Source code for plaso.parsers.mediator

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The parser mediator."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
import os
import time

from dfvfs.lib import definitions as dfvfs_definitions

from plaso.containers import errors
from plaso.engine import path_helper
from plaso.engine import profilers
from plaso.lib import errors as errors_lib
from plaso.lib import py2to3
from plaso.lib import timelib
from plaso.parsers import logger

[docs]class ParserMediator(object): """Parser mediator. Attributes: last_activity_timestamp (int): timestamp received that indicates the last time activity was observed. The last activity timestamp is updated when the mediator produces an attribute container, such as an event source. This timestamp is used by the multi processing worker process to indicate the last time the worker was known to be active. This information is then used by the foreman to detect workers that are not responding (stalled). """ _INT64_MIN = -1 << 63 _INT64_MAX = (1 << 63) - 1 def __init__( self, storage_writer, knowledge_base, preferred_year=None, resolver_context=None, temporary_directory=None): """Initializes a parser mediator. Args: storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer. knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): contains information from the source data needed for parsing. preferred_year (Optional[int]): preferred year. resolver_context (Optional[dfvfs.Context]): resolver context. temporary_directory (Optional[str]): path of the directory for temporary files. """ super(ParserMediator, self).__init__() self._abort = False self._cpu_time_profiler = None self._extra_event_attributes = {} self._file_entry = None self._knowledge_base = knowledge_base self._last_event_data_hash = None self._last_event_data_identifier = None self._memory_profiler = None self._mount_path = None self._number_of_errors = 0 self._number_of_event_sources = 0 self._number_of_events = 0 self._parser_chain_components = [] self._preferred_year = preferred_year self._process_information = None self._resolver_context = resolver_context self._storage_writer = storage_writer self._temporary_directory = temporary_directory self._text_prepend = None self.last_activity_timestamp = 0.0 @property def abort(self): """bool: True if parsing should be aborted.""" return self._abort @property def codepage(self): """str: codepage.""" return self._knowledge_base.codepage @property def hostname(self): """str: hostname.""" return self._knowledge_base.hostname @property def knowledge_base(self): """KnowledgeBase: knowledge base.""" return self._knowledge_base @property def number_of_produced_errors(self): """int: number of produced errors.""" return self._number_of_errors @property def number_of_produced_event_sources(self): """int: number of produced event sources.""" return self._number_of_event_sources @property def number_of_produced_events(self): """int: number of produced events.""" return self._number_of_events @property def operating_system(self): """str: operating system or None if not set.""" return self._knowledge_base.GetValue('operating_system') @property def resolver_context(self): """dfvfs.Context: resolver context.""" return self._resolver_context @property def temporary_directory(self): """str: path of the directory for temporary files.""" return self._temporary_directory @property def timezone(self): """datetime.tzinfo: timezone.""" return self._knowledge_base.timezone @property def year(self): """int: year.""" return self._knowledge_base.year def _GetEarliestYearFromFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the year from the file entry date and time values. This function uses the creation time if available otherwise the change time (metadata last modification time) is used. Returns: int: year of the file entry or None. """ file_entry = self.GetFileEntry() if not file_entry: return None stat_object = file_entry.GetStat() posix_time = getattr(stat_object, 'crtime', None) if posix_time is None: posix_time = getattr(stat_object, 'ctime', None) # Gzip files don't store the creation or metadata modification times, # but the modification time stored in the file is a good proxy. if file_entry.TYPE_INDICATOR == dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_GZIP: posix_time = getattr(stat_object, 'mtime', None) if posix_time is None: logger.warning( 'Unable to determine earliest year from file stat information.') return None try: year = timelib.GetYearFromPosixTime( posix_time, timezone=self._knowledge_base.timezone) return year except ValueError as exception: logger.error(( 'Unable to determine earliest year from file stat information with ' 'error: {0!s}').format(exception)) return None def _GetInode(self, inode_value): """Retrieves the inode from the inode value. Args: inode_value (int|str): inode, such as 1 or '27-128-1'. Returns: int: inode or -1 if the inode value cannot be converted to an integer. """ if isinstance(inode_value, py2to3.INTEGER_TYPES): return inode_value if isinstance(inode_value, float): return int(inode_value) if not isinstance(inode_value, py2to3.STRING_TYPES): return -1 if