Source code for plaso.engine.artifact_filters

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Helper to create filters based on forensic artifact definitions."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from artifacts import definitions as artifact_types

from dfvfs.helpers import file_system_searcher
from dfwinreg import registry_searcher
from plaso.engine import logger
from plaso.engine import path_helper

[docs]class ArtifactDefinitionsFilterHelper(object): """Helper to create filters based on artifact definitions. Builds extraction filters from forensic artifact definitions. For more information about Forensic Artifacts see: """ KNOWLEDGE_BASE_VALUE = 'ARTIFACT_FILTERS' _COMPATIBLE_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH_PREFIXES = frozenset([ 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SYSTEM', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SAM', 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SECURITY']) def __init__(self, artifacts_registry, artifact_filters, knowledge_base): """Initializes an artifact definitions filter helper. Args: artifacts_registry (artifacts.ArtifactDefinitionsRegistry): artifact definitions registry. artifact_filters (list[str]): names of artifact definitions that are used for filtering file system and Windows Registry key paths. knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): contains information from the source data needed for filtering. """ super(ArtifactDefinitionsFilterHelper, self).__init__() self._artifacts = artifact_filters self._artifacts_registry = artifacts_registry self._knowledge_base = knowledge_base
[docs] @staticmethod def CheckKeyCompatibility(key_path): """Checks if a Windows Registry key path is supported by dfWinReg. Args: key_path (str): path of the Windows Registry key. Returns: bool: True if key is compatible or False if not. """ for key_path_prefix in ( ArtifactDefinitionsFilterHelper._COMPATIBLE_REGISTRY_KEY_PATH_PREFIXES): key_path = key_path.upper() if key_path.startswith(key_path_prefix): return True logger.warning( 'Prefix of key "{0:s}" is currently not supported'.format(key_path))
return False
[docs] def BuildFindSpecs(self, environment_variables=None): """Builds find specifications from artifact definitions. The resulting find specifications are set in the knowledge base. Args: environment_variables (Optional[list[EnvironmentVariableArtifact]]): environment variables. """ find_specs_per_source_type = { artifact_types.TYPE_INDICATOR_FILE: [], artifact_types.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_KEY: []} for name in self._artifacts: definition = self._artifacts_registry.GetDefinitionByName(name) if not definition: continue for source in definition.sources: if source.type_indicator == artifact_types.TYPE_INDICATOR_FILE: # TODO: move source.paths iteration into # BuildFindSpecsFromFileArtifact. for path_entry in set(source.paths): find_specs = self.BuildFindSpecsFromFileArtifact( path_entry, source.separator, environment_variables, self._knowledge_base.user_accounts) find_specs_per_source_type[ artifact_types.TYPE_INDICATOR_FILE].extend(find_specs) elif (source.type_indicator == artifact_types.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_KEY): # TODO: move source.keys iteration into # BuildFindSpecsFromRegistryArtifact. for key_path in set(source.keys): if self.CheckKeyCompatibility(key_path): find_specs = self.BuildFindSpecsFromRegistryArtifact(key_path) find_specs_per_source_type[ artifact_types.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_KEY].extend( find_specs) elif (source.type_indicator == artifact_types.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_VALUE): # TODO: Handle Registry Values Once Supported in dfwinreg. # logger.warning(( 'Windows Registry values are not supported, extracting key: ' '"{0!s}"').format(source.key_value_pairs)) # TODO: move source.key_value_pairs iteration into # BuildFindSpecsFromRegistryArtifact. for key_path in set([ key_value['key'] for key_value in source.key_value_pairs]): if self.CheckKeyCompatibility(key_path): find_specs = self.BuildFindSpecsFromRegistryArtifact(key_path) find_specs_per_source_type[ artifact_types.TYPE_INDICATOR_WINDOWS_REGISTRY_KEY].extend( find_specs) else: logger.warning( 'Unsupported artifact definition source type: "{0:s}"'.format( source.type_indicator)) self._knowledge_base.SetValue(
self.KNOWLEDGE_BASE_VALUE, find_specs_per_source_type)
[docs] def BuildFindSpecsFromFileArtifact( self, source_path, path_separator, environment_variables, user_accounts): """Builds find specifications from a file source type. Args: source_path (str): file system path defined by the source. path_separator (str): file system path segment separator. environment_variables (list[str]): environment variable attributes used to dynamically populate environment variables in key. user_accounts (list[str]): identified user accounts stored in the knowledge base. Returns: list[dfvfs.FindSpec]: find specifications for the file source type. """ find_specs = [] for glob_path in path_helper.PathHelper.ExpandRecursiveGlobs( source_path, path_separator): for path in path_helper.PathHelper.ExpandUsersHomeDirectoryPath( glob_path, user_accounts): if '%' in path: path = path_helper.PathHelper.ExpandWindowsPath( path, environment_variables) if not path.startswith(path_separator): logger.warning(( 'The path filter must be defined as an absolute path: ' '"{0:s}"').format(path)) continue # Convert the path filters into a list of path segments and # strip the root path segment. path_segments = path.split(path_separator) # Remove initial root entry path_segments.pop(0) if not path_segments[-1]: logger.warning( 'Empty last path segment in path filter: "{0:s}"'.format(path)) path_segments.pop(-1) try: find_spec = file_system_searcher.FindSpec( location_glob=path_segments, case_sensitive=False) except ValueError as exception: logger.error(( 'Unable to build find specification for path: "{0:s}" with ' 'error: {1!s}').format(path, exception)) continue find_specs.append(find_spec)
return find_specs
[docs] def BuildFindSpecsFromRegistryArtifact(self, source_key_path): """Build find specifications from a Windows Registry source type. Args: source_key_path (str): Windows Registry key path defined by the source. Returns: list[dfwinreg.FindSpec]: find specifications for the Windows Registry source type. """ find_specs = [] for key_path in path_helper.PathHelper.ExpandRecursiveGlobs( source_key_path, '\\'): if '%%' in key_path: logger.error('Unable to expand key path: "{0:s}"'.format(key_path)) continue find_spec = registry_searcher.FindSpec(key_path_glob=key_path) find_specs.append(find_spec)
return find_specs