Source code for plaso.formatters.winevt_rc

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Windows Event Log resources database reader."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re

  from pysqlite2 import dbapi2 as sqlite3  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order
except ImportError:
  import sqlite3  # pylint: disable=wrong-import-order

# TODO: Move the generic sqlite3 code to a different spot e.g. lib/.
[docs]class Sqlite3DatabaseFile(object): """Class that defines a sqlite3 database file.""" _HAS_TABLE_QUERY = ( 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ' 'WHERE type = "table" AND name = "{0:s}"') def __init__(self): """Initializes the database file object.""" super(Sqlite3DatabaseFile, self).__init__() self._connection = None self._cursor = None self.filename = None self.read_only = None
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the database file. Raises: RuntimeError: if the database is not opened. """ if not self._connection: raise RuntimeError('Cannot close database not opened.') # We need to run commit or not all data is stored in the database. self._connection.commit() self._connection.close() self._connection = None self._cursor = None self.filename = None
self.read_only = None
[docs] def HasTable(self, table_name): """Determines if a specific table exists. Args: table_name (str): table name. Returns: bool: True if the table exists. Raises: RuntimeError: if the database is not opened. """ if not self._connection: raise RuntimeError( 'Cannot determine if table exists database not opened.') sql_query = self._HAS_TABLE_QUERY.format(table_name) self._cursor.execute(sql_query) if self._cursor.fetchone(): return True
return False
[docs] def GetValues(self, table_names, column_names, condition): """Retrieves values from a table. Args: table_names (list[str]): table names. column_names (list[str]): column names. condition (str): query condition such as "log_source == 'Application Error'". Yields: sqlite3.row: row. Raises: RuntimeError: if the database is not opened. """ if not self._connection: raise RuntimeError('Cannot retrieve values database not opened.') if condition: condition = ' WHERE {0:s}'.format(condition) sql_query = 'SELECT {1:s} FROM {0:s}{2:s}'.format( ', '.join(table_names), ', '.join(column_names), condition) self._cursor.execute(sql_query) # TODO: have a look at # sqlite3.html#sqlite3.Row. for row in self._cursor: yield { column_name: row[column_index]
for column_index, column_name in enumerate(column_names)}
[docs] def Open(self, filename, read_only=False): """Opens the database file. Args: filename (str): filename of the database. read_only (Optional[bool]): True if the database should be opened in read-only mode. Since sqlite3 does not support a real read-only mode we fake it by only permitting SELECT queries. Returns: bool: True if successful. Raises: RuntimeError: if the database is already opened. """ if self._connection: raise RuntimeError('Cannot open database already opened.') self.filename = filename self.read_only = read_only try: self._connection = sqlite3.connect(filename) except sqlite3.OperationalError: return False if not self._connection: return False self._cursor = self._connection.cursor() if not self._cursor: return False
return True
[docs]class Sqlite3DatabaseReader(object): """Class to represent a sqlite3 database reader.""" def __init__(self): """Initializes the database reader object.""" super(Sqlite3DatabaseReader, self).__init__() self._database_file = Sqlite3DatabaseFile()
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the database reader object."""
[docs] def Open(self, filename): """Opens the database reader object. Args: filename (str): filename of the database. Returns: bool: True if successful. """
return self._database_file.Open(filename, read_only=True)
[docs]class WinevtResourcesSqlite3DatabaseReader(Sqlite3DatabaseReader): """Class to represent a sqlite3 Event Log resources database reader.""" # Message string specifiers that are considered white space. _WHITE_SPACE_SPECIFIER_RE = re.compile(r'(%[0b]|[\r\n])') # Message string specifiers that expand to text. _TEXT_SPECIFIER_RE = re.compile(r'%([ .!%nrt])') # Curly brackets in a message string. _CURLY_BRACKETS = re.compile(r'([\{\}])') # Message string specifiers that expand to a variable place holder. _PLACE_HOLDER_SPECIFIER_RE = re.compile(r'%([1-9][0-9]?)[!]?[s]?[!]?') def __init__(self): """Initializes the database reader object.""" super(WinevtResourcesSqlite3DatabaseReader, self).