Source code for plaso.engine.extractors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The extractor class definitions.

An extractor is a class used to extract information from "raw" data.

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import copy
import hashlib

import pysigscan

from dfvfs.helpers import file_system_searcher
from dfvfs.lib import definitions as dfvfs_definitions
from dfvfs.lib import errors as dfvfs_errors
from dfvfs.resolver import resolver as path_spec_resolver

from plaso.engine import logger
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.parsers import interface as parsers_interface
from plaso.parsers import manager as parsers_manager

[docs]class EventExtractor(object): """Event extractor. An event extractor extracts events from event sources. """ _PARSE_RESULT_FAILURE = 1 _PARSE_RESULT_SUCCESS = 2 _PARSE_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED = 3 def __init__(self, parser_filter_expression=None): """Initializes an event extractor. Args: parser_filter_expression (Optional[str]): the parser filter expression, None represents all parsers and plugins. The parser filter expression is a comma separated value string that denotes a list of parser names to include and/or exclude. Each entry can have the value of: * An exact match of a list of parsers, or a preset (see plaso/parsers/ for a full list of available presets). * A name of a single parser (case insensitive), e.g. msiecf. * A glob name for a single parser, e.g. '*msie*' (case insensitive). """ super(EventExtractor, self).__init__() self._file_scanner = None self._filestat_parser = None self._formats_with_signatures = None self._mft_parser = None self._non_sigscan_parser_names = None self._parsers = None self._parsers_profiler = None self._usnjrnl_parser = None self._InitializeParserObjects( parser_filter_expression=parser_filter_expression) def _CheckParserCanProcessFileEntry(self, parser, file_entry): """Determines if a parser can process a file entry. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. parser (BaseParser): parser. Returns: bool: True if the file entry can be processed by the parser object. """ for filter_object in parser.FILTERS: if filter_object.Match(file_entry): return True return False def _GetSignatureMatchParserNames(self, file_object): """Determines if a file-like object matches one of the known signatures. Args: file_object (file): file-like object whose contents will be checked for known signatures. Returns: list[str]: parser names for which the contents of the file-like object matches their known signatures. """ parser_names = [] scan_state = pysigscan.scan_state() self._file_scanner.scan_file_object(scan_state, file_object) for scan_result in iter(scan_state.scan_results): format_specification = ( self._formats_with_signatures.GetSpecificationBySignature( scan_result.identifier)) if format_specification.identifier not in parser_names: parser_names.append(format_specification.identifier) return parser_names def _InitializeParserObjects(self, parser_filter_expression=None): """Initializes the parser objects. Args: parser_filter_expression (Optional[str]): the parser filter expression, None represents all parsers and plugins. The parser filter expression is a comma separated value string that denotes a list of parser names to include and/or exclude. Each entry can have the value of: * An exact match of a list of parsers, or a preset (see plaso/parsers/ for a full list of available presets). * A name of a single parser (case insensitive), e.g. msiecf. * A glob name for a single parser, e.g. '*msie*' (case insensitive). """ self._formats_with_signatures, non_sigscan_parser_names = ( parsers_manager.ParsersManager.GetFormatsWithSignatures( parser_filter_expression=parser_filter_expression)) self._non_sigscan_parser_names = [] for parser_name in non_sigscan_parser_names: if parser_name not in ('filestat', 'usnjrnl'): self._non_sigscan_parser_names.append(parser_name) self._file_scanner = parsers_manager.ParsersManager.CreateSignatureScanner( self._formats_with_signatures) self._parsers = parsers_manager.ParsersManager.GetParserObjects( parser_filter_expression=parser_filter_expression) active_parser_names = ', '.join(sorted(self._parsers.keys())) logger.debug('Active parsers: {0:s}'.format(active_parser_names)) self._filestat_parser = self._parsers.get('filestat', None) if 'filestat' in self._parsers: del self._parsers['filestat'] self._mft_parser = self._parsers.get('mft', None) self._usnjrnl_parser = self._parsers.get('usnjrnl', None) if 'usnjrnl' in self._parsers: del self._parsers['usnjrnl'] def _ParseDataStreamWithParser( self, parser_mediator, parser, file_entry, data_stream_name): """Parses a data stream of a file entry with a specific parser. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. parser (BaseParser): parser. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. data_stream_name (str): data stream name. Raises: RuntimeError: if the file-like object is missing. """ file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject(data_stream_name=data_stream_name) if not file_object: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to retrieve file-like object from file entry.') try: self._ParseFileEntryWithParser( parser_mediator, parser, file_entry, file_object=file_object) finally: file_object.close() def _ParseFileEntryWithParser( self, parser_mediator, parser, file_entry, file_object=None): """Parses a file entry with a specific parser. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. parser (BaseParser): parser. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. file_object (Optional[file]): file-like object to parse. If not set the parser will use the parser mediator to open the file entry's default data stream as a file-like object. Returns: int: parse result which is _PARSE_RESULT_FAILURE if the file entry could not be parsed, _PARSE_RESULT_SUCCESS if the file entry successfully was parsed or _PARSE_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED when UnableToParseFile was raised. Raises: TypeError: if parser object is not a supported parser type. """ if not isinstance(parser, ( parsers_interface.FileEntryParser, parsers_interface.FileObjectParser)): raise TypeError('Unsupported parser object type.') parser_mediator.ClearParserChain() reference_count = ( parser_mediator.resolver_context.GetFileObjectReferenceCount( file_entry.path_spec)) parser_mediator.SampleStartTiming(parser.NAME) try: if isinstance(parser, parsers_interface.FileEntryParser): parser.Parse(parser_mediator) elif isinstance(parser, parsers_interface.FileObjectParser): parser.Parse(parser_mediator, file_object) result = self._PARSE_RESULT_SUCCESS # We catch IOError so we can determine the parser that generated the error. except (IOError, dfvfs_errors.BackEndError) as exception: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName(file_entry) logger.warning( '{0:s} unable to parse file: {1:s} with error: {2!s}'.format( parser.NAME, display_name, exception)) result = self._PARSE_RESULT_FAILURE except errors.UnableToParseFile as exception: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName(file_entry) logger.debug( '{0:s} unable to parse file: {1:s} with error: {2!s}'.format( parser.NAME, display_name, exception)) result = self._PARSE_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED finally: parser_mediator.SampleStopTiming(parser.NAME) parser_mediator.SampleMemoryUsage(parser.NAME) new_reference_count = ( parser_mediator.resolver_context.GetFileObjectReferenceCount( file_entry.path_spec)) if reference_count != new_reference_count: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName(file_entry) logger.warning(( '[{0:s}] did not explicitly close file-object for file: ' '{1:s}.').format(parser.NAME, display_name)) return result def _ParseFileEntryWithParsers( self, parser_mediator, parser_names, file_entry, file_object=None): """Parses a file entry with a specific parsers. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. parser_names (list[str]): names of parsers. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. file_object (Optional[file]): file-like object to parse. If not set the parser will use the parser mediator to open the file entry's default data stream as a file-like object. Returns: int: parse result which is _PARSE_RESULT_FAILURE if the file entry could not be parsed, _PARSE_RESULT_SUCCESS if the file entry successfully was parsed or _PARSE_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED when UnableToParseFile was raised or no names of parser were provided. Raises: RuntimeError: if the parser object is missing. """ parse_results = self._PARSE_RESULT_UNSUPPORTED for parser_name in parser_names: parser = self._parsers.get(parser_name, None) if not parser: raise RuntimeError( 'Parser object missing for parser: {0:s}'.format(parser_name)) if parser.FILTERS: if not self._CheckParserCanProcessFileEntry(parser, file_entry): parse_results = self._PARSE_RESULT_SUCCESS continue display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName(file_entry) logger.debug(( '[ParseFileEntryWithParsers] parsing file: {0:s} with parser: ' '{1:s}').format(display_name, parser_name)) parse_result = self._ParseFileEntryWithParser( parser_mediator, parser, file_entry, file_object=file_object) if parse_result == self._PARSE_RESULT_FAILURE: return self._PARSE_RESULT_FAILURE elif parse_result == self._PARSE_RESULT_SUCCESS: parse_results = self._PARSE_RESULT_SUCCESS return parse_results
[docs] def ParseDataStream(self, parser_mediator, file_entry, data_stream_name): """Parses a data stream of a file entry with the enabled parsers. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. data_stream_name (str): data stream name. Raises: RuntimeError: if the file-like object or the parser object is missing. """ file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject(data_stream_name=data_stream_name) if not file_object: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to retrieve file-like object from file entry.') try: parser_names = self._GetSignatureMatchParserNames(file_object) parse_with_non_sigscan_parsers = True if parser_names: parse_result = self._ParseFileEntryWithParsers( parser_mediator, parser_names, file_entry, file_object=file_object) if parse_result in ( self._PARSE_RESULT_FAILURE, self._PARSE_RESULT_SUCCESS): parse_with_non_sigscan_parsers = False if parse_with_non_sigscan_parsers: self._ParseFileEntryWithParsers( parser_mediator, self._non_sigscan_parser_names, file_entry, file_object=file_object) finally:
[docs] def ParseFileEntryMetadata(self, parser_mediator, file_entry): """Parses the file entry metadata e.g. file system data. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. """ if self._filestat_parser: self._ParseFileEntryWithParser(
parser_mediator, self._filestat_parser, file_entry)
[docs] def ParseMetadataFile( self, parser_mediator, file_entry, data_stream_name): """Parses a metadata file. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): parser mediator. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. data_stream_name (str): data stream name. """ parent_path_spec = getattr(file_entry.path_spec, 'parent', None) filename_upper = if (self._mft_parser and parent_path_spec and filename_upper in ('$MFT', '$MFTMIRR') and not data_stream_name): self._ParseDataStreamWithParser( parser_mediator, self._mft_parser, file_entry, '') elif (self._usnjrnl_parser and parent_path_spec and filename_upper == '$USNJRNL' and data_stream_name == '$J'): # To be able to ignore the sparse data ranges the UsnJrnl parser # needs to read directly from the volume. volume_file_object = path_spec_resolver.Resolver.OpenFileObject( parent_path_spec, resolver_context=parser_mediator.resolver_context) try: self._ParseFileEntryWithParser( parser_mediator, self._usnjrnl_parser, file_entry, file_object=volume_file_object) finally:
[docs]class PathSpecExtractor(object): """Path specification extractor. A path specification extractor extracts path specification from a source directory, file or storage media device or image. """ _MAXIMUM_DEPTH = 255 def __init__(self, duplicate_file_check=False): """Initializes a path specification extractor. The source collector discovers all the file entries in the source. The source can be a single file, directory or a volume within a storage media image or device. Args: duplicate_file_check (Optional[bool]): True if duplicate files should be ignored. """ super(PathSpecExtractor, self).__init__() self._duplicate_file_check = duplicate_file_check self._hashlist = {} def _CalculateNTFSTimeHash(self, file_entry): """Calculates an MD5 from the date and time value of a NTFS file entry. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry. Returns: str: hexadecimal representation of the MD5 hash value of the date and time values of the file entry. """ date_time_values = [] access_time = getattr(file_entry, 'access_time', None) if access_time: date_time_string = access_time.CopyToDateTimeString() date_time_values.append('atime:{0:s}'.format(date_time_string)) creation_time = getattr(file_entry, 'creation_time', None) if creation_time: date_time_string = creation_time.CopyToDateTimeString() date_time_values.append('crtime:{0:s}'.format(date_time_string)) modification_time = getattr(file_entry, 'modification_time', None) if modification_time: date_time_string = modification_time.CopyToDateTimeString() date_time_values.append('mtime:{0:s}'.format(date_time_string)) # file_entry.change_time is an alias of file_entry.entry_modification_time. change_time = getattr(file_entry, 'change_time', None) if change_time: date_time_string = change_time.CopyToDateTimeString() date_time_values.append('ctime:{0:s}'.format(date_time_string)) date_time_values = ''.join(date_time_values) date_time_values = date_time_values.encode('ascii') hash_value = hashlib.md5() hash_value.update(date_time_values) return hash_value.hexdigest() def _ExtractPathSpecs( self, path_spec, find_specs=None, recurse_file_system=True, resolver_context=None): """Extracts path specification from a specific source. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification. find_specs (Optional[list[dfvfs.FindSpec]]): find specifications used in path specification extraction. recurse_file_system (Optional[bool]): True if extraction should recurse into a file system. resolver_context (Optional[dfvfs.Context]): resolver context. Yields: dfvfs.PathSpec: path specification of a file entry found in the source. """ try: file_entry = path_spec_resolver.Resolver.OpenFileEntry( path_spec, resolver_context=resolver_context) except ( dfvfs_errors.AccessError, dfvfs_errors.BackEndError, dfvfs_errors.PathSpecError) as exception: logger.error( 'Unable to open file entry with error: {0!s}'.format(exception)) return if not file_entry: logger.warning('Unable to open: {0:s}'.format(path_spec.comparable)) return if (not file_entry.IsDirectory() and not file_entry.IsFile() and not file_entry.IsDevice()): logger.warning(( 'Source path specification not a device, file or directory.\n' '{0:s}').format(path_spec.comparable)) return if file_entry.IsFile(): yield path_spec else: for extracted_path_spec in self._ExtractPathSpecsFromFileSystem( path_spec, find_specs=find_specs, recurse_file_system=recurse_file_system, resolver_context=resolver_context): yield extracted_path_spec def _ExtractPathSpecsFromDirectory(self, file_entry, depth=0): """Extracts path specification from a directory. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry that refers to the directory. depth (Optional[int]): current depth where 0 represents the file system root. Yields: dfvfs.PathSpec: path specification of a file entry found in the directory. """ if depth >= self._MAXIMUM_DEPTH: raise errors.MaximumRecursionDepth('Maximum recursion depth reached.') # Need to do a breadth-first search otherwise we'll hit the Python # maximum recursion depth. sub_directories = [] for sub_file_entry in file_entry.sub_file_entries: try: if not sub_file_entry.IsAllocated() or sub_file_entry.IsLink(): continue except dfvfs_errors.BackEndError as exception: logger.warning( 'Unable to process file: {0:s} with error: {1!s}'.format( sub_file_entry.path_spec.comparable.replace( '\n', ';'), exception)) continue # For TSK-based file entries only, ignore the virtual /$OrphanFiles # directory. if sub_file_entry.type_indicator == dfvfs_definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_TSK: if file_entry.IsRoot() and == '$OrphanFiles': continue if sub_file_entry.IsDirectory(): sub_directories.append(sub_file_entry) elif sub_file_entry.IsFile(): # If we are dealing with a VSS we want to calculate a hash # value based on available timestamps and compare that to previously # calculated hash values, and only include the file into the queue if # the hash does not match. if self._duplicate_file_check: hash_value = self._CalculateNTFSTimeHash(sub_file_entry) inode = getattr(sub_file_entry.path_spec, 'inode', 0) if inode in self._hashlist: if hash_value in self._hashlist[inode]: continue self._hashlist.setdefault(inode, []).append(hash_value) for path_spec in self._ExtractPathSpecsFromFile(sub_file_entry): yield path_spec for sub_file_entry in sub_directories: try: for path_spec in self._ExtractPathSpecsFromDirectory( sub_file_entry, depth=(depth + 1)): yield path_spec except ( IOError, dfvfs_errors.AccessError, dfvfs_errors.BackEndError, dfvfs_errors.PathSpecError) as exception: logger.warning('{0!s}'.format(exception)) def _ExtractPathSpecsFromFile(self, file_entry): """Extracts path specification from a file. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry that refers to the file. Yields: dfvfs.PathSpec: path specification of a file entry found in the file. """ produced_main_path_spec = False for data_stream in file_entry.data_streams: # Make a copy so we don't make the changes on a path specification # directly. Otherwise already produced path specifications can be # altered in the process. path_spec = copy.deepcopy(file_entry.path_spec) if setattr(path_spec, 'data_stream', yield path_spec if not produced_main_path_spec = True if not produced_main_path_spec: yield file_entry.path_spec def _ExtractPathSpecsFromFileSystem( self, path_spec, find_specs=None, recurse_file_system=True, resolver_context=None): """Extracts path specification from a file system within a specific source. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification of the root of the file system. find_specs (Optional[list[dfvfs.FindSpec]]): find specifications. recurse_file_system (Optional[bool]): True if extraction should recurse into a file system. resolver_context (Optional[dfvfs.Context]): resolver context. Yields: dfvfs.PathSpec: path specification of a file entry found in the file system. """ try: file_system = path_spec_resolver.Resolver.OpenFileSystem( path_spec, resolver_context=resolver_context) except ( dfvfs_errors.AccessError, dfvfs_errors.BackEndError, dfvfs_errors.PathSpecError) as exception: logger.error( 'Unable to open file system with error: {0!s}'.format(exception)) return try: if find_specs: searcher = file_system_searcher.FileSystemSearcher( file_system, path_spec) for extracted_path_spec in searcher.Find(find_specs=find_specs): yield extracted_path_spec elif recurse_file_system: file_entry = file_system.GetFileEntryByPathSpec(path_spec) if file_entry: for extracted_path_spec in self._ExtractPathSpecsFromDirectory( file_entry): yield extracted_path_spec else: yield path_spec except ( dfvfs_errors.AccessError, dfvfs_errors.BackEndError, dfvfs_errors.PathSpecError) as exception: logger.warning('{0!s}'.format(exception)) finally: file_system.Close()
[docs] def ExtractPathSpecs( self, path_specs, find_specs=None, recurse_file_system=True, resolver_context=None): """Extracts path specification from a specific source. Args: path_specs (Optional[list[dfvfs.PathSpec]]): path specifications. find_specs (Optional[list[dfvfs.FindSpec]]): find specifications. recurse_file_system (Optional[bool]): True if extraction should recurse into a file system. resolver_context (Optional[dfvfs.Context]): resolver context. Yields: dfvfs.PathSpec: path specification of a file entry found in the source. """ for path_spec in path_specs: for extracted_path_spec in self._ExtractPathSpecs( path_spec, find_specs=find_specs, recurse_file_system=recurse_file_system, resolver_context=resolver_context):
yield extracted_path_spec