Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""SQLite-based storage."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import sqlite3
import zlib

from plaso.containers import artifacts
from plaso.containers import event_sources
from plaso.containers import events
from plaso.containers import reports
from plaso.containers import sessions
from plaso.containers import tasks
from plaso.containers import warnings
from plaso.lib import definitions
from import event_heaps
from import file_interface
from import identifiers
from import logger

[docs]class SQLiteStorageFile(file_interface.BaseStorageFile): """SQLite-based storage file. Attributes: format_version (int): storage format version. serialization_format (str): serialization format. storage_type (str): storage type. """ _FORMAT_VERSION = 20190309 # The earliest format version, stored in-file, that this class # is able to read. _COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION = 20170707 _CONTAINER_TYPE_ANALYSIS_REPORT = reports.AnalysisReport.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT = events.EventObject.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_DATA = events.EventData.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE = event_sources.EventSource.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_TAG = events.EventTag.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_ERROR = warnings.ExtractionError.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_SESSION_COMPLETION = sessions.SessionCompletion.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_SESSION_START = sessions.SessionStart.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION = ( artifacts.SystemConfigurationArtifact.CONTAINER_TYPE) _CONTAINER_TYPE_TASK_COMPLETION = tasks.TaskCompletion.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_TASK_START = tasks.TaskStart.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_WARNING = warnings.ExtractionWarning.CONTAINER_TYPE _CONTAINER_TYPES = ( _CONTAINER_TYPE_ANALYSIS_REPORT, _CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_ERROR, _CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_WARNING, _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT, _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_DATA, _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE, _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_TAG, _CONTAINER_TYPE_SESSION_COMPLETION, _CONTAINER_TYPE_SESSION_START, _CONTAINER_TYPE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION, _CONTAINER_TYPE_TASK_COMPLETION, _CONTAINER_TYPE_TASK_START) # Container types that are referenced from other container types. _REFERENCED_CONTAINER_TYPES = ( _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT, _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_DATA, _CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE) _CREATE_METADATA_TABLE_QUERY = ( 'CREATE TABLE metadata (key TEXT, value TEXT);') _CREATE_TABLE_QUERY = ( 'CREATE TABLE {0:s} (' '_identifier INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,' '_data {1:s});') _CREATE_EVENT_TABLE_QUERY = ( 'CREATE TABLE {0:s} (' '_identifier INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT,' '_timestamp BIGINT,' '_data {1:s});') _HAS_TABLE_QUERY = ( 'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master ' 'WHERE type = "table" AND name = "{0:s}"') # The maximum buffer size of serialized data before triggering # a flush to disk (64 MiB). _MAXIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE = 64 * 1024 * 1024 def __init__( self, maximum_buffer_size=0, storage_type=definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION): """Initializes a store. Args: maximum_buffer_size (Optional[int]): maximum size of a single storage stream. A value of 0 indicates the limit is _MAXIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE. storage_type (Optional[str]): storage type. Raises: ValueError: if the maximum buffer size value is out of bounds. """ if (maximum_buffer_size < 0 or maximum_buffer_size > self._MAXIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE): raise ValueError('Maximum buffer size value out of bounds.') if not maximum_buffer_size: maximum_buffer_size = self._MAXIMUM_BUFFER_SIZE super(SQLiteStorageFile, self).__init__() self._connection = None self._cursor = None self._last_session = 0 self._maximum_buffer_size = maximum_buffer_size self._serialized_event_heap = event_heaps.SerializedEventHeap() if storage_type == definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION: self.compression_format = definitions.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_ZLIB else: self.compression_format = definitions.