Source code for plaso.analysis.browser_search

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A plugin that extracts browser history from events."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import collections
import re
import sys

if sys.version_info[0] < 3:
  import urllib as urlparse
  from urllib import parse as urlparse # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

# pylint: disable=wrong-import-position
from plaso.analysis import interface
from plaso.analysis import logger
from plaso.analysis import manager
from plaso.containers import reports
from plaso.formatters import manager as formatters_manager
from plaso.lib import py2to3

# Create a lightweight object that is used to store timeline based information
# about each search term.
# pylint: disable=invalid-name
SEARCH_OBJECT = collections.namedtuple(
    'SEARCH_OBJECT', 'time source engine search_term')

[docs]class BrowserSearchPlugin(interface.AnalysisPlugin): """Analyze browser search entries from events.""" NAME = 'browser_search' # Indicate that we do not want to run this plugin during regular extraction. ENABLE_IN_EXTRACTION = False _EVENT_TAG_COMMENT = 'Browser Search' _EVENT_TAG_LABELS = ['browser_search'] # TODO: use groups to build a single RE. # Here we define filters and callback methods for all hits on each filter. _URL_FILTERS = frozenset([ ('Bing', re.compile(''), '_ExtractSearchQueryFromURL'), ('DuckDuckGo', re.compile(r'duckduckgo\.com'), '_ExtractDuckDuckGoSearchQuery'), ('GMail', re.compile(r'mail\.google\.com'), '_ExtractGMailSearchQuery'), ('Google Docs', re.compile(r''), '_ExtractGoogleDocsSearchQuery'), ('Google Drive', re.compile(r'drive\.google\.com/drive/search'), '_ExtractGoogleSearchQuery'), ('Google Search', re.compile(r'(www\.|encrypted\.|/)google\.[^/]*/search'), '_ExtractGoogleSearchQuery'), ('Google Sites', re.compile(r''), '_ExtractGoogleSearchQuery'), ('Yandex', re.compile(r'yandex\.com/search'), '_ExtractYandexSearchQuery'), ('Youtube', re.compile(r'youtube\.com'), '_ExtractYouTubeSearchQuery'), ]) def __init__(self): """Initializes an analysis plugin.""" super(BrowserSearchPlugin, self).__init__() self._counter = collections.Counter() # Store a list of search terms in a timeline format. # The format is key = timestamp, value = (source, engine, search term). self._search_term_timeline = [] def _DecodeURL(self, url): """Decodes the URL, replaces %XX to their corresponding characters. Args: url (str): encoded URL. Returns: str: decoded URL. """ if not url: return '' decoded_url = urlparse.unquote(url) if isinstance(decoded_url, py2to3.BYTES_TYPE): try: decoded_url = decoded_url.decode('utf-8') except UnicodeDecodeError as exception: decoded_url = decoded_url.decode('utf-8', errors='replace') logger.warning( 'Unable to decode URL: {0:s} with error: {1!s}'.format( url, exception)) return decoded_url def _ExtractDuckDuckGoSearchQuery(self, url): """Extracts a search query from a DuckDuckGo search URL. DuckDuckGo: Args: url (str): URL. Returns: str: search query or None if no query was found. """ if 'q=' not in url: return None return self._GetBetweenQEqualsAndAmpersand(url).replace('+', ' ') def _ExtractGMailSearchQuery(self, url): """Extracts a search query from a GMail search URL. GMail:[/?] Args: url (str): URL. Returns: str: search query or None if no query was found. """ if 'search/' not in url: return None _, _, line = url.partition('search/') line, _, _ = line.partition('/') line, _, _ = line.partition('?') return line.replace('+', ' ') def _ExtractGoogleDocsSearchQuery(self, url): """Extracts a search query from a Google docs URL. Google Docs:*/u/0/?q=query Args: url (str): URL. Returns: str: search query or None if no query was found. """ if 'q=' not in url: return None line = self._GetBetweenQEqualsAndAmpersand(url) if not line: return None return line.replace('+', ' ') def _ExtractGoogleSearchQuery(self, url): """Extracts a search query from a Google URL. Google Drive: Google Search: Google Sites:*/system/app/pages/ search?q=query Args: url (str): URL. Returns: str: search query or None if no query was found. """ if 'search' not in url or 'q=' not in url: return None line = self._GetBetweenQEqualsAndAmpersand(url) if not line: return None return line.replace('+', ' ') def _ExtractYandexSearchQuery(self, url): """Extracts a search query from a Yandex search URL. Yandex: Args: url (str): URL. Returns: str: search query or None if no query was found. """ if 'text=' not in url: return None _, _, line = url.partition('text=') before_and, _, _ = line.partition('&') if not before_and: return None yandex_search_url = before_and.split()[0] return yandex_search_url.replace('+', ' ') def _ExtractYouTubeSearchQuery(self, url): """Extracts a search query from a YouTube search URL. YouTube: Args: url (str): URL. Returns: str: search query. """ return self._ExtractSearchQueryFromURL(url) def _ExtractSearchQueryFromURL(self, url): """Extracts a search query from the URL. Bing: GitHub: Args: url (str): URL. Returns: str: search query, the value between 'q=' and '&' or None if no query was found. """ if 'search' not in url or 'q=' not in url: return None return self._GetBetweenQEqualsAndAmpersand(url).replace('+', ' ') def _GetBetweenQEqualsAndAmpersand(self, url): """Retrieves the substring between the substrings 'q=' and '&'. Args: url (str): URL. Returns: str: search query, the value between 'q=' and '&' or None if no query was found. """ # Make sure we're analyzing the query part of the URL. _, _, url = url.partition('?') # Look for a key value pair named 'q'. _, _, url = url.partition('q=') if not url: return '' # Strip additional key value pairs. url, _, _ = url.partition('&') return url
[docs] def CompileReport(self, mediator): """Compiles an analysis report. Args: mediator (AnalysisMediator): mediates interactions between analysis plugins and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. Returns: AnalysisReport: analysis report. """ results = {} for key, count in iter(self._counter.items()): search_engine, _, search_term = key.partition(':') results.setdefault(search_engine, {}) results[search_engine][search_term] = count lines_of_text = [] for search_engine, terms in sorted(results.items()): lines_of_text.append(' == ENGINE: {0:s} =='.format(search_engine)) for search_term, count in sorted( terms.items(), key=lambda x: (x[1], x[0]), reverse=True): lines_of_text.append('{0:d} {1:s}'.format(count, search_term)) # An empty string is added to have SetText create an empty line. lines_of_text.append('') lines_of_text.append('') report_text = '\n'.join(lines_of_text) analysis_report = reports.AnalysisReport( plugin_name=self.NAME, text=report_text) analysis_report.report_array = self._search_term_timeline analysis_report.report_dict = results
return analysis_report
[docs] def ExamineEvent(self, mediator, event): """Analyzes an event. Args: mediator (AnalysisMediator): mediates interactions between analysis plugins and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. event (EventObject): event to examine. """ # This event requires an URL attribute. url = getattr(event, 'url', None) if not url: return # TODO: refactor this the source should be used in formatting only. # Check if we are dealing with a web history event. source, _ = formatters_manager.FormattersManager.GetSourceStrings(event) if source != 'WEBHIST': return for engine, url_expression, method_name in self._URL_FILTERS: callback_method = getattr(self, method_name, None) if not callback_method: logger.warning('Missing method: {0:s}'.format(callback_method)) continue match = if not match: continue search_query = callback_method(url) if not search_query: logger.warning('Missing search query for URL: {0:s}'.format(url)) continue search_query = self._DecodeURL(search_query) if not search_query: continue event_tag = self._CreateEventTag( event, self._EVENT_TAG_COMMENT, self._EVENT_TAG_LABELS) mediator.ProduceEventTag(event_tag) self._counter['{0:s}:{1:s}'.format(engine, search_query)] += 1 # Add the timeline format for each search term. timestamp = getattr(event, 'timestamp', 0) source = getattr(event, 'parser', 'N/A') source = getattr(event, 'plugin', source) self._search_term_timeline.append(
SEARCH_OBJECT(timestamp, source, engine, search_query)) manager.AnalysisPluginManager.RegisterPlugin(BrowserSearchPlugin)