Source code for plaso.output.shared_elastic

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Shared code for Elasticsearch based output modules."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import os
import logging

from dfvfs.serializer.json_serializer import JsonPathSpecSerializer

  import elasticsearch
except ImportError:
  elasticsearch = None

from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import timelib
from plaso.output import interface
from plaso.output import logger

# Configure the Elasticsearch logger.
if elasticsearch:
  elastic_logger = logging.getLogger('elasticsearch.trace')

[docs]class SharedElasticsearchOutputModule(interface.OutputModule): """Shared functionality for an Elasticsearch output module.""" # pylint: disable=abstract-method NAME = 'elastic_shared' _DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_TYPE = 'plaso_event' _DEFAULT_FLUSH_INTERVAL = 1000 # Number of seconds to wait before a request to Elasticsearch is timed out. _DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT = 300 def __init__(self, output_mediator): """Initializes an Elasticsearch output module. Args: output_mediator (OutputMediator): mediates interactions between output modules and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. """ super(SharedElasticsearchOutputModule, self).__init__(output_mediator) self._client = None self._document_type = self._DEFAULT_DOCUMENT_TYPE self._event_documents = [] self._flush_interval = self._DEFAULT_FLUSH_INTERVAL self._host = None self._index_name = None self._number_of_buffered_events = 0 self._password = None self._port = None self._username = None self._use_ssl = None self._ca_certs = None self._url_prefix = None def _Connect(self): """Connects to an Elasticsearch server.""" elastic_host = {'host': self._host, 'port': self._port} if self._url_prefix: elastic_host['url_prefix'] = self._url_prefix elastic_http_auth = None if self._username is not None: elastic_http_auth = (self._username, self._password) self._client = elasticsearch.Elasticsearch( [elastic_host], http_auth=elastic_http_auth, use_ssl=self._use_ssl, ca_certs=self._ca_certs ) logger.debug( ('Connected to Elasticsearch server: {0:s} port: {1:d}' 'URL prefix {2!s}.').format(self._host, self._port, self._url_prefix)) def _CreateIndexIfNotExists(self, index_name, mappings): """Creates an Elasticsearch index if it does not exist. Args: index_name (str): mame of the index. mappings (dict[str, object]): mappings of the index. Raises: RuntimeError: if the Elasticsearch index cannot be created. """ try: if not self._client.indices.exists(index_name): self._client.indices.create( body={'mappings': mappings}, index=index_name) except elasticsearch.exceptions.ConnectionError as exception: raise RuntimeError( 'Unable to create Elasticsearch index with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) def _FlushEvents(self): """Inserts the buffered event documents into Elasticsearch.""" try: # pylint: disable=unexpected-keyword-arg # pylint does not recognizes request_timeout as a valid kwarg. According # to # it should be supported. self._client.bulk( body=self._event_documents, doc_type=self._document_type, index=self._index_name, request_timeout=self._DEFAULT_REQUEST_TIMEOUT) except ValueError as exception: # Ignore problematic events logger.warning('Unable to bulk insert with error: {0!s}'.format( exception)) logger.debug('Inserted {0:d} events into Elasticsearch'.format( self._number_of_buffered_events)) self._event_documents = [] self._number_of_buffered_events = 0 def _GetSanitizedEventValues(self, event, event_data, event_tag): """Sanitizes the event for use in Elasticsearch. The event values need to be sanitized to prevent certain values from causing problems when indexing with Elasticsearch. For example the path specification is a nested dictionary which will cause problems for Elasticsearch automatic indexing. Args: event (EventObject): event. event_data (EventData): event data. event_tag (EventTag): event tag. Returns: dict[str, object]: sanitized event values. Raises: NoFormatterFound: if no event formatter can be found to match the data type in the event data. """ event_values = {} for attribute_name, attribute_value in event_data.GetAttributes(): # TODO: remove regvalue, which is kept for backwards compatibility. # Ignore the regvalue attribute as it cause issues when indexing. if attribute_name == 'regvalue': continue if attribute_name == 'pathspec': try: attribute_value = JsonPathSpecSerializer.WriteSerialized( attribute_value) except TypeError: continue event_values[attribute_name] = attribute_value # Add a string representation of the timestamp. try: attribute_value = timelib.Timestamp.RoundToSeconds(event.timestamp) except TypeError as exception: logger.warning(( 'Unable to round timestamp {0!s}. error: {1!s}. ' 'Defaulting to 0').format(event.timestamp, exception)) attribute_value = 0 attribute_value = timelib.Timestamp.CopyToIsoFormat( attribute_value, timezone=self._output_mediator.timezone) event_values['datetime'] = attribute_value event_values['timestamp'] = event.timestamp event_values['timestamp_desc'] = event.timestamp_desc message, _ = self._output_mediator.GetFormattedMessages(event_data) if message is None: data_type = getattr(event_data, 'data_type', 'UNKNOWN') raise errors.NoFormatterFound( 'Unable to find event formatter for: {0:s}.'