Source code for plaso.lib.pfilter

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""An extension of the objectfilter to provide plaso specific options."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import calendar
import datetime
import logging
import re

from plaso.formatters import manager as formatters_manager
from plaso.formatters import mediator as formatters_mediator

from plaso.lib import definitions
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import objectfilter
from plaso.lib import py2to3
from plaso.lib import timelib
from plaso.parsers import presets

# pylint: disable=missing-type-doc,missing-return-type-doc,missing-return-doc

[docs]class DictObject(object): # There's a backslash in the class docstring, so as not to confuse Sphinx. # pylint: disable=anomalous-backslash-in-string """A simple object representing a dict object. To filter against an object that is stored as a dictionary the dict is converted into a simple object. Since keys can contain spaces and/or other symbols they are stripped out to make filtering work like it is another object. Example dict:: {'A value': 234, 'this (my) key_': 'value', 'random': True, } This object would then allow access to object.thismykey that would access the key 'this (my) key\_' inside the dict. """ _STRIP_KEY_RE = re.compile(r'[ (){}+_=\-<>[\]]') def __init__(self, dict_object): """Initialize the object and build a secondary dict.""" # TODO: Move some of this code to a more value typed system. self._dict_object = dict_object self._dict_translated = {} for key, value in dict_object.items(): key = self._StripKey(key) self._dict_translated[key] = value def _StripKey(self, key): """Strips a key form symbols to use within a dictionary. Args: key (str): key to strip. Returns: str: stripped key. """ return self._STRIP_KEY_RE.sub('', key.lower())
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """Return back entries from the dictionary.""" if attr in self._dict_object: return self._dict_object.get(attr) # Special case of getting all the key/value pairs. if attr == '__all__': ret = [] for key, value in self._dict_translated.items(): ret.append('{}:{}'.format(key, value)) return ' '.join(ret) test = self._StripKey(attr) if test in self._dict_translated: return self._dict_translated.get(test)
return None
[docs]class PlasoValueExpander(objectfilter.AttributeValueExpander): """An expander that gives values based on object attribute names.""" def _GetMessage(self, event_object): """Returns a properly formatted message string. Args: event_object: the event object (instance od EventObject). Returns: A formatted message string. """ # TODO: move this somewhere where the mediator can be instantiated once. formatter_mediator = formatters_mediator.FormatterMediator() result = '' try: result, _ = formatters_manager.FormattersManager.GetMessageStrings( formatter_mediator, event_object) except KeyError as exception: logging.warning('Unable to correctly assemble event: {0:s}'.format( exception)) return result def _GetSources(self, event_object): """Returns properly formatted source strings. Args: event_object: the event object (instance od EventObject). """ try: source_short, source_long = ( formatters_manager.FormattersManager.GetSourceStrings(event_object)) except KeyError as exception: logging.warning('Unable to correctly assemble event: {0:s}'.format( exception)) return source_short, source_long def _GetValue(self, obj, attr_name): ret = getattr(obj, attr_name, None) if ret: if isinstance(ret, dict): ret = DictObject(ret) if attr_name == 'tag': return ret.labels return ret # Check if this is a message request and we have a regular EventObject. if attr_name == 'message': return self._GetMessage(obj) # Check if this is a source_short request. if attr_name in ('source', 'source_short'): source_short, _ = self._GetSources(obj) return source_short # Check if this is a source_long request. if attr_name in ('source_long', 'sourcetype'): _, source_long = self._GetSources(obj) return source_long return None def _GetAttributeName(self, path):
return path[0].lower()
[docs]class PlasoExpression(objectfilter.BasicExpression): """A Plaso specific expression.""" # A simple dictionary used to swap attributes so other names can be used # to reference some core attributes (implementation specific). swap_source = { 'date': 'timestamp', 'datetime': 'timestamp', 'time': 'timestamp', 'description_long': 'message', 'description': 'message', 'description_short': 'message_short', }
