporary_directory) file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject() try: database.Open(file_object) except (IOError, ValueError, sqlite3.DatabaseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( 'unable to open SQLite database with error: {0!s}'.format(exception)) file_object.close() return database_wal, wal_file_entry = self._OpenDatabaseWithWAL( parser_mediator, file_entry, file_object, filename) file_object.close() # Create a cache in which the resulting tables are cached. cache = SQLiteCache() try: table_names = frozenset(database.tables) for plugin in self._plugins: if not plugin.REQUIRED_TABLES.issubset(table_names): continue schema_match = plugin.CheckSchema(database) if plugin.REQUIRES_SCHEMA_MATCH and not schema_match: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'plugin: {0:s} found required tables but not a matching ' 'schema').format(plugin.NAME)) continue parser_mediator.SetFileEntry(file_entry) parser_mediator.AddEventAttribute('schema_match', schema_match) try: plugin.UpdateChainAndProcess( parser_mediator, cache=cache, database=database, database_wal=database_wal, wal_file_entry=wal_file_entry) except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'plugin: {0:s} unable to parse SQLite database with error: ' '{1!s}').format(plugin.NAME, exception)) finally: parser_mediator.RemoveEventAttribute('schema_match') if not database_wal: continue schema_match = plugin.CheckSchema(database) parser_mediator.SetFileEntry(wal_file_entry) parser_mediator.AddEventAttribute('schema_match', schema_match) try: plugin.UpdateChainAndProcess( parser_mediator, cache=cache, database=database, database_wal=database_wal, wal_file_entry=wal_file_entry) except Exception as exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError(( 'plugin: {0:s} unable to parse SQLite database and WAL with ' 'error: {1!s}').format(plugin.NAME, exception)) finally: parser_mediator.RemoveEventAttribute('schema_match') finally:
database.Close() manager.ParsersManager.RegisterParser(SQLiteParser)