Source code for plaso.output.mysql_4n6time

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Defines the output module for the MySQL database used by 4n6time."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

  import MySQLdb
except ImportError:
  MySQLdb = None

from plaso.output import logger
from plaso.output import manager
from plaso.output import shared_4n6time

[docs]class MySQL4n6TimeOutputModule(shared_4n6time.Shared4n6TimeOutputModule): """Class defining the MySQL database output module for 4n6time.""" NAME = '4n6time_mysql' DESCRIPTION = 'MySQL database output for the 4n6time tool.' _META_FIELDS = frozenset([ 'sourcetype', 'source', 'user', 'host', 'MACB', 'type', 'record_number']) _CREATE_TABLE_QUERY = ( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS log2timeline (' 'rowid INT NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, timezone VARCHAR(256), ' 'MACB VARCHAR(256), source VARCHAR(256), sourcetype VARCHAR(256), ' 'type VARCHAR(256), user VARCHAR(256), host VARCHAR(256), ' 'description TEXT, filename VARCHAR(256), inode VARCHAR(256), ' 'notes VARCHAR(256), format VARCHAR(256), ' 'extra TEXT, datetime datetime, reportnotes VARCHAR(256), ' 'inreport VARCHAR(256), tag VARCHAR(256), offset INT, ' 'vss_store_number INT, URL TEXT, record_number VARCHAR(256), ' 'event_identifier VARCHAR(256), event_type VARCHAR(256), ' 'source_name VARCHAR(256), user_sid VARCHAR(256), ' 'computer_name VARCHAR(256), evidence VARCHAR(256), ' 'PRIMARY KEY (rowid)) ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED') _INSERT_QUERY = ( 'INSERT INTO log2timeline(timezone, MACB, source, ' 'sourcetype, type, user, host, description, filename, ' 'inode, notes, format, extra, datetime, reportnotes, inreport, ' 'tag, offset, vss_store_number, URL, record_number, ' 'event_identifier, event_type, source_name, user_sid, computer_name, ' 'evidence) ' 'VALUES (:timezone, :MACB, :source, :sourcetype, :type, :user, :host, ' ':description, :filename, :inode, :notes, :format, :extra, :datetime, ' ':reportnotes, :inreport, :tag, :offset, :vss_store_number, :URL, ' ':record_number, :event_identifier, :event_type, :source_name, ' ':user_sid, :computer_name, :evidence)') def __init__(self, output_mediator): """Initializes the output module object. Args: output_mediator (OutputMediator): mediates interactions between output modules and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. """ super(MySQL4n6TimeOutputModule, self).__init__(output_mediator) self._connection = None self._count = None self._cursor = None self._dbname = 'log2timeline' self._host = 'localhost' self._password = 'forensic' self._port = None self._user = 'root' def _GetTags(self): """Retrieves tags from the database. Returns: list[str]: tags. """ all_tags = [] self._cursor.execute('SELECT DISTINCT tag FROM log2timeline') # This cleans up the messy SQL return. tag_row = self._cursor.fetchone() while tag_row: tag_string = tag_row[0] if tag_string: tags = tag_string.split(',') for tag in tags: if tag not in all_tags: all_tags.append(tag) tag_row = self._cursor.fetchone() # TODO: make this method an iterator. return all_tags def _GetUniqueValues(self, field_name): """Retrieves the unique values fo a specific field from the database. Args: field_name (str): name of the field. Returns: dict[str, int]: number of instances of the field value per field name. """ self._cursor.execute( 'SELECT {0:s}, COUNT({0:s}) FROM log2timeline GROUP BY {0:s}'.format( field_name)) result = {} row = self._cursor.fetchone() while row: if row[0]: result[row[0]] = row[1] row = self._cursor.fetchone() return result
[docs] def Close(self): """Disconnects from the database. This method will create the necessary indices and commit outstanding transactions before disconnecting. """ # Build up indices for the fields specified in the args. # It will commit the inserts automatically before creating index. if not self._append: for field_name in self._fields: query = 'CREATE INDEX {0:s}_idx ON log2timeline ({0:s})'.format( field_name) self._cursor.execute(query) if self._set_status: self._set_status('Created index: {0:s}'.format(field_name)) # Get meta info and save into their tables. if self._set_status: self._set_status('Creating metadata...') for field in self._META_FIELDS: values = self._GetUniqueValues(field) self._cursor.execute('DELETE FROM l2t_{0:s}s'.format(field)) for name, frequency in iter(values.items()): self._cursor.execute(( 'INSERT INTO l2t_{0:s}s ({1:s}s, frequency) ' 'VALUES("{2:s}", {3:d}) ').format(field, field, name, frequency)) self._cursor.execute('DELETE FROM l2t_tags') for tag in self._GetTags(): self._cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO l2t_tags (tag) VALUES ("{0:s}")'.format(tag)) if self._set_status: self._set_status('Database created.') self._connection.commit() self._cursor.close() self._connection.close() self._cursor = None
