Source code for plaso.cli.image_export_tool

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The image export CLI tool."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import argparse
import codecs
import io
import os
import textwrap

from dfvfs.helpers import file_system_searcher
from dfvfs.lib import errors as dfvfs_errors
from dfvfs.path import factory as path_spec_factory
from dfvfs.resolver import context
from dfvfs.resolver import resolver as path_spec_resolver

from plaso.analyzers.hashers import manager as hashers_manager
from plaso.cli import logger
from plaso.cli import storage_media_tool
from plaso.cli.helpers import manager as helpers_manager
from plaso.engine import engine
from plaso.engine import extractors
from plaso.engine import knowledge_base
from plaso.engine import path_helper
from plaso.filters import file_entry as file_entry_filters
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import loggers
from plaso.lib import specification
from plaso.preprocessors import manager as preprocess_manager

[docs]class ImageExportTool(storage_media_tool.StorageMediaTool): """Class that implements the image export CLI tool. Attributes: has_filters (bool): True if filters have been specified via the options. list_signature_identifiers (bool): True if information about the signature identifiers should be shown. """ NAME = 'image_export' DESCRIPTION = ( 'This is a simple collector designed to export files inside an ' 'image, both within a regular RAW image as well as inside a VSS. ' 'The tool uses a collection filter that uses the same syntax as a ' 'targeted plaso filter.') EPILOG = 'And that is how you export files, plaso style.' _DIRTY_CHARACTERS = frozenset([ '\x00', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04', '\x05', '\x06', '\x07', '\x08', '\x09', '\x0a', '\x0b', '\x0c', '\x0d', '\x0e', '\x0f', '\x10', '\x11', '\x12', '\x13', '\x14', '\x15', '\x16', '\x17', '\x18', '\x19', '\x1a', '\x1b', '\x1c', '\x1d', '\x1e', '\x1f', os.path.sep, '!', '$', '%', '&', '*', '+', ':', ';', '<', '>', '?', '@', '|', '~', '\x7f']) _COPY_BUFFER_SIZE = 32768 _READ_BUFFER_SIZE = 4096 # TODO: remove this redirect. _SOURCE_OPTION = 'image' _SPECIFICATION_FILE_ENCODING = 'utf-8' def __init__(self, input_reader=None, output_writer=None): """Initializes the CLI tool object. Args: input_reader (Optional[InputReader]): input reader, where None indicates that the stdin input reader should be used. output_writer (Optional[OutputWriter]): output writer, where None indicates that the stdout output writer should be used. """ super(ImageExportTool, self).__init__( input_reader=input_reader, output_writer=output_writer) self._abort = False self._artifact_definitions_path = None self._artifact_filters = None self._artifacts_registry = None self._custom_artifacts_path = None self._destination_path = None self._digests = {} self._filter_collection = file_entry_filters.FileEntryFilterCollection() self._filter_file = None self._knowledge_base = knowledge_base.KnowledgeBase() self._path_spec_extractor = extractors.PathSpecExtractor() self._process_memory_limit = None self._resolver_context = context.Context() self._skip_duplicates = True self.has_filters = False self.list_signature_identifiers = False def _CalculateDigestHash(self, file_entry, data_stream_name): """Calculates a SHA-256 digest of the contents of the file entry. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry whose content will be hashed. data_stream_name (str): name of the data stream whose content is to be hashed. Returns: str: hexadecimal representation of the SHA-256 hash or None if the digest cannot be determined. """ file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject(data_stream_name=data_stream_name) if not file_object: return None try:, os.SEEK_SET) hasher_object = hashers_manager.HashersManager.GetHasher('sha256') data = while data: hasher_object.Update(data) data = finally: file_object.close() return hasher_object.GetStringDigest() def _CreateSanitizedDestination( self, source_file_entry, source_path_spec, destination_path): """Creates a sanitized path of both destination directory and filename. This function replaces non-printable and other characters defined in _DIRTY_CHARACTERS with an underscore "_". Args: source_file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry of the source file. source_path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification of the source file. destination_path (str): path of the destination directory. Returns: tuple[str, str]: sanitized paths of both destination directory and filename. """ file_system = source_file_entry.GetFileSystem() path = getattr(source_path_spec, 'location', None) path_segments = file_system.SplitPath(path) # Sanitize each path segment. for index, path_segment in enumerate(path_segments): path_segments[index] = ''.join([ character if character not in self._DIRTY_CHARACTERS else '_' for character in path_segment]) return ( os.path.join(destination_path, *path_segments[:-1]), path_segments[-1]) # TODO: merge with collector and/or engine. def _Extract( self, source_path_specs, destination_path, output_writer, skip_duplicates=True): """Extracts files. Args: source_path_specs (list[dfvfs.PathSpec]): path specifications to extract. destination_path (str): path where the extracted files should be stored. output_writer (CLIOutputWriter): output writer. skip_duplicates (Optional[bool]): True if files with duplicate content should be skipped. """ output_writer.Write('Extracting file entries.