Source code for plaso.multi_processing.psort

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The psort multi-processing engine."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import collections
import heapq
import os
import time

from plaso.engine import plaso_queue
from plaso.engine import zeromq_queue
from plaso.containers import tasks
from plaso.lib import bufferlib
from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.lib import py2to3
from plaso.multi_processing import analysis_process
from plaso.multi_processing import engine as multi_process_engine
from plaso.multi_processing import logger
from plaso.multi_processing import multi_process_queue
from import event_tag_index
from import time_range as storage_time_range

[docs]class PsortEventHeap(object): """Psort event heap.""" _IDENTIFIER_EXCLUDED_ATTRIBUTES = frozenset([ 'data_type', 'display_name', 'filename', 'inode', 'parser', 'tag', 'timestamp', 'timestamp_desc']) def __init__(self): """Initializes a psort events heap.""" super(PsortEventHeap, self).__init__() self._heap = [] @property def number_of_events(self): """int: number of events on the heap.""" return len(self._heap) def _GetEventIdentifiers(self, event): """Retrieves different identifiers of the event. Every event contains event data, which consists of attributes and values. These attributes and values can be represented as a string and used for sorting and uniquely identifying events. This function determines multiple identifiers: * an identifier of the attributes and values without the timestamp description (or usage). This is referred to as the MACB group identifier. * an identifier of the attributes and values including the timestamp description (or usage). This is referred to as the event content identifier. The identifier without the timestamp description can be used to group events that have the same MACB (modification, access, change, birth) timestamps. The PsortEventHeap will store these events individually and relies on PsortMultiProcessEngine to do the actual grouping of events. Args: event (EventObject): event. Returns: tuple: containing: str: identifier of the event MACB group or None if the event cannot be grouped. str: identifier of the event content. """ attributes = [] attribute_string = 'data_type: {0:s}'.format(event.data_type) attributes.append(attribute_string) for attribute_name, attribute_value in sorted(event.GetAttributes()): if attribute_name in self._IDENTIFIER_EXCLUDED_ATTRIBUTES: continue if not attribute_value: continue if attribute_name == 'pathspec': attribute_value = attribute_value.comparable elif isinstance(attribute_value, dict): attribute_value = sorted(attribute_value.items()) elif isinstance(attribute_value, set): attribute_value = sorted(list(attribute_value)) elif isinstance(attribute_value, py2to3.BYTES_TYPE): attribute_value = repr(attribute_value) try: attribute_string = '{0:s}: {1!s}'.format( attribute_name, attribute_value) except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.error('Failed to decode attribute {0:s}'.format( attribute_name)) attributes.append(attribute_string) # The 'atime', 'ctime', 'crtime', 'mtime' are included for backwards # compatibility with the filestat parser. if event.timestamp_desc in ( 'atime', 'ctime', 'crtime', 'mtime', definitions.TIME_DESCRIPTION_LAST_ACCESS, definitions.TIME_DESCRIPTION_CHANGE, definitions.TIME_DESCRIPTION_CREATION, definitions.TIME_DESCRIPTION_MODIFICATION): macb_group_identifier = ', '.join(attributes) else: macb_group_identifier = None attributes.insert(0, event.timestamp_desc) content_identifier = ', '.join(attributes) return macb_group_identifier, content_identifier
[docs] def PopEvent(self): """Pops an event from the heap. Returns: tuple: containing: str: identifier of the event MACB group or None if the event cannot be grouped. str: identifier of the event content. EventObject: event. """ try: macb_group_identifier, content_identifier, event = heapq.heappop( self._heap) if macb_group_identifier == '': macb_group_identifier = None return macb_group_identifier, content_identifier, event except IndexError:
return None
[docs] def PopEvents(self): """Pops events from the heap. Yields: EventObject: event. """ event = self.PopEvent() while event: yield event
event = self.PopEvent()
[docs] def PushEvent(self, event): """Pushes an event onto the heap. Args: event (EventObject): event. """ macb_group_identifier, content_identifier = self._GetEventIdentifiers(event) # We can ignore the timestamp here because the psort engine only stores # events with the same timestamp in the event heap. heap_values = (macb_group_identifier or '', content_identifier, event)