self._connection = None
[docs] def Open(self): """Connects to the database and creates the required tables. Raises: IOError: If Unable to insert into database. ValueError: If no database name given. """ if not self._dbname: raise ValueError('Missing database name.') try: if self._append: self._connection = MySQLdb.connect( self._host, self._user, self._password, self._dbname) self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() self._connection.set_character_set('utf8') self._cursor.execute('SET NAMES utf8') self._cursor.execute('SET CHARACTER SET utf8') self._cursor.execute('SET character_set_connection=utf8') self._cursor.execute('SET GLOBAL innodb_large_prefix=ON') self._cursor.execute('SET GLOBAL innodb_file_format=barracuda') self._cursor.execute('SET GLOBAL innodb_file_per_table=ON') self._cursor.execute( 'CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS {0:s}'.format(self._dbname)) self._cursor.execute('USE {0:s}'.format(self._dbname)) # Create tables. self._cursor.execute(self._CREATE_TABLE_QUERY) if self._set_status: self._set_status('Created table: log2timeline') for field in self._META_FIELDS: self._cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS l2t_{0}s ({0}s TEXT, frequency INT) ' 'ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED'.format(field)) if self._set_status: self._set_status('Created table: l2t_{0:s}'.format(field)) self._cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS l2t_tags (tag TEXT) ' 'ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED') if self._set_status: self._set_status('Created table: l2t_tags') self._cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS l2t_saved_query (' 'name TEXT, query TEXT) ' 'ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED') if self._set_status: self._set_status('Created table: l2t_saved_query') self._cursor.execute( 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS l2t_disk (' 'disk_type INT, mount_path TEXT, ' 'dd_path TEXT, dd_offset TEXT, ' 'storage_file TEXT, export_path TEXT) ' 'ENGINE=InnoDB ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED') self._cursor.execute( 'INSERT INTO l2t_disk (' 'disk_type, mount_path, dd_path, ' 'dd_offset, storage_file, ' 'export_path) VALUES ' '(0, "", "", "", "", "")') if self._set_status: self._set_status('Created table: l2t_disk') except MySQLdb.Error as exception: raise IOError('Unable to insert into database with error: {0!s}'.format( exception))
self._count = 0
[docs] def SetCredentials(self, password=None, username=None): """Sets the database credentials. Args: password (Optional[str]): password to access the database. username (Optional[str]): username to access the database. """ if password: self._password = password if username:
self._user = username
[docs] def SetDatabaseName(self, name): """Sets the database name. Args: name (str): name of the database. """
self._dbname = name
[docs] def SetServerInformation(self, server, port): """Sets the server information. Args: server (str): hostname or IP address of the database server. port (int): port number of the database server. """ self._host = server
self._port = port
[docs] def WriteEventBody(self, event): """Writes the body of an event object to the output. Args: event (EventObject): event. """ if not hasattr(event, 'timestamp'): return row = self._GetSanitizedEventValues(event) try: self._cursor.execute(self._INSERT_QUERY, row) except MySQLdb.Error as exception: logger.warning( 'Unable to insert into database with error: {0!s}.'.format( exception)) self._count += 1 # TODO: Experiment if committing the current transaction # every 10000 inserts is the optimal approach. if self._count % 10000 == 0: self._connection.commit() if self._set_status:
self._set_status('Inserting event: {0:d}'.format(self._count)) manager.OutputManager.RegisterOutput( MySQL4n6TimeOutputModule, disabled=MySQLdb is None)