\n') path_spec_generator = self._path_spec_extractor.ExtractPathSpecs( source_path_specs, resolver_context=self._resolver_context) for path_spec in path_spec_generator: self._ExtractFileEntry( path_spec, destination_path, output_writer, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates) def _ExtractDataStream( self, file_entry, data_stream_name, destination_path, output_writer, skip_duplicates=True): """Extracts a data stream. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry containing the data stream. data_stream_name (str): name of the data stream. destination_path (str): path where the extracted files should be stored. output_writer (CLIOutputWriter): output writer. skip_duplicates (Optional[bool]): True if files with duplicate content should be skipped. """ if not data_stream_name and not file_entry.IsFile(): return display_name = path_helper.PathHelper.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec( file_entry.path_spec) if skip_duplicates: try: digest = self._CalculateDigestHash(file_entry, data_stream_name) except (IOError, dfvfs_errors.BackEndError) as exception: output_writer.Write(( '[skipping] unable to read content of file entry: {0:s} ' 'with error: {1!s}\n').format(display_name, exception)) return if not digest: output_writer.Write( '[skipping] unable to read content of file entry: {0:s}\n'.format( display_name)) return duplicate_display_name = self._digests.get(digest, None) if duplicate_display_name: output_writer.Write(( '[skipping] file entry: {0:s} is a duplicate of: {1:s} with ' 'digest: {2:s}\n').format( display_name, duplicate_display_name, digest)) return self._digests[digest] = display_name target_directory, target_filename = self._CreateSanitizedDestination( file_entry, file_entry.path_spec, destination_path) parent_path_spec = getattr(file_entry.path_spec, 'parent', None) if parent_path_spec: vss_store_number = getattr(parent_path_spec, 'store_index', None) if vss_store_number is not None: target_filename = 'vss{0:d}_{1:s}'.format( vss_store_number + 1, target_filename) if data_stream_name: target_filename = '{0:s}_{1:s}'.format(target_filename, data_stream_name) if not target_directory: target_directory = destination_path elif not os.path.isdir(target_directory): os.makedirs(target_directory) target_path = os.path.join(target_directory, target_filename) if os.path.exists(target_path): output_writer.Write(( '[skipping] unable to export contents of file entry: {0:s} ' 'because exported file: {1:s} already exists.\n').format( display_name, target_path)) return try: self._WriteFileEntry(file_entry, data_stream_name, target_path) except (IOError, dfvfs_errors.BackEndError) as exception: output_writer.Write(( '[skipping] unable to export contents of file entry: {0:s} ' 'with error: {1!s}\n').format(display_name, exception)) try: os.remove(target_path) except (IOError, OSError): pass def _ExtractFileEntry( self, path_spec, destination_path, output_writer, skip_duplicates=True): """Extracts a file entry. Args: path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): path specification of the source file. destination_path (str): path where the extracted files should be stored. output_writer (CLIOutputWriter): output writer. skip_duplicates (Optional[bool]): True if files with duplicate content should be skipped. """ file_entry = path_spec_resolver.Resolver.OpenFileEntry(path_spec) if not self._filter_collection.Matches(file_entry): return file_entry_processed = False for data_stream in file_entry.data_streams: if self._abort: break self._ExtractDataStream( file_entry,, destination_path, output_writer, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates) file_entry_processed = True if not file_entry_processed: self._ExtractDataStream( file_entry, '', destination_path, output_writer, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates) # TODO: merge with collector and/or engine. def _ExtractWithFilter( self, source_path_specs, destination_path, output_writer, artifact_filters, filter_file, artifact_definitions_path, custom_artifacts_path, skip_duplicates=True): """Extracts files using a filter expression. This method runs the file extraction process