Source code for plaso.parsers.dsv_parser

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Delimiter separated values (DSV) parser interface."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import abc
import csv

from dfvfs.helpers import text_file

from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import line_reader_file
from plaso.lib import py2to3
from plaso.lib import specification
from plaso.parsers import interface

# The Python 2 version of the csv module does not support Unicode input
# and we cannot use dfvfs.TextFile. csv.DictReader requires a file-like
# object that implements readline. BinaryLineReader provides readline on top
# of dfvfs.FileIO objects.

[docs]class DSVParser(interface.FileObjectParser): """Delimiter separated values (DSV) parser interface.""" # A list that contains the names of all the fields in the log file. This # needs to be defined by each DSV parser. COLUMNS = [] # The default delimiter is a comma, but a tab, pipe or other character are # known to be used. Note the delimiter must be a byte string otherwise csv # module can raise a TypeError indicating that "delimiter" must be a single # character string. DELIMITER = b',' # If there is a header before the lines start it can be defined here, and # the number of header lines that need to be skipped before the parsing # starts. NUMBER_OF_HEADER_LINES = 0 # If there is a special quote character used inside the structured text # it can be defined here. QUOTE_CHAR = b'"' # The maximum size of a single field in the parser FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT = csv.field_size_limit() # Value that should not appear inside the file, made to test the actual # file to see if it confirms to standards. _MAGIC_TEST_STRING = b'RegnThvotturMeistarans' def __init__(self, encoding=None): """Initializes a delimiter separated values (DSV) parser. Args: encoding (Optional[str]): encoding used in the DSV file, where None indicates the codepage of the parser mediator should be used. """ super(DSVParser, self).__init__() self._encoding = encoding if py2to3.PY_2: self._end_of_line = b'\n' else: self._end_of_line = '\n' self._maximum_line_length = ( len(self._end_of_line) + len(self.COLUMNS) * (self.FIELD_SIZE_LIMIT + len(self.DELIMITER))) def _ConvertRowToUnicode(self, parser_mediator, row): """Converts all strings in a DSV row dict to Unicode. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. row (dict[str, bytes]): a row from a DSV file, where the dictionary key contains the column name and the value a binary string. Returns: dict[str, str]: a row from the DSV file, where the dictionary key contains the column name and the value a Unicode string. """ for key, value in iter(row.items()): if isinstance(value, py2to3.UNICODE_TYPE): continue try: row[key] = value.decode(self._encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: replaced_value = value.decode(self._encoding, errors='replace') parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'error decoding DSV value: {0:s} as {1:s}, characters have been ' 'replaced in {2:s}'.format(key, self._encoding, replaced_value)) row[key] = replaced_value return row def _CreateDictReader(self, line_reader): """Returns a reader that processes each row and yields dictionaries. csv.DictReader does this job well for single-character delimiters; parsers that need multi-character delimiters need to override this method. Args: line_reader (iter): yields lines from a file-like object. Returns: iter: a reader of dictionaries, as returned by csv.DictReader(). """ delimiter = self.DELIMITER quotechar = self.QUOTE_CHAR magic_test_string = self._MAGIC_TEST_STRING # Python 3 csv module requires arguments to constructor to be of type str. if py2to3.PY_3: delimiter = delimiter.decode(self._encoding) quotechar = quotechar.decode(self._encoding) magic_test_string = magic_test_string.decode(self._encoding) return csv.DictReader( line_reader, delimiter=delimiter, fieldnames=self.COLUMNS, quotechar=quotechar, restkey=magic_test_string, restval=magic_test_string) # pylint: disable=missing-return-type-doc def _CreateLineReader(self, file_object): """Creates an object that reads lines from a text file. The line reader is advanced to the beginning of the DSV content, skipping any header lines. Args: file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. Returns: TextFile|BinaryLineReader: an object that implements an iterator over lines in a text file. Raises: UnicodeDecodeError: if the file cannot be read with the specified encoding. """ # The Python 2 csv module reads bytes and the Python 3 csv module Unicode # reads strings. if py2to3.PY_3: line_reader = text_file.TextFile( file_object, encoding=self._encoding, end_of_line=self._end_of_line) # pylint: disable=protected-access maximum_read_buffer_size = line_reader._MAXIMUM_READ_BUFFER_SIZE else: line_reader = line_reader_file.BinaryLineReader( file_object, end_of_line=self._end_of_line) maximum_read_buffer_size = line_reader.MAXIMUM_READ_BUFFER_SIZE # Line length is one less than the maximum read buffer size so that we # tell if there's a line that doesn't end at the end before the end of # the file. if self._maximum_line_length > maximum_read_buffer_size: self._maximum_line_length = maximum_read_buffer_size - 1 # If we specifically define a number of lines we should skip, do that here. for _ in range(0, self.NUMBER_OF_HEADER_LINES): line_reader.readline(self._maximum_line_length) return line_reader def _HasExpectedLineLength(self, file_object): """Determines if a file begins with lines of the expected length. As we know the maximum length of valid lines in the DSV file, the presence of lines longer than this indicates that the file will not be parsed successfully, without reading excessive data from a large file. Args: file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. Returns: bool: True if the file has lines of the expected length. """ original_file_position = file_object.tell() line_reader = self._CreateLineReader(file_object) for _ in range(0, 20): # Attempt to read a line that is longer than any line that should be in # the file. sample_line = line_reader.readline(self._maximum_line_length + 1) if len(sample_line) > self._maximum_line_length: return False return True
[docs] @classmethod def GetFormatSpecification(cls): """Retrieves the format specification. Returns: FormatSpecification: format specification. """ return specification.FormatSpecification(cls.NAME, text_format=True)
[docs] def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object): """Parses a DSV text file-like object. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): file-like object. Raises: UnableToParseFile: when the file cannot be parsed. """ # TODO: Replace this with detection of the file encoding via byte-order # marks. Also see: if not self._encoding: self._encoding = parser_mediator.codepage try: if not self._HasExpectedLineLength(file_object): display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s} with error: ' 'unexpected line length.').format(self.NAME, display_name)) except UnicodeDecodeError as exception: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s} with error: {2!s}.'.format( self.NAME, display_name, exception)) try: line_reader = self._CreateLineReader(file_object) reader = self._CreateDictReader(line_reader) row_offset = line_reader.tell() row = next(reader) except (StopIteration, csv.Error, UnicodeDecodeError) as exception: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s} with error: {2!s}.'.format( self.NAME, display_name, exception)) number_of_columns = len(self.COLUMNS) number_of_records = len(row) if number_of_records != number_of_columns: display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s}. Wrong number of ' 'records (expected: {2:d}, got: {3:d})').format( self.NAME, display_name, number_of_columns, number_of_records)) for key, value in row.items(): if self._MAGIC_TEST_STRING in (key, value): display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s}. Signature ' 'mismatch.').format(self.NAME, display_name)) row = self._ConvertRowToUnicode(parser_mediator, row) if not self.VerifyRow(parser_mediator, row): display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( '[{0:s}] Unable to parse DSV file: {1:s}. Verification ' 'failed.').format(self.NAME, display_name)) self.ParseRow(parser_mediator, row_offset, row) row_offset = line_reader.tell() for row in reader: if parser_mediator.abort: break row = self._ConvertRowToUnicode(parser_mediator, row) self.ParseRow(parser_mediator, row_offset, row) row_offset = line_reader.tell()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def ParseRow(self, parser_mediator, row_offset, row): """Parses a line of the log file and produces events. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. row_offset (int): offset of the row. row (dict[str, str]): fields of a single row, as specified in COLUMNS. """
# pylint: disable=redundant-returns-doc
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def VerifyRow(self, parser_mediator, row): """Verifies if a line of the file is in the expected format. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. row (dict[str, str]): fields of a single row, as specified in COLUMNS. Returns: bool: True if this is the correct parser, False otherwise. """