b'-' in inode_value: inode_value, _, _ = inode_value.partition(b'-') try: return int(inode_value, 10) except ValueError: return -1 def _GetLatestYearFromFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the maximum (highest value) year from the file entry. This function uses the modification time if available otherwise the change time (metadata last modification time) is used. Returns: int: year of the file entry or None. """ file_entry = self.GetFileEntry() if not file_entry: return None stat_object = file_entry.GetStat() posix_time = getattr(stat_object, 'mtime', None) if posix_time is None: posix_time = getattr(stat_object, 'ctime', None) if posix_time is None: logger.warning( 'Unable to determine modification year from file stat information.') return None try: year = timelib.GetYearFromPosixTime( posix_time, timezone=self._knowledge_base.timezone) return year except ValueError as exception: logger.error(( 'Unable to determine creation year from file stat ' 'information with error: {0!s}').format(exception)) return None
[docs] def AddEventAttribute(self, attribute_name, attribute_value): """Adds an attribute that will be set on all events produced. Setting attributes using this method will cause events produced via this mediator to have an attribute with the provided name set with the provided value. Args: attribute_name (str): name of the attribute to add. attribute_value (str): value of the attribute to add. Raises: KeyError: if the event attribute is already set. """ if attribute_name in self._extra_event_attributes: raise KeyError('Event attribute {0:s} already set'.format( attribute_name))
self._extra_event_attributes[attribute_name] = attribute_value
[docs] def AppendToParserChain(self, plugin_or_parser): """Adds a parser or parser plugin to the parser chain. Args: plugin_or_parser (BaseParser): parser or parser plugin. """
[docs] def ClearEventAttributes(self): """Clears the extra event attributes."""
self._extra_event_attributes = {}
[docs] def ClearParserChain(self): """Clears the parser chain."""
self._parser_chain_components = []
[docs] def GetDisplayName(self, file_entry=None): """Retrieves the display name for a file entry. Args: file_entry (Optional[dfvfs.FileEntry]): file entry object, where None will return the display name of self._file_entry. Returns: str: human readable string that describes the path to the file entry. Raises: ValueError: if the file entry is missing. """ if file_entry is None: file_entry = self._file_entry if file_entry is None: raise ValueError('Missing file entry') path_spec = getattr(file_entry, 'path_spec', None) relative_path = path_helper.PathHelper.GetRelativePathForPathSpec( path_spec, mount_path=self._mount_path) if not relative_path: return
return self.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(path_spec)
[docs] def GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(self, path_spec): """Retrieves the display name for a path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. Returns: str: human readable version of the path specification. """ return path_helper.PathHelper.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec(
path_spec, mount_path=self._mount_path, text_prepend=self._text_prepend)
[docs] def GetEstimatedYear(self): """Retrieves an estimate of the year. This function determines the year in the following manner: * see if the user provided a preferred year; * see if knowledge base defines a year e.g. derived from preprocessing; * determine the year based on the file entry metadata; * default to the current year; Returns: int: estimated year. """ # TODO: improve this method to get a more reliable estimate. # Preserve the year-less date and sort this out in the psort phase. if self._preferred_year: return self._preferred_year if self._knowledge_base.year: return self._knowledge_base.year # TODO: Find a decent way to actually calculate the correct year # instead of relying on stats object. year = self._GetEarliestYearFromFileEntry() if not year: year = self._GetLatestYearFromFileEntry() if not year: year = timelib.GetCurrentYear()
return year
[docs] def GetFileEntry(self): """Retrieves the active file entry. Returns: dfvfs.FileEntry: file entry. """
return self._file_entry
[docs] def GetFilename(self): """Retrieves the name of the active file entry. Returns: str: name of the active file entry or None. """ if not self._file_entry: return None data_stream = getattr(self._file_entry.path_spec, 'data_stream', None) if data_stream: return '{0:s}:{1:s}'.format(, data_stream)
[docs] def GetLatestYear(self): """Retrieves the latest (newest) year for an event from a file. This function tries to determine the year based on the file entry metadata, if that fails the current year is used. Returns: int: year of the file entry or the current year. """ year = self._GetLatestYearFromFileEntry() if not year: year = timelib.GetCurrentYear()
return year
[docs] def GetParserChain(self): """Retrieves the current parser chain. Returns: str: parser chain. """
return '/'.join(self._parser_chain_components)
[docs] def PopFromParserChain(self): """Removes the last added parser or parser plugin from the parser chain."""
