Source code for plaso.formatters.winregservice

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Windows services event formatter.

The Windows services are derived from Windows Registry files.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from plaso.formatters import manager
from plaso.formatters import winreg
from plaso.winnt import human_readable_service_enums

[docs]class WinRegistryServiceFormatter(winreg.WinRegistryGenericFormatter): """Formatter for a Windows service event.""" DATA_TYPE = 'windows:registry:service'
[docs] def GetMessages(self, formatter_mediator, event): """Determines the formatted message strings for an event object. Args: formatter_mediator (FormatterMediator): mediates the interactions between formatters and other components, such as storage and Windows EventLog resources. event (EventObject): event. Returns: tuple(str, str): formatted message string and short message string. Raises: WrongFormatter: if the event object cannot be formatted by the formatter. """ regvalue = getattr(event, 'regvalue', {}) # Loop over all the registry value names in the service key. for service_value_name in regvalue.keys(): # A temporary variable so we can refer to this long name more easily. service_enums = human_readable_service_enums.SERVICE_ENUMS # Check if we need to can make the value more human readable. if service_value_name in service_enums.keys(): service_enum = service_enums[service_value_name] # Find the human readable version of the name and fall back to the # raw value if it's not found. human_readable_value = service_enum.get( regvalue[service_value_name], regvalue[service_value_name]) regvalue[service_value_name] = human_readable_value return super(WinRegistryServiceFormatter, self).GetMessages(
formatter_mediator, event) manager.FormattersManager.RegisterFormatter(WinRegistryServiceFormatter)