[docs] def Compile(self, filter_implementation): """Compiles the filter implementation. Args: filter_implementation: a filter object (instance of objectfilter.TODO). Returns: A filter operator (instance of TODO). Raises: ParserError: if an unknown operator is provided. """ self.attribute = self.swap_source.get(self.attribute, self.attribute) arguments = [self.attribute] op_str = self.operator.lower() operator = filter_implementation.OPS.get(op_str, None) if not operator: raise errors.ParseError('Unknown operator {0:s} provided.'.format( self.operator)) # Plaso specific implementation - if we are comparing a timestamp # to a value, we use our specific implementation that compares # timestamps in a "human readable" format. if self.attribute == 'timestamp': args = [] for arg in self.args: args.append(DateCompareObject(arg)) self.args = args for arg in self.args: if isinstance(arg, DateCompareObject): if 'Less' in str(operator): TimeRangeCache.SetUpperTimestamp( else: TimeRangeCache.SetLowerTimestamp( arguments.extend(self.args) expander = filter_implementation.FILTERS['ValueExpander'] ops = operator(arguments=arguments, value_expander=expander) if not self.bool_value: if hasattr(ops, 'FlipBool'): ops.FlipBool()
return ops
[docs]class ParserList(objectfilter.GenericBinaryOperator): """Matches when a parser is inside a predefined list of parsers.""" def __init__(self, *children, **kwargs): """Construct the parser list and retrieve a list of available parsers.""" super(ParserList, self).__init__(*children, **kwargs) self.compiled_list = presets.CATEGORIES.get( self.right_operand.lower(), [])
[docs] def Operation(self, x, unused_y): """Return a bool depending on the parser list contains the parser.""" if self.left_operand != 'parser': raise errors.MalformedQueryError( 'Unable to use keyword "inlist" for other than parser.') if x in self.compiled_list: return True
return False
[docs]class PlasoAttributeFilterImplementation(objectfilter.BaseFilterImplementation): """Does field name access on the lowercase version of names. Useful to only access attributes and properties with Google's python naming style. """ FILTERS = {} FILTERS.update(objectfilter.BaseFilterImplementation.FILTERS) FILTERS.update({'ValueExpander': PlasoValueExpander}) OPS = objectfilter.OP2FN
OPS.update({'inlist': ParserList,})
[docs]class DateCompareObject(object): """A specific class created for date comparison. This object takes a date representation, whether that is a direct integer datetime object or a string presenting the date, and uses that for comparing against timestamps stored in microseconds in in microseconds since Jan 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC. This makes it possible to use regular comparison operators for date, irrelevant of the format the date comes in, since plaso stores all timestamps in the same format, which is an integer/long, it is a simple manner of changing the input into the same format (int) and compare that. """ def __init__(self, data): """Take a date object and use that for comparison. Args: data: A string, datetime object or an integer containing the number of micro seconds since January 1, 1970, 00:00:00 UTC. Raises: ValueError: if the date string is invalid. """ if isinstance(data, py2to3.INTEGER_TYPES): = data self.text = '{0:d}'.format(data) elif isinstance(data, float): = py2to3.LONG_TYPE(data) self.text = '{0:f}'.format(data) elif isinstance(data, py2to3.STRING_TYPES): if isinstance(data, py2to3.BYTES_TYPE): self.text = data.decode('utf-8', errors='ignore') else: self.text = data try: = timelib.Timestamp.FromTimeString(self.text) except (ValueError, errors.TimestampError): raise ValueError('Wrongly formatted date string: {0:s}'.format( self.text)) elif isinstance(data, datetime.datetime): posix_time = int(calendar.timegm(data.utctimetuple())) = ( posix_time * definitions.MICROSECONDS_PER_SECOND) + data.microsecond self.text = '{0!s}'.format(data) elif isinstance(data, DateCompareObject): = self.text = '{0!s}'.format(data) else: raise ValueError('Unsupported type: {0:s}.'.format(type(data)))
[docs] def __cmp__(self, x): """A simple comparison operation.""" try: x_date = DateCompareObject(x) # The following implements a Python3 compatible: # cmp(, return ( > - ( < except ValueError:
return False
[docs] def __le__(self, x): """Less or equal comparison."""
return <= x
[docs] def __lt__(self, x): """Less comparison"""
return < x
[docs] def __ge__(self, x): """Greater or equal comparison."""
return >= x
[docs] def __gt__(self, x): """Greater comparison."""
return > x
[docs] def __eq__(self, x): """Check if equal."""
return x ==
[docs] def __ne__(self, x): """Check if not equal."""
return x !=
[docs] def __str__(self): """Return a string representation of the object."""
return self.text
[docs]class BaseParser(objectfilter.Parser): """Plaso version of the Parser."""
expression_cls = PlasoExpression
[docs]class TimeRangeCache(object): """A class that stores time ranges from filters.""" MAX_INT64 = 2**64-1
[docs] @classmethod def SetLowerTimestamp(cls, timestamp): """Sets the lower bound timestamp.""" if not hasattr(cls, '_lower'): cls._lower = timestamp return if timestamp < cls._lower:
cls._lower = timestamp
[docs] @classmethod def SetUpperTimestamp(cls, timestamp): """Sets the upper bound timestamp.""" if not hasattr(cls, '_upper'): cls._upper = timestamp return if timestamp > cls._upper:
cls._upper = timestamp
[docs] @classmethod def GetTimeRange(cls): """Return the first and last timestamp of filter range.""" first = getattr(cls, '_lower', 0) last = getattr(cls, '_upper', cls.MAX_INT64) if first < last: return first, last
return last, first