heapq.heappush(self._heap, heap_values)
[docs]class PsortMultiProcessEngine(multi_process_engine.MultiProcessEngine): """Psort multi-processing engine.""" _PROCESS_JOIN_TIMEOUT = 5.0 _PROCESS_WORKER_TIMEOUT = 15.0 * 60.0 _QUEUE_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 def __init__(self, use_zeromq=True): """Initializes an engine object. Args: use_zeromq (Optional[bool]): True if ZeroMQ should be used for queuing instead of Python's multiprocessing queue. """ super(PsortMultiProcessEngine, self).__init__() self._analysis_plugins = {} self._completed_analysis_processes = set() self._data_location = None self._event_filter_expression = None self._event_queues = {} self._event_tag_index = event_tag_index.EventTagIndex() # The export event heap is used to make sure the events are sorted in # a deterministic way. self._export_event_heap = PsortEventHeap() self._export_event_timestamp = 0 self._guppy_memory_profiler = None self._knowledge_base = None self._memory_profiler = None self._merge_task = None self._number_of_consumed_errors = 0 self._number_of_consumed_events = 0 self._number_of_consumed_event_tags = 0 self._number_of_consumed_reports = 0 self._number_of_consumed_sources = 0 self._number_of_duplicate_events = 0 self._number_of_macb_grouped_events = 0 self._number_of_produced_errors = 0 self._number_of_produced_events = 0 self._number_of_produced_event_tags = 0 self._number_of_produced_reports = 0 self._number_of_produced_sources = 0 self._processing_configuration = None self._processing_profiler = None self._serializers_profiler = None self._status = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_IDLE self._status_update_callback = None self._use_zeromq = use_zeromq self._worker_memory_limit = definitions.DEFAULT_WORKER_MEMORY_LIMIT def _AnalyzeEvents(self, storage_writer, analysis_plugins, event_filter=None): """Analyzes events in a plaso storage. Args: storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer. analysis_plugins (dict[str, AnalysisPlugin]): analysis plugins that should be run and their names. event_filter (Optional[FilterObject]): event filter. Returns: collections.Counter: counter containing information about the events processed and filtered. Raises: RuntimeError: if a non-recoverable situation is encountered. """ self._status = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_RUNNING self._number_of_consumed_errors = 0 self._number_of_consumed_events = 0 self._number_of_consumed_reports = 0 self._number_of_consumed_sources = 0 self._number_of_produced_errors = 0 self._number_of_produced_events = 0 self._number_of_produced_reports = 0 self._number_of_produced_sources = 0 number_of_filtered_events = 0 logger.debug('Processing events.') filter_limit = getattr(event_filter, 'limit', None) for event in storage_writer.GetSortedEvents(): event_data_identifier = event.GetEventDataIdentifier() if event_data_identifier: event_data = storage_writer.GetEventDataByIdentifier( event_data_identifier) if event_data: for attribute_name, attribute_value in event_data.GetAttributes(): setattr(event, attribute_name, attribute_value) event_identifier = event.GetIdentifier() event.tag = self._event_tag_index.GetEventTagByIdentifier( storage_writer, event_identifier) if event_filter: filter_match = event_filter.Match(event) else: filter_match = None # pylint: disable=singleton-comparison if filter_match == False: number_of_filtered_events += 1 continue for event_queue in self._event_queues.values(): # TODO: Check for premature exit of analysis plugins. event_queue.PushItem(event) self._number_of_consumed_events += 1 if (event_filter and filter_limit and filter_limit == self._number_of_consumed_events): break logger.debug('Finished pushing events to analysis plugins.') # Signal that we have finished adding events. for event_queue in self._event_queues.values(): event_queue.PushItem(plaso_queue.QueueAbort(), block=False) logger.debug('Processing analysis plugin results.') # TODO: use a task based approach. plugin_names = [plugin_name for plugin_name in analysis_plugins.keys()] while plugin_names: for plugin_name in list(plugin_names): if self._abort: break # TODO: temporary solution. task = tasks.Task() task.identifier = plugin_name merge_ready = storage_writer.CheckTaskReadyForMerge(task) if merge_ready: storage_writer.PrepareMergeTaskStorage(task) self._status = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_MERGING event_queue = self._event_queues[plugin_name] del self._event_queues[plugin_name] event_queue.Close() storage_merge_reader = storage_writer.StartMergeTaskStorage(task) storage_merge_reader.MergeAttributeContainers( callback=self._MergeEventTag) # TODO: temporary solution. plugin_names.remove(plugin_name) self._status = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_RUNNING self._number_of_produced_event_tags = ( storage_writer.number_of_event_tags) self._number_of_produced_reports = ( storage_writer.number_of_analysis_reports) try: storage_writer.StopTaskStorage(abort=self._abort) except (IOError, OSError) as exception: logger.error('Unable to stop task storage with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) if self._abort: logger.debug('Processing aborted.') else: logger.debug('Processing completed.') events_counter = collections.Counter() events_counter['Events filtered'] = number_of_filtered_events events_counter['Events processed'] = self._number_of_consumed_events return events_counter def _CheckStatusAnalysisProcess(self, pid): """Checks the status of an analysis process. Args: pid (int): process ID (PID) of a registered analysis process. Raises: KeyError: if the process is not registered with the engine. """ # TODO: Refactor this method, simplify and separate concerns (monitoring # vs management). self._RaiseIfNotRegistered(pid) if pid in self._completed_analysis_processes: status_indicator = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_COMPLETED process_status = { 'processing_status': status_indicator} used_memory = 0 else: process = self._processes_per_pid[pid] process_status = self._QueryProcessStatus(process) if process_status is None: process_is_alive = False else: process_is_alive = True process_information = self._process_information_per_pid[pid] used_memory = process_information.GetUsedMemory() or 0 if self._worker_memory_limit and used_memory > self._worker_memory_limit: logger.warning(( 'Process: {0:s} (PID: {1:d}) killed because it exceeded the ' 'memory limit: {2:d}.').format(, pid, self._worker_memory_limit)) self._KillProcess(pid) if isinstance(process_status, dict): self._rpc_errors_per_pid[pid] = 0 status_indicator = process_status.get('processing_status', None) if status_indicator == definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_COMPLETED: self._completed_analysis_processes.add(pid) else: rpc_errors = self._rpc_errors_per_pid.get(pid, 0) + 1 self._rpc_errors_per_pid[pid] = rpc_errors if rpc_errors > self._MAXIMUM_RPC_ERRORS: process_is_alive = False if process_is_alive: rpc_port = process.rpc_port.value logger.warning(( 'Unable to retrieve process: {0:s} (PID: {1:d}) status via ' 'RPC socket: http://localhost:{2:d}').format(, pid, rpc_port)) processing_status_string = 'RPC error' status_indicator = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_RUNNING else: processing_status_string = 'killed' status_indicator = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_KILLED process_status = { 'processing_status': processing_status_string} self._UpdateProcessingStatus(pid, process_status, used_memory) if status_indicator in definitions.PROCESSING_ERROR_STATUS: logger.error(( 'Process {0:s} (PID: {1:d}) is not functioning correctly. ' 'Status code: {2!s}.').format(, pid, status_indicator)) self._TerminateProcessByPid(pid) def _ExportEvent(self, output_module, event, deduplicate_events=True): """Exports an event using an output module. Args: output_module (OutputModule): output module. event (EventObject): event. deduplicate_events (Optional[bool]): True if events should be deduplicated. """ if event.timestamp != self._export_event_timestamp: self._FlushExportBuffer( output_module, deduplicate_events=deduplicate_events) self._export_event_timestamp = event.timestamp self._export_event_heap.PushEvent(event) def _ExportEvents( self, storage_reader, output_module, deduplicate_events=True, event_filter=None, time_slice=None, use_time_slicer=False): """Exports events using an output module. Args: storage_reader (StorageReader): storage reader. output_module (OutputModule): output module. deduplicate_events (Optional[bool]): True if events should be deduplicated. event_filter (Optional[FilterObject]): event filter. time_slice (Optional[TimeRange]): time range that defines a time slice to filter events. use_time_slicer (Optional[bool]): True