self._parser_chain_components.pop() # Pylint is confused by the format of the event docstring. # pylint: disable=missing-param-doc,missing-type-doc
[docs] def ProcessEvent( self, event, parser_chain=None, file_entry=None, query=None): """Processes an event before it written to the storage. Args: event (EventObject|EventData): event or event data. parser_chain (Optional[str]): parsing chain up to this point. file_entry (Optional[dfvfs.FileEntry]): file entry, where None will use the current file entry set in the mediator. query (Optional[str]): query that was used to obtain the event. Raises: KeyError: if there's an attempt to add a duplicate attribute value to the event. """ # TODO: rename this to event.parser_chain or equivalent. if not getattr(event, 'parser', None) and parser_chain: event.parser = parser_chain # TODO: deprecate text_prepend in favor of an event tag. if not getattr(event, 'text_prepend', None) and self._text_prepend: event.text_prepend = self._text_prepend if file_entry is None: file_entry = self._file_entry display_name = None if file_entry: event.pathspec = file_entry.path_spec if not getattr(event, 'filename', None): path_spec = getattr(file_entry, 'path_spec', None) event.filename = path_helper.PathHelper.GetRelativePathForPathSpec( path_spec, mount_path=self._mount_path) if not display_name: # TODO: dfVFS refactor: move display name to output since the path # specification contains the full information. display_name = self.GetDisplayName(file_entry) stat_object = file_entry.GetStat() inode_value = getattr(stat_object, 'ino', None) # TODO: refactor to ProcessEventData. # Note that we use getattr here since event can be either EventObject # or EventData. if getattr(event, 'inode', None) is None and inode_value is not None: event.inode = self._GetInode(inode_value) if not getattr(event, 'display_name', None) and display_name: event.display_name = display_name if not getattr(event, 'hostname', None) and self.hostname: event.hostname = self.hostname if not getattr(event, 'username', None): user_sid = getattr(event, 'user_sid', None) username = self._knowledge_base.GetUsernameByIdentifier(user_sid) if username: event.username = username if not getattr(event, 'query', None) and query: event.query = query for attribute, value in iter(self._extra_event_attributes.items()): if hasattr(event, attribute): raise KeyError('Event already has a value for {0:s}'.format(attribute))
setattr(event, attribute, value)
[docs] def ProduceEventSource(self, event_source): """Produces an event source. Args: event_source (EventSource): an event source. Raises: RuntimeError: when storage writer is not set. """ if not self._storage_writer: raise RuntimeError('Storage writer not set.') self._storage_writer.AddEventSource(event_source) self._number_of_event_sources += 1
self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def ProduceEventWithEventData(self, event, event_data): """Produces an event. Args: event (EventObject): event. event_data (EventData): event data. Raises: InvalidEvent: if the event timestamp value is not set or out of bounds. """ if event.timestamp is None: raise errors_lib.InvalidEvent('Event timestamp value not set.') if event.timestamp < self._INT64_MIN or event.timestamp > self._INT64_MAX: raise errors_lib.InvalidEvent('Event timestamp value out of bounds.') event_data_hash = event_data.GetAttributeValuesHash() if event_data_hash != self._last_event_data_hash: # Make a copy of the event data before adding additional values. event_data = copy.deepcopy(event_data) # TODO: refactor to ProcessEventData. self.ProcessEvent( event_data, parser_chain=self.GetParserChain(), file_entry=self._file_entry) self._storage_writer.AddEventData(event_data) self._last_event_data_hash = event_data_hash self._last_event_data_identifier = event_data.GetIdentifier() if self._last_event_data_identifier: event.SetEventDataIdentifier(self._last_event_data_identifier) # TODO: remove this after structural fix is in place # event.parser = self.GetParserChain() self._storage_writer.AddEvent(event) self._number_of_events += 1