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE self.format_version = self._FORMAT_VERSION self.serialization_format = definitions.SERIALIZER_FORMAT_JSON self.storage_type = storage_type def _AddAttributeContainer(self, container_type, attribute_container): """Adds an attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. attribute_container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. Raises: IOError: if the attribute container cannot be serialized. OSError: if the attribute container cannot be serialized. """ container_list = self._GetSerializedAttributeContainerList(container_type) identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( container_type, container_list.next_sequence_number + 1) attribute_container.SetIdentifier(identifier) serialized_data = self._SerializeAttributeContainer(attribute_container) container_list.PushAttributeContainer(serialized_data) if container_list.data_size > self._maximum_buffer_size: self._WriteSerializedAttributeContainerList(container_type) def _AddSerializedEvent(self, event): """Adds an serialized event. Args: event (EventObject): event. Raises: IOError: if the event cannot be serialized. OSError: if the event cannot be serialized. """ identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT, self._serialized_event_heap.number_of_events + 1) event.SetIdentifier(identifier) serialized_data = self._SerializeAttributeContainer(event) self._serialized_event_heap.PushEvent(event.timestamp, serialized_data) if self._serialized_event_heap.data_size > self._maximum_buffer_size: self._WriteSerializedAttributeContainerList(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT) @classmethod def _CheckStorageMetadata(cls, metadata_values, check_readable_only=False): """Checks the storage metadata. Args: metadata_values (dict[str, str]): metadata values per key. check_readable_only (Optional[bool]): whether the store should only be checked to see if it can be read. If False, the store will be checked to see if it can be read and written to. Raises: IOError: if the format version or the serializer format is not supported. OSError: if the format version or the serializer format is not supported. """ format_version = metadata_values.get('format_version', None) if not format_version: raise IOError('Missing format version.') try: format_version = int(format_version, 10) except (TypeError, ValueError): raise IOError('Invalid format version: {0!s}.'.format(format_version)) if not check_readable_only and format_version != cls._FORMAT_VERSION: raise IOError('Format version: {0:d} is not supported.'.format( format_version)) if format_version < cls._COMPATIBLE_FORMAT_VERSION: raise IOError( 'Format version: {0:d} is too old and no longer supported.'.format( format_version)) if format_version > cls._FORMAT_VERSION: raise IOError( 'Format version: {0:d} is too new and not yet supported.'.format( format_version)) metadata_values['format_version'] = format_version compression_format = metadata_values.get('compression_format', None) if compression_format not in definitions.COMPRESSION_FORMATS: raise IOError('Unsupported compression format: {0:s}'.format( compression_format)) serialization_format = metadata_values.get('serialization_format', None) if serialization_format != definitions.SERIALIZER_FORMAT_JSON: raise IOError('Unsupported serialization format: {0:s}'.format( serialization_format)) storage_type = metadata_values.get('storage_type', None) if storage_type not in definitions.STORAGE_TYPES: raise IOError('Unsupported storage type: {0:s}'.format( storage_type)) def _CountStoredAttributeContainers(self, container_type): """Counts the number of attribute containers of the given type. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: int: number of attribute containers of the given type. Raises: ValueError: if an unsupported container_type is provided. """ if not container_type in self._CONTAINER_TYPES: raise ValueError('Attribute container type {0:s} is not supported'.format( container_type)) if not self._HasTable(container_type): return 0 # Note that this is SQLite specific, and will give inaccurate results if # there are DELETE commands run on the table. The Plaso SQLite storage # implementation does not run any DELETE commands. query = 'SELECT MAX(_ROWID_) FROM {0:s} LIMIT 1'.format(container_type) self._cursor.execute(query) row = self._cursor.fetchone() if not row: return 0 return row[0] or 0 def _GetAttributeContainerByIndex(self, container_type, index): """Retrieves a specific attribute container. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. index (int): attribute container index. Returns: AttributeContainer: attribute container or None if not available. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the storage file. OSError: when there is an error querying the storage file. """ sequence_number = index + 1 query = 'SELECT _data FROM {0:s} WHERE rowid = {1:d}'.format( container_type, sequence_number) try: self._cursor.execute(query) except sqlite3.OperationalError as exception: raise IOError('Unable to query storage file with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) row = self._cursor.fetchone() if row: identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( container_type, sequence_number) if self.compression_format == definitions.