Source code for plaso.parsers.dsv_parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Delimiter separated values (DSV) parser interface."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import csv

from dfvfs.helpers import text_file

from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import line_reader_file
from plaso.lib import py2to3
from plaso.lib import specification
from plaso.parsers import interface

# The Python 2 version of the csv module does not support Unicode input
# and we cannot use dfvfs.TextFile. csv.DictReader requires a file-like
# object that implements readline. BinaryLineReader provides readline on top
# of dfvfs.FileIO objects.

[docs]class DSVParser(interface.FileObjectParser): """Delimiter separated values (DSV) parser interface.""" # A list that contains the names of all the fields in the log file. This # needs to be defined by each DSV parser. COLUMNS = [] # The default delimiter is a comma, but a tab, pipe or other character are # known to be used. Note the delimiter must be a byte string otherwise csv # module can raise a TypeError indicating that "delimiter" must be a single # character string. DELIMITER = b',' # If there is a header before the lines start it can be defined here, and # the number of header lines that need to be skipped before the parsing # starts. NUMBER_OF_HEADER_LINES = 0 # If there is a special quote character used inside the structured text # it can be defined here. QUOTE_CHAR = b'"' # Value that should not appear inside the file, made to test the actual # file to see if it confirms to standards. _MAGIC_TEST_STRING = b'RegnThvotturMeistarans' # Maximum supported file size of 16 MiB. _MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_FILE_SIZE = 16 * 1024 * 1024 def __init__(self, encoding=None): """Initializes a delimiter separated values (DSV) parser. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): encoding used in the DSV file, where None indicates the codepage of the parser mediator should be used. """ super(DSVParser, self).__init__() self._encoding = encoding def _ConvertRowToUnicode(self, parser_mediator, row): """Converts all strings in a DSV row dict to Unicode. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. row (dict[str, bytes]): a row from a DSV file, where the dictionary key contains the column name and the value a binary string. Returns: dict[str, str]: a row from the DSV file, where the dictionary key contains the column name and the value a Unicode string. """ for key, value in iter(row.items()): if isinstance(value, py2to3.UNICODE_TYPE): continue try: row[key] = value.decode(self._encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: replaced_value = value.decode(self._encoding, errors='replace') parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionError( 'error decoding DSV value: {0:s} as {1:s}, characters have been ' 'replaced in {2:s}'.format(key, self._encoding, replaced_value)) row[key] = replaced_value return row def _CreateDictReader(self, line_reader): """Returns a reader that processes each row and yields dictionaries. csv.DictReader does this job well for single-character delimiters; parsers that need multi-character delimiters need to override this method. Args: line_reader (iter): yields lines from a file-like object. Returns: iter: a reader of dictionaries, as returned by csv.DictReader(). """ delimiter = self.DELIMITER quotechar = self.QUOTE_CHAR magic_test_string = self._MAGIC_TEST_STRING # Python 3 csv module requires arguments to constructor to be of type str. if py2to3.PY_3: delimiter = delimiter.decode(self._encoding) quotechar = quotechar.decode(self._encoding) magic_test_string = magic_test_string.decode(self._encoding) return csv.DictReader( line_reader, delimiter=delimiter, fieldnames=self.COLUMNS, quotechar=quotechar, restkey=magic_test_string, restval=magic_test_string)
[docs] @classmethod def GetFormatSpecification(cls): """Retrieves the format specification. Returns: FormatSpecification: format specification. """
return specification.FormatSpecification(cls.NAME, text_format=True)
[docs] def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object): """Parses a DSV text file-like object. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. Raises: UnableToParseFile: when the file cannot be parsed. """ file_size = file_object.get_size() # The csv module can consume a lot of memory, 1 GiB for a 100 MiB file. # Hence that the maximum supported file size is restricted. if file_size > self._MAXIMUM_SUPPORTED_FILE_SIZE: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s} size of file exceeds ' 'maximum supported size').format(self.NAME, display_name)) # TODO: Replace this with detection of the file encoding via byte-order # marks. Also see: if not self._encoding: self._encoding = parser_mediator.codepage # The Python 2 csv module reads bytes and the Python 3 csv module Unicode # reads strings. if py2to3.PY_3: line_reader = text_file.TextFile(file_object, encoding=self._encoding) else: line_reader = line_reader_file.BinaryLineReader(file_object) # If we specifically define a number of lines we should skip, do that here. for _ in range(0, self.NUMBER_OF_HEADER_LINES): line_reader.readline() reader = self._CreateDictReader(line_reader) row_offset = line_reader.tell() try: row = next(reader) except (StopIteration, csv.Error, UnicodeDecodeError) as exception: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s} with error: {2!s}.'.format( self.NAME, display_name, exception)) number_of_columns = len(self.COLUMNS) number_of_records = len(row) if number_of_records != number_of_columns: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s}. Wrong number of ' 'records (expected: {2:d}, got: {3:d})').format( self.NAME, display_name, number_of_columns, number_of_records)) for key, value in row.items(): if self._MAGIC_TEST_STRING in (key, value): display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s}. Signature ' 'mismatch.').format(self.NAME, display_name)) row = self._ConvertRowToUnicode(parser_mediator, row) if not self.VerifyRow(parser_mediator, row): display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s}. Verification ' 'failed.').format(self.NAME, display_name)) self.ParseRow(parser_mediator, row_offset, row) row_offset = line_reader.tell() for row in reader: if parser_mediator.abort: break row = self._ConvertRowToUnicode(parser_mediator, row) self.ParseRow(parser_mediator, row_offset, row)
row_offset = line_reader.tell()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ParseRow(self, parser_mediator, row_offset, row): """Parses a line of the log file and produces events. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. row_offset (int): offset of the row. row (dict[str, str]): fields of a single row, as specified in COLUMNS.
""" # pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def VerifyRow(self, parser_mediator, row): """Verifies if a line of the file is in the expected format. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. row (dict[str, str]): fields of a single row, as specified in COLUMNS. Returns: bool: True if this is the correct parser, False otherwise.