if the 'time slicer' should be used. The 'time slicer' will provide a context of events around an event of interest. Returns: collections.Counter: counter that tracks the number of unique events read from storage. """ self._status = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_EXPORTING time_slice_buffer = None time_slice_range = None if time_slice: if time_slice.event_timestamp is not None: time_slice_range = storage_time_range.TimeRange( time_slice.start_timestamp, time_slice.end_timestamp) if use_time_slicer: time_slice_buffer = bufferlib.CircularBuffer(time_slice.duration) filter_limit = getattr(event_filter, 'limit', None) forward_entries = 0 number_of_filtered_events = 0 number_of_events_from_time_slice = 0 for event in storage_reader.GetSortedEvents(time_range=time_slice_range): event_data_identifier = event.GetEventDataIdentifier() if event_data_identifier: event_data = storage_reader.GetEventDataByIdentifier( event_data_identifier) if event_data: for attribute_name, attribute_value in event_data.GetAttributes(): setattr(event, attribute_name, attribute_value) event_identifier = event.GetIdentifier() event.tag = self._event_tag_index.GetEventTagByIdentifier( storage_reader, event_identifier) if time_slice_range and event.timestamp != time_slice.event_timestamp: number_of_events_from_time_slice += 1 if event_filter: filter_match = event_filter.Match(event) else: filter_match = None # pylint: disable=singleton-comparison if filter_match == False: if not time_slice_buffer: number_of_filtered_events += 1 elif forward_entries == 0: time_slice_buffer.Append(event) number_of_filtered_events += 1 elif forward_entries <= time_slice_buffer.size: self._ExportEvent( output_module, event, deduplicate_events=deduplicate_events) self._number_of_consumed_events += 1 number_of_events_from_time_slice += 1 forward_entries += 1 else: # We reached the maximum size of the time slice and don't need to # include other entries. number_of_filtered_events += 1 forward_entries = 0 else: # pylint: disable=singleton-comparison if filter_match == True and time_slice_buffer: # Empty the time slice buffer. for event_in_buffer in time_slice_buffer.Flush(): self._ExportEvent( output_module, event_in_buffer, deduplicate_events=deduplicate_events) self._number_of_consumed_events += 1 number_of_filtered_events += 1 number_of_events_from_time_slice += 1 forward_entries = 1 self._ExportEvent( output_module, event, deduplicate_events=deduplicate_events) self._number_of_consumed_events += 1 # pylint: disable=singleton-comparison if (filter_match == True and filter_limit and filter_limit == self._number_of_consumed_events): break self._FlushExportBuffer(output_module) events_counter = collections.Counter() events_counter['Events filtered'] = number_of_filtered_events events_counter['Events from time slice'] = number_of_events_from_time_slice events_counter['Events processed'] = self._number_of_consumed_events if self._number_of_duplicate_events: events_counter['Duplicate events removed'] = ( self._number_of_duplicate_events) if self._number_of_macb_grouped_events: events_counter['Events MACB grouped'] = ( self._number_of_macb_grouped_events) if filter_limit: events_counter['Limited By'] = filter_limit return events_counter def _FlushExportBuffer(self, output_module, deduplicate_events=True): """Flushes buffered events and writes them to the output module. Args: output_module (OutputModule): output module. deduplicate_events (Optional[bool]): True if events should be deduplicated. """ last_macb_group_identifier = None last_content_identifier = None macb_group = [] generator = self._export_event_heap.PopEvents() for macb_group_identifier, content_identifier, event in generator: if deduplicate_events and last_content_identifier == content_identifier: self._number_of_duplicate_events += 1 continue if macb_group_identifier is None: if macb_group: output_module.WriteEventMACBGroup(macb_group) macb_group = [] output_module.WriteEvent(event) else: if (last_macb_group_identifier == macb_group_identifier or not macb_group): macb_group.append(event) else: output_module.WriteEventMACBGroup(macb_group) macb_group = [event] self._number_of_macb_grouped_events += 1 last_macb_group_identifier = macb_group_identifier last_content_identifier = content_identifier if macb_group: output_module.WriteEventMACBGroup(macb_group) def _MergeEventTag(self, storage_writer, attribute_container): """Merges an event tag with the last stored event tag. If there