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_ZLIB: serialized_data = zlib.decompress(row[0]) else: serialized_data = row[0] if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.Sample( 'read', container_type, len(serialized_data), len(row[0])) attribute_container = self._DeserializeAttributeContainer( container_type, serialized_data) attribute_container.SetIdentifier(identifier) return attribute_container count = self._CountStoredAttributeContainers(container_type) index -= count serialized_data = self._GetSerializedAttributeContainerByIndex( container_type, index) attribute_container = self._DeserializeAttributeContainer( container_type, serialized_data) if attribute_container: identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( container_type, sequence_number) attribute_container.SetIdentifier(identifier) return attribute_container # TODO: determine if this method should account for non-stored attribute # containers or that it is better to rename the method to # _GetStoredAttributeContainers. def _GetAttributeContainers( self, container_type, filter_expression=None, order_by=None): """Retrieves a specific type of stored attribute containers. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. filter_expression (Optional[str]): expression to filter results by. order_by (Optional[str]): name of a column to order the results by. Yields: AttributeContainer: attribute container. Raises: IOError: when there is an error querying the storage file. OSError: when there is an error querying the storage file. """ query = 'SELECT _identifier, _data FROM {0:s}'.format(container_type) if filter_expression: query = '{0:s} WHERE {1:s}'.format(query, filter_expression) if order_by: query = '{0:s} ORDER BY {1:s}'.format(query, order_by) # Use a local cursor to prevent another query interrupting the generator. cursor = self._connection.cursor() try: cursor.execute(query) except sqlite3.OperationalError as exception: raise IOError('Unable to query storage file with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) row = cursor.fetchone() while row: identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier(container_type, row[0]) if self.compression_format == definitions.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_ZLIB: serialized_data = zlib.decompress(row[1]) else: serialized_data = row[1] if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.Sample( 'read', container_type, len(serialized_data), len(row[1])) attribute_container = self._DeserializeAttributeContainer( container_type, serialized_data) attribute_container.SetIdentifier(identifier) yield attribute_container row = cursor.fetchone() # TODO: determine if this method should account for non-stored attribute # containers or that it is better to rename the method to # _HasStoredAttributeContainers. def _HasAttributeContainers(self, container_type): """Determines if store contains a specific type of attribute containers. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. Returns: bool: True if the store contains the specified type of attribute containers. """ count = self._CountStoredAttributeContainers(container_type) return count > 0 def _HasTable(self, table_name): """Determines if a specific table exists. Args: table_name (str): name of the table. Returns: bool: True if the table exists, false otherwise. """ query = self._HAS_TABLE_QUERY.format(table_name) self._cursor.execute(query) return bool(self._cursor.fetchone()) def _ReadAndCheckStorageMetadata(self, check_readable_only=False): """Reads storage metadata and checks that the values are valid. Args: check_readable_only (Optional[bool]): whether the store should only be checked to see if it can be read. If False, the store will be checked to see if it can be read and written to. """ query = 'SELECT key, value FROM metadata' self._cursor.execute(query) metadata_values = {row[0]: row[1] for row in self._cursor.fetchall()} self._CheckStorageMetadata( metadata_values, check_readable_only=check_readable_only) self.format_version = metadata_values['format_version'] self.compression_format = metadata_values['compression_format'] self.serialization_format = metadata_values['serialization_format'] self.storage_type = metadata_values['storage_type'] def _WriteAttributeContainer(self, attribute_container): """Writes an attribute container. The table for the container type must exist. Args: attribute_container (AttributeContainer): attribute container. """ if attribute_container.CONTAINER_TYPE == self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT: timestamp, serialized_data = self._serialized_event_heap.PopEvent() else: serialized_data = self._SerializeAttributeContainer(attribute_container) if self.compression_format == definitions.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_ZLIB: compressed_data = zlib.compress(serialized_data) serialized_data = sqlite3.Binary(compressed_data) else: compressed_data = '' if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.Sample( 'write', attribute_container.CONTAINER_TYPE, len(serialized_data), len(compressed_data)) if attribute_container.CONTAINER_TYPE == self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT: query = 'INSERT INTO event (_timestamp, _data) VALUES (?, ?)' self._cursor.execute(query, (timestamp, serialized_data)) else: query = 'INSERT INTO {0:s} (_data) VALUES (?)'