Source code for plaso.parsers.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The parsers and plugins manager."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import pysigscan

from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.lib import specification
from plaso.parsers import logger
from plaso.parsers import presets

[docs]class ParsersManager(object): """The parsers and plugins manager.""" _parser_classes = {} @classmethod def _GetParserFilters(cls, parser_filter_expression): """Retrieves the parsers and plugins to include and exclude. Takes a comma separated string and splits it up into two dictionaries, of parsers and plugins to include and to exclude from selection. If a particular filter is prepended with an exclamation point it will be added to the exclude section, otherwise in the include. Args: parser_filter_expression (str): parser filter expression, where None represents all parsers and plugins. Returns: tuple: containing: * dict[str, BaseParser]: included parsers and plugins by name. * dict[str, BaseParser]: excluded parsers and plugins by name. """ if not parser_filter_expression: return {}, {} includes = {} excludes = {} preset_categories = presets.CATEGORIES.keys() for parser_filter in parser_filter_expression.split(','): parser_filter = parser_filter.strip() if not parser_filter: continue if parser_filter.startswith('!'): parser_filter = parser_filter[1:] active_dict = excludes else: active_dict = includes parser_filter = parser_filter.lower() if parser_filter in preset_categories: for parser_in_category in cls._GetParsersFromPresetCategory( parser_filter): parser, _, plugin = parser_in_category.partition('/') active_dict.setdefault(parser, []) if plugin: active_dict[parser].append(plugin) else: parser, _, plugin = parser_filter.partition('/') active_dict.setdefault(parser, []) if plugin: active_dict[parser].append(plugin) cls._ReduceParserFilters(includes, excludes) return includes, excludes @classmethod def _GetParsersFromPresetCategory(cls, category): """Retrieves the parser names of specific preset category. Args: category (str): parser preset categories. Returns: list[str]: parser names in alphabetical order. """ if category not in presets.CATEGORIES: return [] parser_names = set() for element_name in presets.CATEGORIES.get(category): if element_name in presets.CATEGORIES: category_parser_names = cls._GetParsersFromPresetCategory(element_name) parser_names.update(category_parser_names) else: parser_names.add(element_name) return sorted(parser_names) @classmethod def _ReduceParserFilters(cls, includes, excludes): """Reduces the parsers and plugins to include and exclude. If an intersection is found, the parser or plugin is removed from the inclusion set. If a parser is not in inclusion set there is no need to have it in the exclusion set. Args: includes (dict[str, BaseParser]): included parsers and plugins by name. excludes (dict[str, BaseParser]): excluded parsers and plugins by name. """ if not includes or not excludes: return for parser_name in set(includes).intersection(excludes): # Check parser and plugin list for exact equivalence. if includes[parser_name] == excludes[parser_name]: logger.warning( 'Parser {0:s} was in both the inclusion and exclusion lists. ' 'Ignoring included parser.'.format(parser_name)) includes.pop(parser_name) continue # Remove plugins that defined are in both inclusion and exclusion lists. plugin_includes = includes[parser_name] plugin_excludes = excludes[parser_name] intersection = set(plugin_includes).intersection(plugin_excludes) if not intersection: continue logger.warning( 'Parser {0:s} plugins: {1:s} in both the inclusion and exclusion ' 'lists. Ignoring included plugins.'.format( parser_name, ', '.join(intersection))) plugins_list = list(set(plugin_includes).difference(intersection)) includes[parser_name] = plugins_list # Remove excluded parsers that do not run. parsers_to_pop = [] for parser_name in excludes: if parser_name in includes: continue logger.warning( 'The excluded parser: {0:s} is not associated with the included ' 'parsers: {1:s}. Ignoring excluded parser.'.format( parser_name, ', '.join(includes.keys()))) parsers_to_pop.append(parser_name) for parser_name in parsers_to_pop: excludes.pop(parser_name)