is an existing event the provided event tag is updated with the contents of the existing one. After which the event tag index is updated. Args: storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer. attribute_container (AttributeContainer): container. """ if attribute_container.CONTAINER_TYPE != 'event_tag': return event_identifier = attribute_container.GetEventIdentifier() if not event_identifier: return # Check if the event has already been tagged on a previous occasion, # we need to append the event tag to the last stored one. stored_event_tag = self._event_tag_index.GetEventTagByIdentifier( storage_writer, event_identifier) if stored_event_tag: attribute_container.AddComment(stored_event_tag.comment) attribute_container.AddLabels(stored_event_tag.labels) self._event_tag_index.SetEventTag(attribute_container) def _StartAnalysisProcesses(self, storage_writer, analysis_plugins): """Starts the analysis processes. Args: storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer. analysis_plugins (dict[str, AnalysisPlugin]): analysis plugins that should be run and their names. """'Starting analysis plugins.') for analysis_plugin in analysis_plugins.values(): self._analysis_plugins[analysis_plugin.NAME] = analysis_plugin process = self._StartWorkerProcess(analysis_plugin.NAME, storage_writer) if not process: logger.error('Unable to create analysis process: {0:s}'.format( analysis_plugin.NAME))'Analysis plugins running') def _StatusUpdateThreadMain(self): """Main function of the status update thread.""" while self._status_update_active: # Make a local copy of the PIDs in case the dict is changed by # the main thread. for pid in list(self._process_information_per_pid.keys()): self._CheckStatusAnalysisProcess(pid) used_memory = self._process_information.GetUsedMemory() or 0 display_name = getattr(self._merge_task, 'identifier', '') self._processing_status.UpdateForemanStatus( self._name, self._status, self._pid, used_memory, display_name, self._number_of_consumed_sources, self._number_of_produced_sources, self._number_of_consumed_events, self._number_of_produced_events, self._number_of_consumed_event_tags, self._number_of_produced_event_tags, self._number_of_consumed_errors, self._number_of_produced_errors, self._number_of_consumed_reports, self._number_of_produced_reports) if self._status_update_callback: self._status_update_callback(self._processing_status) time.sleep(self._STATUS_UPDATE_INTERVAL) def _StopAnalysisProcesses(self, abort=False): """Stops the analysis processes. Args: abort (bool): True to indicated the stop is issued on abort. """ logger.debug('Stopping analysis processes.') self._StopMonitoringProcesses() # Note that multiprocessing.Queue is very sensitive regarding # blocking on either a get or a put. So we try to prevent using # any blocking behavior. if abort: # Signal all the processes to abort. self._AbortTerminate() if not self._use_zeromq: logger.debug('Emptying queues.') for event_queue in self._event_queues.values(): event_queue.Empty() # Wake the processes to make sure that they are not blocking # waiting for the queue new items. for event_queue in self._event_queues.values(): event_queue.PushItem(plaso_queue.QueueAbort(), block=False) # Try waiting for the processes to exit normally. self._AbortJoin(timeout=self._PROCESS_JOIN_TIMEOUT) for event_queue in self._event_queues.values(): event_queue.Close(abort=abort) if abort: # Kill any remaining processes. self._AbortKill() else: # Check if the processes are still alive and terminate them if necessary. self._AbortTerminate() self._AbortJoin(timeout=self._PROCESS_JOIN_TIMEOUT) for event_queue in self._event_queues.values(): event_queue.Close(abort=True) def _UpdateProcessingStatus(self, pid, process_status, used_memory): """Updates the processing status. Args: pid (int): process identifier (PID) of the worker process. process_status (dict[str, object]): status values received from the worker process. used_memory (int): size of used memory in bytes. Raises: KeyError: if the process is not registered with the engine. """ self._RaiseIfNotRegistered(pid) if not process_status: return process = self._processes_per_pid[pid] processing_status = process_status.get('processing_status', None) self._RaiseIfNotMonitored(pid) display_name = process_status.get('display_name', '') number_of_consumed_errors = process_status.get( 'number_of_consumed_errors', None) number_of_produced_errors = process_status.get( 'number_of_produced_errors', None) number_of_consumed_event_tags = process_status.get( 'number_of_consumed_event_tags', None) number_of_produced_event_tags = process_status.get( 'number_of_produced_event_tags', None) number_of_consumed_events = process_status.get( 'number_of_consumed_events', None) number_of_produced_events = process_status.get( 'number_of_produced_events', None) number_of_consumed_reports = process_status.get( 'number_of_consumed_reports', None) number_of_produced_reports = process_status.get( 'number_of_produced_reports', None) number_of_consumed_sources = process_status.get( 'number_of_consumed_sources', None) number_of_produced_sources = process_status.get( 'number_of_produced_sources', None) if processing_status != definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_IDLE: last_activity_timestamp = process_status.get( 'last_activity_timestamp', 0.0) if last_activity_timestamp: last_activity_timestamp += self._PROCESS_WORKER_TIMEOUT current_timestamp = time.time() if current_timestamp > last_activity_timestamp: logger.error(( 'Process {0:s} (PID: {1:d}) has not reported activity within ' 'the timeout period.').format(, pid)) processing_status = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_NOT_RESPONDING self._processing_status.UpdateWorkerStatus(, processing_status, pid, used_memory, display_name, number_of_consumed_sources, number_of_produced_sources, number_of_consumed_events, number_of_produced_events, number_of_consumed_event_tags, number_of_produced_event_tags, number_of_consumed_errors, number_of_produced_errors, number_of_consumed_reports, number_of_produced_reports) def _StartWorkerProcess(self, process_name, storage_writer): """Creates, starts, monitors and registers a worker process. Args: process_name (str): process name. storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer for a session storage used to create task storage. Returns: MultiProcessWorkerProcess: extraction worker process or None on error. """ analysis_plugin = self._analysis_plugins.get(process_name, None) if not analysis_plugin: logger.error('Missing analysis plugin: {0:s}'.format(process_name)) return None if self._use_zeromq: queue_name = '{0:s} output event queue'.format(process_name) output_event_queue = zeromq_queue.ZeroMQPushBindQueue( name=queue_name, timeout_seconds=self._QUEUE_TIMEOUT) # Open the queue so it can bind to a random port, and we can get the # port number to use in the input queue. output_event_queue.Open() else: output_event_queue = multi_process_queue.MultiProcessingQueue( timeout=self._QUEUE_TIMEOUT) self._event_queues[process_name] = output_event_queue if self._use_zeromq: queue_name = '{0:s} input event queue'.format(process_name) input_event_queue = zeromq_queue.ZeroMQPullConnectQueue( name=queue_name, delay_open=True, port=output_event_queue.port, timeout_seconds=self._QUEUE_TIMEOUT) else: input_event_queue = output_event_queue process = analysis_process.AnalysisProcess( input_event_queue, storage_writer, self._knowledge_base, analysis_plugin, self._processing_configuration, data_location=self._data_location, event_filter_expression=self._event_filter_expression, name=process_name) process.start()'Started analysis plugin: {0:s} (PID: {1:d}).'.format( process_name, try: self._StartMonitoringProcess(process) except (IOError, KeyError) as exception: logger.error(( 'Unable to monitor analysis plugin: {0:s} (PID: {1:d}) ' 'with error: {2!s}').format(process_name,, exception)) process.terminate() return None self._RegisterProcess(process) return process
[docs] def AnalyzeEvents( self, knowledge_base_object, storage_writer, data_location, analysis_plugins, processing_configuration, event_filter=None, event_filter_expression=None, status_update_callback=None, worker_memory_limit=None): """Analyzes events in a plaso storage. Args: knowledge_base_object (KnowledgeBase): contains information from the source data needed for processing. storage_writer (StorageWriter): storage writer. data_location (str): path to the location that data files should be loaded from. analysis_plugins (dict[str, AnalysisPlugin]): analysis plugins that should be run and their names. processing_configuration (ProcessingConfiguration): processing configuration. event_filter (Optional[FilterObject]): event filter. event_filter_expression (Optional[str]): event filter expression. status_update_callback (Optional[function]): callback function for status updates. worker_memory_limit (Optional[int]): maximum amount of memory a worker is allowed