Source code for plaso.parsers.custom_destinations

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Parser for .customDestinations-ms files."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os

from dfvfs.lib import definitions
from dfvfs.lib import errors as dfvfs_errors
from dfvfs.path import factory as path_spec_factory
from dfvfs.resolver import resolver

from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import specification
from plaso.parsers import dtfabric_parser
from plaso.parsers import manager
from plaso.parsers import winlnk

[docs]class CustomDestinationsParser(dtfabric_parser.DtFabricBaseParser): """Parses .customDestinations-ms files.""" NAME = 'custom_destinations' DESCRIPTION = 'Parser for *.customDestinations-ms files.' _INITIAL_FILE_OFFSET = None _DEFINITION_FILE = 'custom_destinations.yaml' # We cannot use the parser registry here since winlnk could be disabled. # TODO: see if there is a more elegant solution for this. _WINLNK_PARSER = winlnk.WinLnkParser() _LNK_GUID = ( b'\x01\x14\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xc0\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x46') _FILE_FOOTER_SIGNATURE = 0xbabffbab def _ParseLNKFile( self, parser_mediator, file_entry, file_offset, remaining_file_size): """Parses a LNK file stored within the .customDestinations-ms file. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. file_entry (dfvfs.FileEntry): a file entry. file_offset (int): offset to the LNK file, relative to the start of the .customDestinations-ms file. remaining_file_size (int): size of the data remaining in the .customDestinations-ms file. Returns: int: size of the LNK file data or 0 if the LNK file could not be read. """ path_spec = path_spec_factory.Factory.NewPathSpec( definitions.TYPE_INDICATOR_DATA_RANGE, range_offset=file_offset, range_size=remaining_file_size, parent=file_entry.path_spec) display_name = '{0:s} # 0x{1:08x}'.format(, file_offset) try: lnk_file_object = resolver.Resolver.OpenFileObject( path_spec, resolver_context=parser_mediator.resolver_context) except (dfvfs_errors.BackEndError, RuntimeError) as exception: message = ( 'unable to open LNK file: {0:s} with error: {1!s}').format( display_name, exception) parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning(message) return 0 parser_mediator.AppendToParserChain(self._WINLNK_PARSER) try:, os.SEEK_SET) self._WINLNK_PARSER.ParseFileLNKFile( parser_mediator, lnk_file_object, display_name) finally: parser_mediator.PopFromParserChain() # We cannot trust the file size in the LNK data so we get the last offset # that was read instead. lnk_file_size = lnk_file_object.get_offset() lnk_file_object.close() return lnk_file_size
[docs] @classmethod def GetFormatSpecification(cls): """Retrieves the format specification. Returns: FormatSpecification: format specification. """ format_specification = specification.FormatSpecification(cls.NAME) format_specification.AddNewSignature(b'\xab\xfb\xbf\xba', offset=-4) return format_specification
[docs] def ParseFileObject(self, parser_mediator, file_object): """Parses a .customDestinations-ms file-like object. Args: parser_mediator (ParserMediator): mediates interactions between parsers and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. file_object (dfvfs.FileIO): a file-like object. Raises: UnableToParseFile: when the file cannot be parsed. """ file_entry = parser_mediator.GetFileEntry() display_name = parser_mediator.GetDisplayName() file_header_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('custom_file_header') try: file_header, file_offset = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, 0, file_header_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( 'Invalid Custom Destination: {0:s} - unable to parse file header ' 'with error: {1!s}').format(display_name, exception)) if file_header.unknown1 != 2: raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( 'Unsupported Custom Destination file: {0:s} - invalid unknown1: ' '{1:d}.').format(display_name, file_header.unknown1)) if file_header.header_values_type > 2: raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( 'Unsupported Custom Destination file: {0:s} - invalid header value ' 'type: {1:d}.').format(display_name, file_header.header_values_type)) if file_header.header_values_type == 0: data_map_name = 'custom_file_header_value_type_0' else: data_map_name = 'custom_file_header_value_type_1_or_2' file_header_value_map = self._GetDataTypeMap(data_map_name) try: _, value_data_size = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, file_offset, file_header_value_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( 'Invalid Custom Destination: {0:s} - unable to parse file header ' 'value with error: {1!s}').format(display_name, exception)) file_offset += value_data_size file_size = file_object.get_size() remaining_file_size = file_size - file_offset entry_header_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('custom_entry_header') file_footer_map = self._GetDataTypeMap('custom_file_footer') # The Custom Destination file does not have a unique signature in # the file header that is why we use the first LNK class identifier (GUID) # as a signature. first_guid_checked = False while remaining_file_size > 4: try: entry_header, entry_data_size = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, file_offset, entry_header_map) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: if not first_guid_checked: raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( 'Invalid Custom Destination file: {0:s} - unable to parse ' 'entry header with error: {1!s}').format( display_name, exception)) parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'unable to parse entry header with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) break if entry_header.guid != self._LNK_GUID: if not first_guid_checked: raise errors.UnableToParseFile(( 'Unsupported Custom Destination file: {0:s} - invalid entry ' 'header signature offset: 0x{1:08x}.').format( display_name, file_offset)) try: # Check if we found the footer instead of an entry header. file_footer, _ = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, file_offset, file_footer_map) if file_footer.signature != self._FILE_FOOTER_SIGNATURE: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'invalid entry header signature at offset: 0x{0:08x}'.format( file_offset)) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning(( 'unable to parse footer at offset: 0x{0:08x} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(file_offset, exception)) break # TODO: add support for Jump List LNK file recovery. break first_guid_checked = True file_offset += entry_data_size remaining_file_size -= entry_data_size lnk_file_size = self._ParseLNKFile( parser_mediator, file_entry, file_offset, remaining_file_size) file_offset += lnk_file_size remaining_file_size -= lnk_file_size try: file_footer, _ = self._ReadStructureFromFileObject( file_object, file_offset, file_footer_map) if file_footer.signature != self._FILE_FOOTER_SIGNATURE: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning( 'invalid footer signature at offset: 0x{0:08x}'.format(file_offset)) except (ValueError, errors.ParseError) as exception: parser_mediator.ProduceExtractionWarning(( 'unable to parse footer at offset: 0x{0:08x} with error: ' '{1!s}').format(file_offset, exception))