on the image and potentially on every VSS if that is wanted. Args: source_path_specs (list[dfvfs.PathSpec]): path specifications to extract. destination_path (str): path where the extracted files should be stored. output_writer (CLIOutputWriter): output writer. artifact_definitions_path (str): path to artifact definitions file. custom_artifacts_path (str): path to custom artifact definitions file. artifact_filters (list[str]): names of artifact definitions that are used for filtering file system and Windows Registry key paths. filter_file (str): path of the file that contains the filter file path filters. skip_duplicates (Optional[bool]): True if files with duplicate content should be skipped. """ for source_path_spec in source_path_specs: file_system, mount_point = self._GetSourceFileSystem( source_path_spec, resolver_context=self._resolver_context) if self._knowledge_base is None: self._Preprocess(file_system, mount_point) display_name = path_helper.PathHelper.GetDisplayNameForPathSpec( source_path_spec) output_writer.Write( 'Extracting file entries from: {0:s}\n'.format(display_name)) filter_find_specs = engine.BaseEngine.BuildFilterFindSpecs( artifact_definitions_path, custom_artifacts_path, self._knowledge_base, artifact_filters, filter_file) searcher = file_system_searcher.FileSystemSearcher( file_system, mount_point) for path_spec in searcher.Find(find_specs=filter_find_specs): self._ExtractFileEntry( path_spec, destination_path, output_writer, skip_duplicates=skip_duplicates) file_system.Close() # TODO: refactor, this is a duplicate of the function in engine. def _GetSourceFileSystem(self, source_path_spec, resolver_context=None): """Retrieves the file system of the source. Args: source_path_spec (dfvfs.PathSpec): source path specification of the file system. resolver_context (dfvfs.Context): resolver context. Returns: tuple: containing: dfvfs.FileSystem: file system. dfvfs.PathSpec: mount point path specification that refers to the base location of the file system. Raises: RuntimeError: if source path specification is not set. """ if not source_path_spec: raise RuntimeError('Missing source.') file_system = path_spec_resolver.Resolver.OpenFileSystem( source_path_spec, resolver_context=resolver_context) type_indicator = source_path_spec.type_indicator if path_spec_factory.Factory.IsSystemLevelTypeIndicator(type_indicator): mount_point = source_path_spec else: mount_point = source_path_spec.parent return file_system, mount_point def _ParseExtensionsString(self, extensions_string): """Parses the extensions string. Args: extensions_string (str): comma separated extensions to filter. """ if not extensions_string: return extensions_string = extensions_string.lower() extensions = [ extension.strip() for extension in extensions_string.split(',')] file_entry_filter = file_entry_filters.ExtensionsFileEntryFilter(extensions) self._filter_collection.AddFilter(file_entry_filter) def _ParseNamesString(self, names_string): """Parses the name string. Args: names_string (str): comma separated filenames to filter. """ if not names_string: return names_string = names_string.lower() names = [name.strip() for name in names_string.split(',')] file_entry_filter = file_entry_filters.NamesFileEntryFilter(names) self._filter_collection.AddFilter(file_entry_filter) def _ParseFilterOptions(self, options): """Parses the filter options. Args: options (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments. Raises: BadConfigOption: if the options are invalid. """ names = ['artifact_filters', 'date_filters', 'filter_file'] helpers_manager.ArgumentHelperManager.ParseOptions( options, self, names=names) extensions_string = self.ParseStringOption(options, 'extensions_string') self._ParseExtensionsString(extensions_string) names_string = getattr(options, 'names_string', None) self._ParseNamesString(names_string) signature_identifiers = getattr(options, 'signature_identifiers', None) try: self._ParseSignatureIdentifiers( self._data_location, signature_identifiers) except (IOError, ValueError) as exception: raise errors.BadConfigOption(exception) if self._artifact_filters or self._filter_file: self.has_filters = True else: self.has_filters = self._filter_collection.HasFilters() def _ParseSignatureIdentifiers(self, data_location, signature_identifiers): """Parses the signature identifiers. Args: data_location (str): location of the format specification file, for example, "signatures.conf". signature_identifiers (str): comma separated signature identifiers. Raises: IOError: if the format specification file could not be read from the specified data location. ValueError: if no data location was specified. """ if not signature_identifiers: return if not data_location: raise ValueError('Missing data location.') path = os.path.join(data_location, 'signatures.conf') if not os.path.exists(path): raise