.format( attribute_container.CONTAINER_TYPE) self._cursor.execute(query, (serialized_data, )) identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( attribute_container.CONTAINER_TYPE, self._cursor.lastrowid) attribute_container.SetIdentifier(identifier) def _WriteSerializedAttributeContainerList(self, container_type): """Writes a serialized attribute container list. Args: container_type (str): attribute container type. """ if container_type == self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT: if not self._serialized_event_heap.data_size: return number_of_attribute_containers = ( self._serialized_event_heap.number_of_events) else: container_list = self._GetSerializedAttributeContainerList(container_type) if not container_list.data_size: return number_of_attribute_containers = ( container_list.number_of_attribute_containers) if self._serializers_profiler: self._serializers_profiler.StartTiming('write') if container_type == self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT: query = 'INSERT INTO event (_timestamp, _data) VALUES (?, ?)' else: query = 'INSERT INTO {0:s} (_data) VALUES (?)'.format(container_type) # TODO: directly use container_list instead of values_tuple_list. values_tuple_list = [] for _ in range(number_of_attribute_containers): if container_type == self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT: timestamp, serialized_data = self._serialized_event_heap.PopEvent() else: serialized_data = container_list.PopAttributeContainer() if self.compression_format == definitions.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_ZLIB: compressed_data = zlib.compress(serialized_data) serialized_data = sqlite3.Binary(compressed_data) else: compressed_data = '' if self._storage_profiler: self._storage_profiler.Sample( 'write', container_type, len(serialized_data), len(compressed_data)) if container_type == self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT: values_tuple_list.append((timestamp, serialized_data)) else: values_tuple_list.append((serialized_data, )) self._cursor.executemany(query, values_tuple_list) if self._serializers_profiler: self._serializers_profiler.StopTiming('write') if container_type == self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT: self._serialized_event_heap.Empty() else: container_list.Empty() def _WriteStorageMetadata(self): """Writes the storage metadata.""" self._cursor.execute(self._CREATE_METADATA_TABLE_QUERY) query = 'INSERT INTO metadata (key, value) VALUES (?, ?)' key = 'format_version' value = '{0:d}'.format(self._FORMAT_VERSION) self._cursor.execute(query, (key, value)) key = 'compression_format' value = self.compression_format self._cursor.execute(query, (key, value)) key = 'serialization_format' value = self.serialization_format self._cursor.execute(query, (key, value)) key = 'storage_type' value = self.storage_type self._cursor.execute(query, (key, value))
[docs] def AddAnalysisReport(self, analysis_report): """Adds an analysis report. Args: analysis_report (AnalysisReport): analysis report. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._WriteAttributeContainer(analysis_report)
[docs] def AddWarning(self, warning): """Adds an warning. Args: warning (ExtractionWarning): warning. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._AddAttributeContainer( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_WARNING, warning)
[docs] def AddEvent(self, event): """Adds an event. Args: event (EventObject): event. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only or if the event data identifier type is not supported. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only or if the event data identifier type is not supported. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() # TODO: change to no longer allow event_data_identifier is None # after refactoring every parser to generate event data. event_data_identifier = event.GetEventDataIdentifier() if event_data_identifier: if not isinstance(event_data_identifier, identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier): raise IOError('Unsupported event data identifier type: {0:s}'.format( type(event_data_identifier))) event.event_data_row_identifier = event_data_identifier.row_identifier self._AddSerializedEvent(event)
[docs] def AddEventData(self, event_data): """Adds event data. Args: event_data (EventData): event data. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._AddAttributeContainer(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_DATA, event_data)
[docs] def AddEventSource(self, event_source): """Adds an event source. Args: event_source (EventSource): event source. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._AddAttributeContainer( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE, event_source)