__init__() self._string_format = 'wrc' def _GetEventLogProviderKey(self, log_source): """Retrieves the Event Log provider key. Args: log_source (str): Event Log source. Returns: str: Event Log provider key or None if not available. Raises: RuntimeError: if more than one value is found in the database. """ table_names = ['event_log_providers'] column_names = ['event_log_provider_key'] condition = 'log_source == "{0:s}"'.format(log_source) values_list = list(self._database_file.GetValues( table_names, column_names, condition)) number_of_values = len(values_list) if number_of_values == 0: return None elif number_of_values == 1: values = values_list[0] return values['event_log_provider_key'] raise RuntimeError('More than one value found in database.') def _GetMessage(self, message_file_key, lcid, message_identifier): """Retrieves a specific message from a specific message table. Args: message_file_key (int): message file key. lcid (int): language code identifier (LCID). message_identifier (int): message identifier. Returns: str: message string or None if not available. Raises: RuntimeError: if more than one value is found in the database. """ table_name = 'message_table_{0:d}_0x{1:08x}'.format(message_file_key, lcid) has_table = self._database_file.HasTable(table_name) if not has_table: return None column_names = ['message_string'] condition = 'message_identifier == "0x{0:08x}"'.format(message_identifier) values = list(self._database_file.GetValues( [table_name], column_names, condition)) number_of_values = len(values) if number_of_values == 0: return None elif number_of_values == 1: return values[0]['message_string'] raise RuntimeError('More than one value found in database.') def _GetMessageFileKeys(self, event_log_provider_key): """Retrieves the message file keys. Args: event_log_provider_key (int): Event Log provider key. Yields: int: message file key. """ table_names = ['message_file_per_event_log_provider'] column_names = ['message_file_key'] condition = 'event_log_provider_key == {0:d}'.format( event_log_provider_key) generator = self._database_file.GetValues( table_names, column_names, condition) for values in generator: yield values['message_file_key'] def _ReformatMessageString(self, message_string): """Reformats the message string. Args: message_string (str): message string. Returns: str: message string in Python format() (PEP 3101) style. """ def _PlaceHolderSpecifierReplacer(match_object): """Replaces message string place holders into Python format() style.""" expanded_groups = [] for group in match_object.groups(): try: place_holder_number = int(group, 10) - 1 expanded_group = '{{{0:d}:s}}'.format(place_holder_number) except ValueError: expanded_group = group expanded_groups.append(expanded_group) return ''.join(expanded_groups) if not message_string: return None message_string = self._WHITE_SPACE_SPECIFIER_RE.sub(r'', message_string) message_string = self._TEXT_SPECIFIER_RE.sub(r'\\\1', message_string) message_string = self._CURLY_BRACKETS.sub(r'\1\1', message_string) return self._PLACE_HOLDER_SPECIFIER_RE.sub( _PlaceHolderSpecifierReplacer, message_string)
[docs] def GetMessage(self, log_source, lcid, message_identifier): """Retrieves a specific message for a specific Event Log source. Args: log_source (str): Event Log source. lcid (int): language code identifier (LCID). message_identifier (int): message identifier. Returns: str: message string or None if not available. """ event_log_provider_key = self._GetEventLogProviderKey(log_source) if not event_log_provider_key: return None generator = self._GetMessageFileKeys(event_log_provider_key) if not generator: return None # TODO: cache a number of message strings. message_string = None for message_file_key in generator: message_string = self._GetMessage( message_file_key, lcid, message_identifier) if message_string: break if self._string_format == 'wrc': message_string = self._ReformatMessageString(message_string)
return message_string
[docs] def GetMetadataAttribute(self, attribute_name): """Retrieves the metadata attribute. Args: attribute_name (str): name of the metadata attribute. Returns: str: the metadata attribute or None. Raises: RuntimeError: if more than one value is found in the database. """ table_name = 'metadata' has_table = self._database_file.HasTable(table_name) if not has_table: return None column_names = ['value'] condition = 'name == "{0:s}"'.format(attribute_name) values = list(self._database_file.GetValues( [table_name], column_names, condition)) number_of_values = len(values) if number_of_values == 0: return None elif number_of_values == 1: return values[0]['value']
raise RuntimeError('More than one value found in database.')
[docs] def Open(self, filename): """Opens the database reader object. Args: filename (str): filename of the database. Returns: bool: True if successful. Raises: RuntimeError: if the version or string format of the database is not supported. """ if not super(WinevtResourcesSqlite3DatabaseReader, self).Open(filename): return False version = self.GetMetadataAttribute('version') if not version or version != '20150315': raise RuntimeError('Unsupported version: {0:s}'.format(version)) string_format = self.GetMetadataAttribute('string_format') if not string_format: string_format = 'wrc' if string_format not in ('pep3101', 'wrc'): raise RuntimeError('Unsupported string format: {0:s}'.format( string_format)) self._string_format = string_format
return True