Source code for plaso.output.dynamic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Contains a formatter for a dynamic output module for plaso."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from dfdatetime import posix_time as dfdatetime_posix_time

from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import py2to3
from plaso.lib import timelib
from plaso.output import interface
from plaso.output import logger
from plaso.output import manager

[docs]class DynamicFieldsHelper(object): """Helper for outputting a dynamic selection of fields.""" # A dict containing mappings between the name of fields and # a callback function that formats the field value. _FIELD_FORMAT_CALLBACKS = { 'date': '_FormatDate', 'datetime': '_FormatDateTime', 'description': '_FormatMessage', 'description_short': '_FormatMessageShort', 'host': '_FormatHostname', 'hostname': '_FormatHostname', 'inode': '_FormatInode', 'macb': '_FormatMACB', 'message': '_FormatMessage', 'message_short': '_FormatMessageShort', 'source': '_FormatSourceShort', 'sourcetype': '_FormatSource', 'source_long': '_FormatSource', 'tag': '_FormatTag', 'time': '_FormatTime', 'timezone': '_FormatZone', 'type': '_FormatTimestampDescription', 'user': '_FormatUsername', 'username': '_FormatUsername', 'zone': '_FormatZone', } def __init__(self, output_mediator): """Initializes a dynamic fields helper. Args: output_mediator (OutputMediator): output mediator. """ super(DynamicFieldsHelper, self).__init__() self._output_mediator = output_mediator def _FormatDate(self, event): """Formats the date. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: date field. """ # TODO: preserve dfdatetime as an object. # TODO: add support for self._output_mediator.timezone date_time = dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInMicroseconds( timestamp=event.timestamp) year, month, day_of_month = date_time.GetDate() return '{0:04d}-{1:02d}-{2:02d}'.format(year, month, day_of_month) def _FormatDateTime(self, event): """Formats the date and time in ISO 8601 format. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: date and time field. """ try: return timelib.Timestamp.CopyToIsoFormat( event.timestamp, timezone=self._output_mediator.timezone, raise_error=True) except (OverflowError, ValueError) as exception: self._ReportEventError(event, ( 'unable to copy timestamp: {0!s} to a human readable date and time ' 'with error: {1!s}. Defaulting to: "0000-00-00T00:00:00"').format( event.timestamp, exception)) return '0000-00-00T00:00:00' def _FormatHostname(self, event): """Formats the hostname. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: hostname field. """ return self._output_mediator.GetHostname(event) def _FormatInode(self, event): """Formats the inode. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: inode field. """ inode = event.inode if inode is None: if hasattr(event, 'pathspec') and hasattr(event.pathspec, 'image_inode'): inode = event.pathspec.image_inode if inode is None: inode = '-' return inode def _FormatMACB(self, event): """Formats the legacy MACB representation. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: MACB field. """ return self._output_mediator.GetMACBRepresentation(event) def _FormatMessage(self, event): """Formats the message. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: message field. Raises: NoFormatterFound: if no event formatter can be found to match the data type in the event. """ message, _ = self._output_mediator.GetFormattedMessages(event) if message is None: data_type = getattr(event, 'data_type', 'UNKNOWN') raise errors.NoFormatterFound( 'Unable to find event formatter for: {0:s}.'.format(data_type)) return message def _FormatMessageShort(self, event): """Formats the short message. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: short message field. Raises: NoFormatterFound: if no event formatter can be found to match the data type in the event. """ _, message_short = self._output_mediator.GetFormattedMessages(event) if message_short is None: data_type = getattr(event, 'data_type', 'UNKNOWN') raise errors.NoFormatterFound( 'Unable to find event formatter for: {0:s}.'.format(data_type)) return message_short def _FormatSource(self, event): """Formats the source. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: source field. Raises: NoFormatterFound: if no event formatter can be found to match the data type in the event. """ _, source = self._output_mediator.GetFormattedSources(event) if source is None: data_type = getattr(event, 'data_type', 'UNKNOWN') raise errors.NoFormatterFound( 'Unable to find event formatter for: {0:s}.'.format(data_type)) return source def _FormatSourceShort(self, event): """Formats the short source. