Source code for plaso.parsers.plist_plugins.timemachine

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""TimeMachine plist plugin."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from plaso.containers import plist_event
from plaso.containers import time_events
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.parsers import plist
from plaso.parsers.plist_plugins import dtfabric_plugin

[docs]class TimeMachinePlugin(dtfabric_plugin.DtFabricBasePlistPlugin): """Basic plugin to extract time machine hard disk and the backups. Further details about the extracted fields: DestinationID: remote UUID hard disk where the backup is done. BackupAlias: structure that contains the extra information from the destinationID. SnapshotDates: list of the backup dates. """ NAME = 'time_machine' DESCRIPTION = 'Parser for TimeMachine plist files.' PLIST_PATH = '' PLIST_KEYS = frozenset(['Destinations', 'RootVolumeUUID']) _DEFINITION_FILE = 'timemachine.yaml' # pylint 1.9.3 wants a docstring for kwargs, but this is not useful to add. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,arguments-differ
[docs] def GetEntries(self, parser_mediator, match=None, **unused_kwargs): """Extracts relevant TimeMachine entries. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. match (Optional[dict[str: object]]): keys extracted from PLIST_KEYS. """ backup_alias_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('timemachine_backup_alias') destinations = match.get('Destinations', []) for destination in destinations: backup_alias_data = destination.get('BackupAlias', b'') try: backup_alias = self._ReadStructureFromByteStream( backup_alias_data, 0, backup_alias_map) alias = backup_alias.string except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( 'unable to parse backup alias value with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) alias = 'Unknown alias' destination_identifier = ( destination.get('DestinationID', None) or 'Unknown device') event_data = plist_event.PlistTimeEventData() event_data.desc = 'TimeMachine Backup in {0:s} ({1:s})'.format( alias, destination_identifier) event_data.key = 'item/SnapshotDates' event_data.root = '/Destinations' snapshot_dates = destination.get('SnapshotDates', []) for datetime_value in snapshot_dates: event = time_events.PythonDatetimeEvent( datetime_value, definitions.TIME_DESCRIPTION_WRITTEN)
parser_mediator.ProduceEventWithEventData(event, event_data) plist.PlistParser.RegisterPlugin(TimeMachinePlugin)