Source code for plaso.engine.path_helper

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The path helper."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re

from dfvfs.lib import definitions as dfvfs_definitions

from plaso.engine import logger
from plaso.lib import py2to3

[docs]class PathHelper(object): """Class that implements the path helper.""" _RECURSIVE_GLOB_LIMIT = 10
[docs] @classmethod def AppendPathEntries(cls, path, path_separator, count, skip_first): """Appends wildcard entries to end of path. Will append wildcard * to given path building a list of strings for "count" iterations, skipping the first directory if skip_first is true. Args: path (str): Path to append wildcards to. path_separator (str): path segment separator. count (int): Number of entries to be appended. skip_first (bool): Whether or not to skip first entry to append. Returns: list[str]: Paths that were expanded from the path with wildcards. """ paths = [] replacement = '{0:s}*'.format(path_separator) iteration = 0 while iteration < count: if skip_first and iteration == 0: path += replacement else: path += replacement paths.append(path) iteration += 1
return paths
[docs] @classmethod def ExpandRecursiveGlobs(cls, path, path_separator): """Expands recursive like globs present in an artifact path. If a path ends in '**', with up to two optional digits such as '**10', the '**' will recursively match all files and zero or more directories from the specified path. The optional digits indicate the recursion depth. By default recursion depth is 10 directories. If the glob is followed by the specified path segment separator, only directories and subdirectories will be matched. Args: path (str): path to be expanded. path_separator (str): path segment separator. Returns: list[str]: String path expanded for each glob. """ glob_regex = r'(.*)?{0}\*\*(\d{{1,2}})?({0})?$'.format( re.escape(path_separator)) match =, path) if not match: return [path] skip_first = False if skip_first = True if iterations = int( else: iterations = cls._RECURSIVE_GLOB_LIMIT logger.warning(( 'Path "{0:s}" contains fully recursive glob, limiting to 10 ' 'levels').format(path)) return cls.AppendPathEntries(, path_separator, iterations, skip_first)
[docs] @classmethod def ExpandUsersHomeDirectoryPath(cls, path, user_accounts): """Expands a path to contain all users home or profile directories. Expands the GRR artifacts path variable "%%users.homedir%%". Args: path (str): Windows path with environment variables. user_accounts (list[UserAccountArtifact]): user accounts. Returns: list[str]: paths returned for user accounts without a drive letter. """ path_upper_case = path.upper() if not path_upper_case.startswith('%%USERS.HOMEDIR%%'): user_paths = [path] else: regex = re.compile(re.escape('%%users.homedir%%')) user_paths = [] for user_account in user_accounts: user_path = regex.sub(user_account.user_directory, path, re.IGNORECASE) user_paths.append(user_path) # Remove the drive letter, if it exists. for path_index, user_path in enumerate(user_paths): if len(user_path) > 2 and user_path[1] == ':': _, _, user_path = user_path.rpartition(':') user_paths[path_index] = user_path
return user_paths
[docs] @classmethod def ExpandWindowsPath(cls, path, environment_variables): """Expands a Windows path containing environment variables. Args: path (str): Windows path with environment variables. environment_variables (list[EnvironmentVariableArtifact]): environment variables. Returns: str: expanded Windows path. """ # TODO: Add support for items such as %%users.localappdata%% if environment_variables is None: environment_variables = [] lookup_table = {} if environment_variables: for environment_variable in environment_variables: attribute_name = attribute_value = environment_variable.value if not isinstance(attribute_value, py2to3.STRING_TYPES): continue lookup_table[attribute_name] = attribute_value path_segments = path.split('\\') for index, path_segment in enumerate(path_segments): if (len(path_segment) <= 2 or not path_segment.startswith('%') or not path_segment.endswith('%')): continue check_for_drive_letter = False path_segment_upper_case = path_segment.upper() if path_segment_upper_case.startswith('%%ENVIRON_'): lookup_key = path_segment_upper_case[10:-2] check_for_drive_letter = True else: lookup_key = path_segment_upper_case[1:-1] path_segments[index] = lookup_table.get(lookup_key, path_segment) if check_for_drive_letter: # Remove the drive letter. if len(path_segments[index]) >= 2 and path_segments[index][1] == ':': _, _, path_segments[index] = path_segments[index].rpartition(':')
return '\\'.join(path_segments)
[docs] @classmethod def GetDisplayNameForPathSpec( cls, path_spec, mount_path=None, text_prepend=None): """Retrieves the display name of a path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. mount_path (Optional[str]): path where the file system that is used by the path specification is mounted, such as "/mnt/image". The mount path will be stripped from the absolute path defined by the path specification. text_prepend (Optional[str]): text to prepend. Returns: str: human readable version of the path specification or None. """ if not path_spec: return None relative_path = cls.GetRelativePathForPathSpec( path_spec, mount_path=mount_path) if not relative_path: return path_spec.type_indicator if text_prepend: relative_path = '{0:s}{1:s}'.format(text_prepend, relative_path) parent_path_spec = path_spec.parent if parent_path_spec and path_spec.type_indicator in [ dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_BZIP2, dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_GZIP]: parent_path_spec = parent_path_spec.parent if parent_path_spec and parent_path_spec.type_indicator in [ dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_VSHADOW]: store_index = getattr(path_spec.parent, 'store_index', None) if store_index is not None: return 'VSS{0:d}:{1:s}:{2:s}'.format( store_index + 1, path_spec.type_indicator, relative_path)
return '{0:s}:{1:s}'.format(path_spec.type_indicator, relative_path)
[docs] @classmethod def GetRelativePathForPathSpec(cls, path_spec, mount_path=None): """Retrieves the relative path of a path specification. If a mount path is defined the path will be relative to the mount point, otherwise the path is relative to the root of the file system that is used by the path specification. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. mount_path (Optional[str]): path where the file system that is used by the path specification is mounted, such as "/mnt/image". The mount path will be stripped from the absolute path defined by the path specification. Returns: str: relative path or None. """ if not path_spec: return None # TODO: Solve this differently, quite possibly inside dfVFS using mount # path spec. location = getattr(path_spec, 'location', None) if not location and path_spec.HasParent(): location = getattr(path_spec.parent, 'location', None) if not location: return None data_stream = getattr(path_spec, 'data_stream', None) if data_stream: location = '{0:s}:{1:s}'.format(location, data_stream) if path_spec.type_indicator != dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_OS: return location # If we are parsing a mount point we don't want to include the full # path to file's location here, we are only interested in the path # relative to the mount point. if mount_path and location.startswith(mount_path): location = location[len(mount_path):]
return location