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: short source field. Raises: NoFormatterFound: If no event formatter can be found to match the data type in the event. """ source_short, _ = self._output_mediator.GetFormattedSources(event) if source_short is None: data_type = getattr(event, 'data_type', 'UNKNOWN') raise errors.NoFormatterFound( 'Unable to find event formatter for: {0:s}.'.format(data_type)) return source_short def _FormatTag(self, event): """Formats the event tag. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: event tag field. """ tag = getattr(event, 'tag', None) if not tag: return '-' return ' '.join(tag.labels) def _FormatTime(self, event): """Formats the time. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: time field. """ # TODO: preserve dfdatetime as an object. # TODO: add support for self._output_mediator.timezone date_time = dfdatetime_posix_time.PosixTimeInMicroseconds( timestamp=event.timestamp) hours, minutes, seconds = date_time.GetTimeOfDay() return '{0:02d}:{1:02d}:{2:02d}'.format(hours, minutes, seconds) def _FormatTimestampDescription(self, event): """Formats the timestamp description. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: timestamp description field. """ return event.timestamp_desc or '-' def _FormatUsername(self, event): """Formats the username. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: username field. """ return self._output_mediator.GetUsername(event) # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _FormatZone(self, event): """Formats the time zone. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: str: time zone field. """ return self._output_mediator.timezone def _ReportEventError(self, event, error_message): """Reports an event related error. Args: event (EventObject): event. error_message (str): error message. """ event_identifier = event.GetIdentifier() event_identifier_string = event_identifier.CopyToString() error_message = ( 'Event: {0!s} data type: {1:s} display name: {2:s} ' 'parser chain: {3:s} with error: {4:s}').format( event_identifier_string, event.data_type, event.display_name, event.parser, error_message) logger.error(error_message)
[docs] def GetFormattedField(self, event, field_name): """Formats the specified field. Args: event (EventObject): event. field_name (str): name of the field. Returns: str: value of the field. """ callback_name = self._FIELD_FORMAT_CALLBACKS.get(field_name, None) callback_function = None if callback_name: callback_function = getattr(self, callback_name, None) if callback_function: output_value = callback_function(event) else: output_value = getattr(event, field_name, '-') if output_value is None: output_value = '-' elif not isinstance(output_value, py2to3.STRING_TYPES): output_value = '{0!s}'.format(output_value)
return output_value
[docs]class DynamicOutputModule(interface.LinearOutputModule): """Dynamic selection of fields for a separated value output format.""" NAME = 'dynamic' DESCRIPTION = ( 'Dynamic selection of fields for a separated value output format.') _DEFAULT_FIELD_DELIMITER = ',' _DEFAULT_FIELDS = [ 'datetime', 'timestamp_desc', 'source', 'source_long', 'message', 'parser', 'display_name', 'tag'] def __init__(self, output_mediator): """Initializes an output module object. Args: output_mediator (OutputMediator): an output mediator. """ super(DynamicOutputModule, self).__init__(output_mediator) self._dynamic_fields_helper = DynamicFieldsHelper(output_mediator) self._field_delimiter = self._DEFAULT_FIELD_DELIMITER self._fields = self._DEFAULT_FIELDS def _SanitizeField(self, field): """Sanitizes a field for output. This method replaces any field delimiters with a space. Args: field (str): name of the field to sanitize. Returns: str: value of the field. """ if self._field_delimiter and isinstance(field, py2to3.STRING_TYPES): return field.replace(self._field_delimiter, ' ') return field
[docs] def SetFieldDelimiter(self, field_delimiter): """Sets the field delimiter. Args: field_delimiter (str): field delimiter. """
self._field_delimiter = field_delimiter
[docs] def SetFields(self, fields): """Sets the fields to output. Args: fields (list[str]): names of the fields to output. """
self._fields = fields
[docs] def WriteEventBody(self, event): """Writes the body of an event to the output. Args: event (EventObject): event. """ output_values = [] for field_name in self._fields: output_value = self._dynamic_fields_helper.GetFormattedField( event, field_name) output_value = self._SanitizeField(output_value) output_values.append(output_value) output_line = '{0:s}\n'.format(self._field_delimiter.join(output_values))
[docs] def WriteHeader(self): """Writes the header to the output.""" output_text = self._field_delimiter.join(self._fields) output_text = '{0:s}\n'.format(output_text)
self._output_writer.Write(output_text) manager.OutputManager.RegisterOutput(DynamicOutputModule)