[docs] def AddEventTag(self, event_tag): """Adds an event tag. Args: event_tag (EventTag): event tag. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only or if the event identifier type is not supported. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only or if the event identifier type is not supported. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() event_identifier = event_tag.GetEventIdentifier() if not isinstance(event_identifier, identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier): raise IOError('Unsupported event identifier type: {0:s}'.format( type(event_identifier))) event_tag.event_row_identifier = event_identifier.row_identifier self._AddAttributeContainer(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_TAG, event_tag)
[docs] def AddEventTags(self, event_tags): """Adds event tags. Args: event_tags (list[EventTag]): event tags. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only or if the event tags cannot be serialized. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only or if the event tags cannot be serialized. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() for event_tag in event_tags: self.AddEventTag(event_tag)
[docs] @classmethod def CheckSupportedFormat(cls, path, check_readable_only=False): """Checks if the storage file format is supported. Args: path (str): path to the storage file. check_readable_only (Optional[bool]): whether the store should only be checked to see if it can be read. If False, the store will be checked to see if it can be read and written to. Returns: bool: True if the format is supported. """ try: connection = sqlite3.connect( path, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) cursor = connection.cursor() query = 'SELECT * FROM metadata' cursor.execute(query) metadata_values = {row[0]: row[1] for row in cursor.fetchall()} cls._CheckStorageMetadata( metadata_values, check_readable_only=check_readable_only) connection.close() result = True except (IOError, sqlite3.DatabaseError): result = False return result
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes the storage. Raises: IOError: if the storage file is already closed. OSError: if the storage file is already closed. """ if not self._is_open: raise IOError('Storage file already closed.') if not self._read_only: self._WriteSerializedAttributeContainerList( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE) self._WriteSerializedAttributeContainerList( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_DATA) self._WriteSerializedAttributeContainerList(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT) self._WriteSerializedAttributeContainerList( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_TAG) self._WriteSerializedAttributeContainerList( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_WARNING) if self._connection: # We need to run commit or not all data is stored in the database. self._connection.commit() self._connection.close() self._connection = None self._cursor = None self._is_open = False
[docs] def GetAnalysisReports(self): """Retrieves the analysis reports. Returns: generator(AnalysisReport): analysis report generator. """ return self._GetAttributeContainers(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_ANALYSIS_REPORT)
[docs] def GetWarnings(self): """Retrieves the warnings. Returns: generator(ExtractionWarning): warning generator. """ # For backwards compatibility with pre-20190309 stores. # Note that stores cannot contain both ExtractionErrors and # ExtractionWarnings if self._HasAttributeContainers(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_ERROR): return self._GetExtractionErrorsAsWarnings() return self._GetAttributeContainers(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_WARNING)
def _GetExtractionErrorsAsWarnings(self): """Retrieves errors from from the store, and converts them to warnings. This method is for backwards compatibility with pre-20190309 storage format stores which used ExtractionError attribute containers. Yields: ExtractionWarning: extraction warnings. """ for extraction_error in self._GetAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_ERROR): error_attributes = extraction_error.CopyToDict() warning = warnings.ExtractionWarning() warning.CopyFromDict(error_attributes) yield warning
[docs] def GetEvents(self): """Retrieves the events. Yield: EventObject: event. """ for event in self._GetAttributeContainers('event'): if hasattr(event, 'event_data_row_identifier'): event_data_identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( 'event_data', event.event_data_row_identifier) event.SetEventDataIdentifier(event_data_identifier) del event.event_data_row_identifier yield event
[docs] def GetEventData(self): """Retrieves the event data. Returns: generator(EventData): event data generator. """ return self._GetAttributeContainers(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_DATA)
[docs] def GetEventDataByIdentifier(self, identifier): """Retrieves specific event data. Args: identifier (SQLTableIdentifier): event data identifier. Returns: EventData: event data or None if not available. """ return self._GetAttributeContainerByIndex( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_DATA, identifier.row_identifier - 1)