IOError( 'No such format specification file: {0:s}'.format(path)) try: specification_store = self._ReadSpecificationFile(path) except IOError as exception: raise IOError(( 'Unable to read format specification file: {0:s} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(path, exception)) signature_identifiers = signature_identifiers.lower() signature_identifiers = [ identifier.strip() for identifier in signature_identifiers.split(',')] file_entry_filter = file_entry_filters.SignaturesFileEntryFilter( specification_store, signature_identifiers) self._filter_collection.AddFilter(file_entry_filter) def _Preprocess(self, file_system, mount_point): """Preprocesses the image. Args: file_system (dfvfs.FileSystem): file system to be preprocessed. mount_point (dfvfs.PathSpec): mount point path specification that refers to the base location of the file system. """ logger.debug('Starting preprocessing.') try: preprocess_manager.PreprocessPluginsManager.RunPlugins( self._artifacts_registry, file_system, mount_point, self._knowledge_base) except IOError as exception: logger.error('Unable to preprocess with error: {0!s}'.format(exception)) logger.debug('Preprocessing done.') def _ReadSpecificationFile(self, path): """Reads the format specification file. Args: path (str): path of the format specification file. Returns: FormatSpecificationStore: format specification store. """ specification_store = specification.FormatSpecificationStore() with path, 'rt', encoding=self._SPECIFICATION_FILE_ENCODING) as file_object: for line in file_object.readlines(): line = line.strip() if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue try: identifier, offset, pattern = line.split() except ValueError: logger.error('[skipping] invalid line: {0:s}'.format(line)) continue try: offset = int(offset, 10) except ValueError: logger.error('[skipping] invalid offset in line: {0:s}'.format(line)) continue try: # TODO: find another way to do this that doesn't use an undocumented # API. pattern = codecs.escape_decode(pattern)[0] # ValueError is raised e.g. when the patterns contains "\xg1". except ValueError: logger.error( '[skipping] invalid pattern in line: {0:s}'.format(line)) continue format_specification = specification.FormatSpecification(identifier) format_specification.AddNewSignature(pattern, offset=offset) specification_store.AddSpecification(format_specification) return specification_store def _WriteFileEntry(self, file_entry, data_stream_name, destination_file): """Writes the contents of the source file entry to a destination file. Note that this function will overwrite an existing file. Args: file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): file entry whose content is to be written. data_stream_name (str): name of the data stream whose content is to be written. destination_file (str): path of the destination file. """ source_file_object = file_entry.GetFileObject( data_stream_name=data_stream_name) if not source_file_object: return try: with open(destination_file, 'wb') as destination_file_object:, os.SEEK_SET) data = while data: destination_file_object.write(data) data = finally: source_file_object.close()
[docs] def AddFilterOptions(self, argument_group): """Adds the filter options to the argument group. Args: argument_group (argparse._ArgumentGroup): argparse argument group. """ names = ['artifact_filters', 'date_filters', 'filter_file'] helpers_manager.ArgumentHelperManager.AddCommandLineArguments( argument_group, names=names) argument_group.add_argument( '-x', '--extensions', dest='extensions_string', action='store', type=str, metavar='EXTENSIONS', help=( 'Filter on file name extensions. This option accepts multiple ' 'multiple comma separated values e.g. "csv,docx,pst".')) argument_group.add_argument( '--names', dest='names_string', action='store', type=str, metavar='NAMES', help=( 'Filter on file names. This option accepts a comma separated ' 'string denoting all file names, e.g. -x ' '"NTUSER.DAT,UsrClass.dat".')) argument_group.add_argument( '--signatures', dest='signature_identifiers', action='store', type=str, metavar='IDENTIFIERS', help=( 'Filter on file format signature identifiers. This option ' 'accepts multiple comma separated values e.g. "esedb,lnk". ' 'Use "list" to show an overview of the supported file format '
[docs] def ListSignatureIdentifiers(self): """Lists the signature identifier. Raises: BadConfigOption: if the data location is invalid. """ if not self._data_location: raise errors.BadConfigOption('Missing data location.') path = os.path.join(self._data_location, 'signatures.conf') if not os.path.exists(path): raise errors.BadConfigOption( 'No such format specification file: {0:s}'.format(path)) try: specification_store = self._ReadSpecificationFile(path) except IOError as exception: raise errors.BadConfigOption(( 'Unable to read format specification file: {0:s} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(path, exception)) identifiers = [] for format_specification in specification_store.specifications: identifiers.append(format_specification.identifier) self._output_writer.Write('Available signature identifiers:\n') self._output_writer.Write( '\n'.join(textwrap.wrap(', '.join(sorted(identifiers)), 79)))