[docs] @classmethod def CreateSignatureScanner(cls, specification_store): """Creates a signature scanner for format specifications with signatures. Args: specification_store (FormatSpecificationStore): format specifications with signatures. Returns: pysigscan.scanner: signature scanner. """ scanner_object = pysigscan.scanner() for format_specification in specification_store.specifications: for signature in format_specification.signatures: pattern_offset = signature.offset if pattern_offset is None: signature_flags = pysigscan.signature_flags.NO_OFFSET elif pattern_offset < 0: pattern_offset *= -1 signature_flags = pysigscan.signature_flags.RELATIVE_FROM_END else: signature_flags = pysigscan.signature_flags.RELATIVE_FROM_START scanner_object.add_signature( signature.identifier, pattern_offset, signature.pattern, signature_flags)
return scanner_object
[docs] @classmethod def DeregisterParser(cls, parser_class): """Deregisters a parser class. The parser classes are identified based on their lower case name. Args: parser_class (type): parser class (subclass of BaseParser). Raises: KeyError: if parser class is not set for the corresponding name. """ parser_name = parser_class.NAME.lower() if parser_name not in cls._parser_classes: raise KeyError('Parser class not set for name: {0:s}.'.format( parser_class.NAME))
del cls._parser_classes[parser_name]
[docs] @classmethod def GetFormatsWithSignatures(cls, parser_filter_expression=None): """Retrieves the format specifications that have signatures. This method will create a specification store for parsers that define a format specification with signatures and a list of parser names for those that do not. Args: parser_filter_expression (Optional[str]): parser filter expression, where None represents all parsers and plugins. Returns: tuple: containing: * FormatSpecificationStore: format specifications with signaures. * list[str[: remaining parser names that do not have a format specification with signatures. """ specification_store = specification.FormatSpecificationStore() remainder_list = [] for parser_name, parser_class in cls.GetParsers( parser_filter_expression=parser_filter_expression): format_specification = parser_class.GetFormatSpecification() if format_specification and format_specification.signatures: specification_store.AddSpecification(format_specification) else: remainder_list.append(parser_name)
return specification_store, remainder_list
[docs] @classmethod def GetNamesOfParsersWithPlugins(cls): """Retrieves the names of all parsers with plugins. Returns: list[str]: names of all parsers with plugins. """ parser_names = [] for parser_name, parser_class in cls.GetParsers(): if parser_class.SupportsPlugins(): parser_names.append(parser_name)
return sorted(parser_names)
[docs] @classmethod def GetParserAndPluginNames(cls, parser_filter_expression=None): """Retrieves the parser and parser plugin names. Args: parser_filter_expression (Optional[str]): parser filter expression, where None represents all parsers and plugins. Returns: list[str]: parser and parser plugin names. """ parser_and_plugin_names = [] for parser_name, parser_class in cls.GetParsers( parser_filter_expression=parser_filter_expression): parser_and_plugin_names.append(parser_name) if parser_class.SupportsPlugins(): for plugin_name, _ in parser_class.GetPlugins(): parser_and_plugin_names.append( '{0:s}/{1:s}'.format(parser_name, plugin_name))
return parser_and_plugin_names
[docs] @classmethod def GetParserPluginsInformation(cls, parser_filter_expression=None): """Retrieves the parser plugins information. Args: parser_filter_expression (Optional[str]): parser filter expression, where None represents all parsers and plugins. Returns: list[tuple[str, str]]: pairs of parser plugin names and descriptions. """ parser_plugins_information = [] for _, parser_class in cls.GetParsers( parser_filter_expression=parser_filter_expression): if parser_class.SupportsPlugins(): for plugin_name, plugin_class in parser_class.GetPlugins(): description = getattr(plugin_class, 'DESCRIPTION', '') parser_plugins_information.append((plugin_name, description))
return parser_plugins_information # Note this method is used by l2tpreg.