to consume, where None represents the default memory limit and 0 represents no limit. Raises: KeyboardInterrupt: if a keyboard interrupt was raised. """ if not analysis_plugins: return keyboard_interrupt = False self._analysis_plugins = {} self._data_location = data_location self._event_filter_expression = event_filter_expression self._knowledge_base = knowledge_base_object self._status_update_callback = status_update_callback self._processing_configuration = processing_configuration if worker_memory_limit is None: self._worker_memory_limit = definitions.DEFAULT_WORKER_MEMORY_LIMIT else: self._worker_memory_limit = worker_memory_limit self._StartProfiling(self._processing_configuration.profiling) # Set up the storage writer before the analysis processes. storage_writer.StartTaskStorage() self._StartAnalysisProcesses(storage_writer, analysis_plugins) # Start the status update thread after open of the storage writer # so we don't have to clean up the thread if the open fails. self._StartStatusUpdateThread() try: # Open the storage file after creating the worker processes otherwise # the ZIP storage file will remain locked as long as the worker processes # are alive. storage_writer.Open() storage_writer.ReadPreprocessingInformation(knowledge_base_object) storage_writer.WriteSessionStart() try: self._AnalyzeEvents( storage_writer, analysis_plugins, event_filter=event_filter) self._status = definitions.PROCESSING_STATUS_FINALIZING except KeyboardInterrupt: keyboard_interrupt = True self._abort = True self._processing_status.aborted = True if self._status_update_callback: self._status_update_callback(self._processing_status) finally: storage_writer.WriteSessionCompletion(aborted=self._abort) storage_writer.Close() finally: # Stop the status update thread after close of the storage writer # so we include the storage sync to disk in the status updates. self._StopStatusUpdateThread() try: self._StopAnalysisProcesses(abort=self._abort) except KeyboardInterrupt: keyboard_interrupt = True self._AbortKill() # The abort can leave the main process unresponsive # due to incorrectly finalized IPC. self._KillProcess(os.getpid()) self._StopProfiling() # Reset values. self._analysis_plugins = {} self._data_location = None self._event_filter_expression = None self._knowledge_base = None self._processing_configuration = None self._status_update_callback = None self._worker_memory_limit = definitions.DEFAULT_WORKER_MEMORY_LIMIT if keyboard_interrupt: raise KeyboardInterrupt if keyboard_interrupt:
raise KeyboardInterrupt
[docs] def ExportEvents( self, knowledge_base_object, storage_reader, output_module, processing_configuration, deduplicate_events=True, event_filter=None, status_update_callback=None, time_slice=None, use_time_slicer=False): """Exports events using an output module. Args: knowledge_base_object (KnowledgeBase): contains information from the source data needed for processing. storage_reader (StorageReader): storage reader. output_module (OutputModule): output module. processing_configuration (ProcessingConfiguration): processing configuration. deduplicate_events (Optional[bool]): True if events should be deduplicated. event_filter (Optional[FilterObject]): event filter. status_update_callback (Optional[function]): callback function for status updates. time_slice (Optional[TimeSlice]): slice of time to output. use_time_slicer (Optional[bool]): True if the 'time slicer' should be used. The 'time slicer' will provide a context of events around an event of interest. Returns: collections.Counter: counter that tracks the number of events extracted from storage. """ self._processing_configuration = processing_configuration self._status_update_callback = status_update_callback storage_reader.ReadPreprocessingInformation(knowledge_base_object) output_module.Open() output_module.WriteHeader() self._StartStatusUpdateThread() self._StartProfiling(self._processing_configuration.profiling) try: events_counter = self._ExportEvents( storage_reader, output_module, deduplicate_events=deduplicate_events, event_filter=event_filter, time_slice=time_slice, use_time_slicer=use_time_slicer) finally: # Stop the status update thread after close of the storage writer # so we include the storage sync to disk in the status updates. self._StopStatusUpdateThread() output_module.WriteFooter() output_module.Close() self._StopProfiling() # Reset values. self._status_update_callback = None self._processing_configuration = None
return events_counter