[docs] def ParseArguments(self): """Parses the command line arguments. Returns: bool: True if the arguments were successfully parsed. """ loggers.ConfigureLogging() argument_parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description=self.DESCRIPTION, epilog=self.EPILOG, add_help=False, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) self.AddBasicOptions(argument_parser) self.AddInformationalOptions(argument_parser) argument_helper_names = ['artifact_definitions', 'data_location'] if self._CanEnforceProcessMemoryLimit(): argument_helper_names.append('process_resources') helpers_manager.ArgumentHelperManager.AddCommandLineArguments( argument_parser, names=argument_helper_names) self.AddLogFileOptions(argument_parser) self.AddStorageMediaImageOptions(argument_parser) self.AddVSSProcessingOptions(argument_parser) self.AddFilterOptions(argument_parser) argument_parser.add_argument( '-w', '--write', action='store', dest='path', type=str, metavar='PATH', default='export', help=( 'The directory in which extracted files should be stored.')) argument_parser.add_argument( '--include_duplicates', dest='include_duplicates', action='store_true', default=False, help=( 'If extraction from VSS is enabled, by default a digest hash ' 'is calculated for each file. These hashes are compared to the ' 'previously exported files and duplicates are skipped. Use ' 'this option to include duplicate files in the export.')) argument_parser.add_argument( self._SOURCE_OPTION, nargs='?', action='store', metavar='IMAGE', default=None, type=str, help=( 'The full path to the image file that we are about to extract ' 'files from, it should be a raw image or another image that ' 'plaso supports.')) try: options = argument_parser.parse_args() except UnicodeEncodeError: # If we get here we are attempting to print help in a non-Unicode # terminal. self._output_writer.Write('') self._output_writer.Write(argument_parser.format_help()) return False try: self.ParseOptions(options) except errors.BadConfigOption as exception: self._output_writer.Write('ERROR: {0!s}\n'.format(exception)) self._output_writer.Write('') self._output_writer.Write(argument_parser.format_usage()) return False loggers.ConfigureLogging( debug_output=self._debug_mode, filename=self._log_file, quiet_mode=self._quiet_mode)
return True
[docs] def ParseOptions(self, options): """Parses the options and initializes the front-end. Args: options (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments. Raises: BadConfigOption: if the options are invalid. """ # The data location is required to list signatures. helpers_manager.ArgumentHelperManager.ParseOptions( options, self, names=['data_location']) # Check the list options first otherwise required options will raise. signature_identifiers = self.ParseStringOption( options, 'signature_identifiers') if signature_identifiers == 'list': self.list_signature_identifiers = True if self.list_signature_identifiers: return self._ParseInformationalOptions(options) self._ParseLogFileOptions(options) self._ParseStorageMediaOptions(options) self._destination_path = self.ParseStringOption( options, 'path', default_value='export') if not self._data_location: logger.warning('Unable to automatically determine data location.') argument_helper_names = ['artifact_definitions', 'process_resources'] helpers_manager.ArgumentHelperManager.ParseOptions( options, self, names=argument_helper_names) self._ParseFilterOptions(options) if (getattr(options, 'no_vss', False) or getattr(options, 'include_duplicates', False)): self._skip_duplicates = False
[docs] def PrintFilterCollection(self): """Prints the filter collection."""
[docs] def ProcessSources(self): """Processes the sources. Raises: SourceScannerError: if the source scanner could not find a supported file system. UserAbort: if the user initiated an abort. """ self.ScanSource(self._source_path) self._output_writer.Write('Export started.\n') if not os.path.isdir(self._destination_path): os.makedirs(self._destination_path) if self._artifact_filters or self._filter_file: self._ExtractWithFilter( self._source_path_specs, self._destination_path, self._output_writer, self._artifact_filters, self._filter_file, self._artifact_definitions_path, self._custom_artifacts_path, skip_duplicates=self._skip_duplicates) else: self._Extract( self._source_path_specs, self._destination_path, self._output_writer, skip_duplicates=self._skip_duplicates) self._output_writer.Write('Export completed.\n')