[docs] def GetEventSourceByIndex(self, index): """Retrieves a specific event source. Args: index (int): event source index. Returns: EventSource: event source or None if not available. """ return self._GetAttributeContainerByIndex( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE, index)
[docs] def GetEventSources(self): """Retrieves the event sources. Returns: generator(EventSource): event source generator. """ return self._GetAttributeContainers(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE)
[docs] def GetEventTagByIdentifier(self, identifier): """Retrieves a specific event tag. Args: identifier (SQLTableIdentifier): event tag identifier. Returns: EventTag: event tag or None if not available. """ event_tag = self._GetAttributeContainerByIndex( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_TAG, identifier.row_identifier - 1) if event_tag: event_identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT, event_tag.event_row_identifier) event_tag.SetEventIdentifier(event_identifier) del event_tag.event_row_identifier return event_tag
[docs] def GetEventTags(self): """Retrieves the event tags. Yields: EventTag: event tag. """ for event_tag in self._GetAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_TAG): event_identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT, event_tag.event_row_identifier) event_tag.SetEventIdentifier(event_identifier) del event_tag.event_row_identifier yield event_tag
[docs] def GetNumberOfAnalysisReports(self): """Retrieves the number analysis reports. Returns: int: number of analysis reports. """ return self._CountStoredAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_ANALYSIS_REPORT)
[docs] def GetNumberOfEventSources(self): """Retrieves the number event sources. Returns: int: number of event sources. """ number_of_event_sources = self._CountStoredAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE) number_of_event_sources += self._GetNumberOfSerializedAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_SOURCE) return number_of_event_sources
[docs] def GetSessions(self): """Retrieves the sessions. Yields: Session: session attribute container. Raises: IOError: if there is a mismatch in session identifiers between the session start and completion attribute containers. OSError: if there is a mismatch in session identifiers between the session start and completion attribute containers. """ session_start_generator = self._GetAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_SESSION_START) session_completion_generator = self._GetAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_SESSION_COMPLETION) for session_index in range(0, self._last_session): session_start = next(session_start_generator) # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return session_completion = next(session_completion_generator) # pylint: disable=stop-iteration-return session = sessions.Session() session.CopyAttributesFromSessionStart(session_start) if session_completion: try: session.CopyAttributesFromSessionCompletion(session_completion) except ValueError: raise IOError( 'Session identifier mismatch for session: {0:d}'.format( session_index)) yield session
[docs] def GetSortedEvents(self, time_range=None): """Retrieves the events in increasing chronological order. Args: time_range (Optional[TimeRange]): time range used to filter events that fall in a specific period. Yield: EventObject: event. """ filter_expression = None if time_range: filter_expression = [] if time_range.start_timestamp: filter_expression.append( '_timestamp >= {0:d}'.format(time_range.start_timestamp)) if time_range.end_timestamp: filter_expression.append( '_timestamp <= {0:d}'.format(time_range.end_timestamp)) filter_expression = ' AND '.join(filter_expression) event_generator = self._GetAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT, filter_expression=filter_expression, order_by='_timestamp') for event in event_generator: if hasattr(event, 'event_data_row_identifier'): event_data_identifier = identifiers.SQLTableIdentifier( 'event_data', event.event_data_row_identifier) event.SetEventDataIdentifier(event_data_identifier) del event.event_data_row_identifier yield event
[docs] def HasAnalysisReports(self): """Determines if a store contains analysis reports. Returns: bool: True if the store contains analysis reports. """ return self._HasAttributeContainers(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_ANALYSIS_REPORT)
[docs] def HasWarnings(self): """Determines if a store contains extraction warnings. Returns: bool: True if the store contains extraction warnings. """ # To support older storage versions, check for the now deprecated # extraction errors. has_errors = self._HasAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_ERROR) if has_errors: return True return self._HasAttributeContainers(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EXTRACTION_WARNING)
[docs] def HasEventTags(self): """Determines if a store contains event tags. Returns: bool: True if the store contains event tags. """ return self._HasAttributeContainers(self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT_TAG)
# pylint: disable=arguments-differ
[docs] def Open(self, path=None, read_only=True, **unused_kwargs): """Opens the storage. Args: path (Optional[str]): path to the storage file. read_only (Optional[bool]): True if the file should be opened in read-only mode. Raises: IOError: if the storage file is already opened or if the database cannot be connected. OSError: if the storage file is already opened or if the database cannot be connected. ValueError: if path is missing. """ if self._is_open: raise IOError('Storage file already opened.') if not path: raise ValueError('Missing path.') path = os.path.abspath(path) connection = sqlite3.connect( path, detect_types=sqlite3.PARSE_DECLTYPES|sqlite3.PARSE_COLNAMES) cursor = connection.cursor() if not cursor: return self._connection = connection self._cursor = cursor self._is_open = True self._read_only = read_only if read_only: self._ReadAndCheckStorageMetadata(check_readable_only=True) else: # self._cursor.execute('PRAGMA journal_mode=MEMORY') # Turn off insert transaction integrity since we want to do bulk insert. self._cursor.execute('PRAGMA synchronous=OFF') if not self._HasTable('metadata'): self._WriteStorageMetadata() else: self._ReadAndCheckStorageMetadata() if self.compression_format == definitions.COMPRESSION_FORMAT_ZLIB: data_column_type = 'BLOB' else: data_column_type = 'TEXT' for container_type in self._CONTAINER_TYPES: if not self._HasTable(container_type): if container_type == self._CONTAINER_TYPE_EVENT: query = self._CREATE_EVENT_TABLE_QUERY.format( container_type, data_column_type) else: query = self._CREATE_TABLE_QUERY.format( container_type, data_column_type) self._cursor.execute(query) self._connection.commit() last_session_start = self._CountStoredAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_SESSION_START) last_session_completion = self._CountStoredAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_SESSION_COMPLETION) # Initialize next_sequence_number based on the file contents so that # SQLTableIdentifier points to the correct attribute container. for container_type in self._REFERENCED_CONTAINER_TYPES: container_list = self._GetSerializedAttributeContainerList(container_type) container_list.next_sequence_number = ( self._CountStoredAttributeContainers(container_type)) # TODO: handle open sessions. if last_session_start != last_session_completion: logger.warning('Detected unclosed session.') self._last_session = last_session_completion
[docs] def ReadPreprocessingInformation(self, knowledge_base): """Reads preprocessing information. The preprocessing information contains the system configuration which contains information about various system specific configuration data, for example the user accounts. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): is used to store the preprocessing information. """ generator = self._GetAttributeContainers( self._CONTAINER_TYPE_SYSTEM_CONFIGURATION) for stream_number, system_configuration in enumerate(generator): # TODO: replace stream_number by session_identifier. knowledge_base.ReadSystemConfigurationArtifact( system_configuration, session_identifier=stream_number)
[docs] def WritePreprocessingInformation(self, knowledge_base): """Writes preprocessing information. Args: knowledge_base (KnowledgeBase): contains the preprocessing information. Raises: IOError: if the storage type does not support writing preprocess information or the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: if the storage type does not support writing preprocess information or the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() if self.storage_type != definitions.STORAGE_TYPE_SESSION: raise IOError('Preprocess information not supported by storage type.') system_configuration = knowledge_base.GetSystemConfigurationArtifact() self._WriteAttributeContainer(system_configuration)
[docs] def WriteSessionCompletion(self, session_completion): """Writes session completion information. Args: session_completion (SessionCompletion): session completion information. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._WriteAttributeContainer(session_completion)
[docs] def WriteSessionStart(self, session_start): """Writes session start information. Args: session_start (SessionStart): session start information. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._WriteAttributeContainer(session_start)
[docs] def WriteTaskCompletion(self, task_completion): """Writes task completion information. Args: task_completion (TaskCompletion): task completion information. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._WriteAttributeContainer(task_completion)
[docs] def WriteTaskStart(self, task_start): """Writes task start information. Args: task_start (TaskStart): task start information. Raises: IOError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. OSError: when the storage file is closed or read-only. """ self._RaiseIfNotWritable() self._WriteAttributeContainer(task_start)