.format(data_type)) event_values['message'] = message # Tags needs to be a list for Elasticsearch to index correctly. labels = [] if event_tag: try: labels = list(event_tag.labels) except (AttributeError, KeyError): pass event_values['tag'] = labels source_short, source = self._output_mediator.GetFormattedSources( event, event_data) if source is None or source_short is None: data_type = getattr(event_data, 'data_type', 'UNKNOWN') raise errors.NoFormatterFound( 'Unable to find event formatter for: {0:s}.'.format(data_type)) event_values['source_short'] = source_short event_values['source_long'] = source return event_values def _InsertEvent(self, event, event_data, event_tag): """Inserts an event. Events are buffered in the form of documents and inserted to Elasticsearch when the flush interval (threshold) has been reached. Args: event (EventObject): event. event_data (EventData): event data. event_tag (EventTag): event tag. """ event_document = {'index': { '_index': self._index_name, '_type': self._document_type}} event_values = self._GetSanitizedEventValues(event, event_data, event_tag) self._event_documents.append(event_document) self._event_documents.append(event_values) self._number_of_buffered_events += 1 if self._number_of_buffered_events > self._flush_interval: self._FlushEvents()
[docs] def Close(self): """Closes connection to Elasticsearch. Inserts any remaining buffered event documents. """ self._FlushEvents() self._client = None
[docs] def SetDocumentType(self, document_type): """Sets the document type. Args: document_type (str): document type. """ self._document_type = document_type logger.debug('Elasticsearch document type: {0:s}'.format(document_type))
[docs] def SetFlushInterval(self, flush_interval): """Set the flush interval. Args: flush_interval (int): number of events to buffer before doing a bulk insert. """ self._flush_interval = flush_interval logger.debug('Elasticsearch flush interval: {0:d}'.format(flush_interval))
[docs] def SetIndexName(self, index_name): """Set the index name. Args: index_name (str): name of the index. """ self._index_name = index_name logger.debug('Elasticsearch index name: {0:s}'.format(index_name))
[docs] def SetPassword(self, password): """Set the password. Args: password (str): password to authenticate with. """ self._password = password logger.debug('Elastic password: ********')
[docs] def SetServerInformation(self, server, port): """Set the server information. Args: server (str): IP address or hostname of the server. port (int): Port number of the server. """ self._host = server self._port = port logger.debug('Elasticsearch server: {0!s} port: {1:d}'.format( server, port))
[docs] def SetUsername(self, username): """Sets the username. Args: username (str): username to authenticate with. """ self._username = username logger.debug('Elasticsearch username: {0!s}'.format(username))
[docs] def SetUseSSL(self, use_ssl): """Sets the use of ssl. Args: use_ssl (bool): enforces use of ssl. """ self._use_ssl = use_ssl logger.debug('Elasticsearch use_ssl: {0!s}'.format(use_ssl))
[docs] def SetCACertificatesPath(self, ca_certificates_path): """Sets the path to the CA certificates. Args: ca_certificates_path (str): path to file containing a list of root certificates to trust. Raises: BadConfigOption: if the CA certificates file does not exist. """ if not ca_certificates_path: return if not os.path.exists(ca_certificates_path): raise errors.BadConfigOption( 'No such certificate file: {0:s}.'.format(ca_certificates_path)) self._ca_certs = ca_certificates_path logger.debug('Elasticsearch ca_certs: {0!s}'.format(ca_certificates_path))
[docs] def SetURLPrefix(self, url_prefix): """Sets the URL prefix. Args: url_prefix (str): URL prefix. """ self._url_prefix = url_prefix logger.debug('Elasticsearch URL prefix: {0!s}')
[docs] def WriteEventBody(self, event, event_data, event_tag): """Writes event values to the output. Args: event (EventObject): event. event_data (EventData): event data. event_tag (EventTag): event tag. """ self._InsertEvent(event, event_data, event_tag)