self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def ProduceExtractionError(self, message, path_spec=None): """Produces an extraction error. Args: message (str): message of the error. path_spec (Optional[dfvfs.PathSpec]): path specification, where None will use the path specification of current file entry set in the mediator. Raises: RuntimeError: when storage writer is not set. """ if not self._storage_writer: raise RuntimeError('Storage writer not set.') if not path_spec and self._file_entry: path_spec = self._file_entry.path_spec parser_chain = self.GetParserChain() extraction_error = errors.ExtractionError( message=message, parser_chain=parser_chain, path_spec=path_spec) self._storage_writer.AddError(extraction_error) self._number_of_errors += 1
self.last_activity_timestamp = time.time()
[docs] def RemoveEventAttribute(self, attribute_name): """Removes an attribute from being set on all events produced. Args: attribute_name (str): name of the attribute to remove. Raises: KeyError: if the event attribute is not set. """ if attribute_name not in self._extra_event_attributes: raise KeyError('Event attribute: {0:s} not set'.format(attribute_name))
del self._extra_event_attributes[attribute_name]
[docs] def ResetFileEntry(self): """Resets the active file entry."""
self._file_entry = None
[docs] def SampleMemoryUsage(self, parser_name): """Takes a sample of the memory usage for profiling. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. """ if self._memory_profiler: used_memory = self._process_information.GetUsedMemory() or 0
self._memory_profiler.Sample(parser_name, used_memory)
[docs] def SampleStartTiming(self, parser_name): """Starts timing a CPU time sample for profiling. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. """ if self._cpu_time_profiler:
[docs] def SampleStopTiming(self, parser_name): """Stops timing a CPU time sample for profiling. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. """ if self._cpu_time_profiler:
[docs] def SetEventExtractionConfiguration(self, configuration): """Sets the event extraction configuration settings. Args: configuration (EventExtractionConfiguration): event extraction configuration. """
self._text_prepend = configuration.text_prepend
[docs] def SetInputSourceConfiguration(self, configuration): """Sets the input source configuration settings. Args: configuration (InputSourceConfiguration): input source configuration. """ mount_path = configuration.mount_path # Remove a trailing path separator from the mount path so the relative # paths will start with a path separator. if mount_path and mount_path.endswith(os.sep): mount_path = mount_path[:-1]
self._mount_path = mount_path
[docs] def SetFileEntry(self, file_entry): """Sets the active file entry. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. """
self._file_entry = file_entry
[docs] def SetStorageWriter(self, storage_writer): """Sets the storage writer. Args: storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer. """ self._storage_writer = storage_writer # Reset the last event data information. Each storage file should # contain event data for their events. self._last_event_data_hash = None
self._last_event_data_identifier = None
[docs] def SignalAbort(self): """Signals the parsers to abort."""
self._abort = True
[docs] def StartProfiling(self, configuration, identifier, process_information): """Starts profiling. Args: configuration (ProfilingConfiguration): profiling configuration. identifier (str): identifier of the profiling session used to create the sample filename. process_information (ProcessInfo): process information. """ if not configuration: return if configuration.HaveProfileParsers(): identifier = '{0:s}-parsers'.format(identifier) self._cpu_time_profiler = profilers.CPUTimeProfiler( identifier, configuration) self._cpu_time_profiler.Start() self._memory_profiler = profilers.MemoryProfiler( identifier, configuration) self._memory_profiler.Start()
self._process_information = process_information
[docs] def StopProfiling(self): """Stops profiling.""" if self._cpu_time_profiler: self._cpu_time_profiler.Stop() self._cpu_time_profiler = None if self._memory_profiler: self._memory_profiler.Stop() self._memory_profiler = None
self._process_information = None