[docs] @classmethod def GetParserObjectByName(cls, parser_name): """Retrieves a specific parser object by its name. Args: parser_name (str): name of the parser. Returns: BaseParser: parser object or None. """ parser_class = cls._parser_classes.get(parser_name, None) if parser_class: return parser_class()
return None
[docs] @classmethod def GetParserObjects(cls, parser_filter_expression=None): """Retrieves the parser objects. Args: parser_filter_expression (Optional[str]): parser filter expression, where None represents all parsers and plugins. Returns: dict[str, BaseParser]: parsers per name. """ includes, excludes = cls._GetParserFilters(parser_filter_expression) parser_objects = {} for parser_name, parser_class in iter(cls._parser_classes.items()): # If there are no includes all parsers are included by default. if not includes and parser_name in excludes: continue if includes and parser_name not in includes: continue parser_object = parser_class() if parser_class.SupportsPlugins(): plugin_includes = None if parser_name in includes: plugin_includes = includes[parser_name] parser_object.EnablePlugins(plugin_includes) parser_objects[parser_name] = parser_object
return parser_objects
[docs] @classmethod def GetParsers(cls, parser_filter_expression=None): """Retrieves the registered parsers and plugins. Retrieves a dictionary of all registered parsers and associated plugins from a parser filter string. The filter string can contain direct names of parsers, presets or plugins. The filter string can also negate selection if prepended with an exclamation point, e.g.: "foo,!foo/bar" would include parser foo but not include plugin bar. A list of specific included and excluded plugins is also passed to each parser's class. The three types of entries in the filter string: * name of a parser: this would be the exact name of a single parser to include (or exclude), e.g. foo; * name of a preset, e.g. win7: the presets are defined in plaso/parsers/; * name of a plugin: if a plugin name is included the parent parser will be included in the list of registered parsers; Args: parser_filter_expression (Optional[str]): parser filter expression, where None represents all parsers and plugins. Yields: tuple: containing: * str: name of the parser: * type: parser class (subclass of BaseParser). """ includes, excludes = cls._GetParserFilters(parser_filter_expression) for parser_name, parser_class in iter(cls._parser_classes.items()): # If there are no includes all parsers are included by default. if not includes and parser_name in excludes: continue if includes and parser_name not in includes: continue
yield parser_name, parser_class
[docs] @classmethod def GetParsersInformation(cls): """Retrieves the parsers information. Returns: list[tuple[str, str]]: parser names and descriptions. """ parsers_information = [] for _, parser_class in cls.GetParsers(): description = getattr(parser_class, 'DESCRIPTION', '') parsers_information.append((parser_class.NAME, description))
return parsers_information
[docs] @classmethod def GetPresetForOperatingSystem( cls, operating_system, operating_system_product, operating_system_version): """Determines the preset for a specific operating system. Args: operating_system (str): operating system for example "Windows". This should be one of the values in definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEMS. operating_system_product (str): operating system product for example "Windows XP" as determined by preprocessing. operating_system_version (str): operating system version for example "5.1" as determined by preprocessing. Returns: str: parser filter preset, where None represents all parsers and plugins. """ # TODO: Make this more sane. Currently we are only checking against # one possible version of Windows, and then making the assumption if # that is not correct we default to Windows 7. Same thing with other # OS's, no assumption or checks are really made there. # Also this is done by default, and no way for the user to turn off # this behavior, need to add a parameter to the CLI tools that takes # care of overwriting this behavior. if operating_system == definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_LINUX: return 'linux' if operating_system == definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_MACOS: return 'macos' if operating_system_product: operating_system_product = operating_system_product.lower() else: operating_system_product = '' if operating_system_version: operating_system_version = operating_system_version.split('.') else: operating_system_version = ['0', '0'] # Windows NT 5 (2000, XP and 2003). if ('windows' in operating_system_product and operating_system_version[0] == '5'): return 'winxp' # TODO: Improve this detection, this should be more 'intelligent', since # there are quite a lot of versions out there that would benefit from # loading up the set of 'winxp' parsers. if ('windows xp' in operating_system_product or 'windows server 2000' in operating_system_product or 'windows server 2003' in operating_system_product): return 'winxp' # Fallback for other Windows versions. if 'windows' in operating_system_product: return 'win7' if operating_system == definitions.OPERATING_SYSTEM_WINDOWS: return 'win7'
return None
[docs] @classmethod def RegisterParser(cls, parser_class): """Registers a parser class. The parser classes are identified based on their lower case name. Args: parser_class (type): parser class (subclass of BaseParser). Raises: KeyError: if parser class is already set for the corresponding name. """ parser_name = parser_class.NAME.lower() if parser_name in cls._parser_classes: raise KeyError('Parser class already set for name: {0:s}.'.format( parser_class.NAME))
cls._parser_classes[parser_name] = parser_class
[docs] @classmethod def RegisterParsers(cls, parser_classes): """Registers parser classes. The parser classes are identified based on their lower case name. Args: parser_classes (list[type]): parsers classes (subclasses of BaseParser). Raises: KeyError: if parser class is already set for the corresponding name. """ for parser_class in parser_classes: