Source code for plaso.formatters.olecf

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The OLE Compound File (OLECF) event formatters."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from plaso.formatters import interface
from plaso.formatters import manager
from plaso.lib import errors
from plaso.lib import py2to3

[docs]class OLECFItemFormatter(interface.EventFormatter): """Formatter for an OLECF item event.""" DATA_TYPE = 'olecf:item' FORMAT_STRING = 'Name: {name}' FORMAT_STRING_SHORT = 'Name: {name}' SOURCE_LONG = 'OLECF Item' SOURCE_SHORT = 'OLECF'
[docs]class OLECFDestListEntryFormatter(interface.ConditionalEventFormatter): """Formatter for an OLECF DestList stream event.""" DATA_TYPE = 'olecf:dest_list:entry' FORMAT_STRING_PIECES = [ 'Entry: {entry_number}', 'Pin status: {pin_status}', 'Hostname: {hostname}', 'Path: {path}', 'Droid volume identifier: {droid_volume_identifier}', 'Droid file identifier: {droid_file_identifier}', 'Birth droid volume identifier: {birth_droid_volume_identifier}', 'Birth droid file identifier: {birth_droid_file_identifier}'] FORMAT_STRING_SHORT_PIECES = [ 'Entry: {entry_number}', 'Pin status: {pin_status}', 'Path: {path}'] # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def GetMessages(self, formatter_mediator, event_data): """Determines the formatted message strings for the event data. Args: formatter_mediator (FormatterMediator): mediates the interactions between formatters and other components, such as storage and Windows EventLog resources. event_data (EventData): event data. Returns: tuple(str, str): formatted message string and short message string. Raises: WrongFormatter: if the event data cannot be formatted by the formatter. """ if self.DATA_TYPE != event_data.data_type: raise errors.WrongFormatter('Unsupported data type: {0:s}.'.format( event_data.data_type)) event_values = event_data.CopyToDict() pin_status = event_values.get('pin_status', 0) if pin_status == -1: event_values['pin_status'] = 'Unpinned' else: event_values['pin_status'] = 'Pinned' return self._ConditionalFormatMessages(event_values)
[docs]class OLECFDocumentSummaryInfoFormatter(interface.ConditionalEventFormatter): """Formatter for an OLECF Document Summary Info property set stream event.""" DATA_TYPE = 'olecf:document_summary_info' FORMAT_STRING_PIECES = [ 'Number of bytes: {number_of_bytes}', 'Number of lines: {number_of_lines}', 'Number of paragraphs: {number_of_paragraphs}', 'Number of slides: {number_of_slides}', 'Number of notes: {number_of_notes}', 'Number of hidden slides: {number_of_hidden_slides}', 'Number of multi-media clips: {number_of_clips}', 'Company: {company}', 'Manager: {manager}', 'Shared document: {shared_document}', 'Application version: {application_version}', 'Content type: {content_type}', 'Content status: {content_status}', 'Language: {language}', 'Document version: {document_version}'] # TODO: add support for the following properties. # 'Digital signature: {digital_signature}', FORMAT_STRING_SHORT_PIECES = [ 'Company: {company}'] SOURCE_LONG = 'OLECF Document Summary Info' SOURCE_SHORT = 'OLECF'
[docs]class OLECFSummaryInfoFormatter(interface.ConditionalEventFormatter): """Formatter for an OLECF Summary Info property set stream event.""" DATA_TYPE = 'olecf:summary_info' FORMAT_STRING_PIECES = [ 'Title: {title}', 'Subject: {subject}', 'Author: {author}', 'Keywords: {keywords}', 'Comments: {comments}', 'Template: {template}', 'Revision number: {revision_number}', 'Last saved by: {last_saved_by}', 'Total edit time: {total_edit_time}', 'Number of pages: {number_of_pages}', 'Number of words: {number_of_words}', 'Number of characters: {number_of_characters}', 'Application: {application}', 'Security: {security}'] FORMAT_STRING_SHORT_PIECES = [ 'Title: {title}', 'Subject: {subject}', 'Author: {author}', 'Revision number: {revision_number}'] SOURCE_LONG = 'OLECF Summary Info' SOURCE_SHORT = 'OLECF' _SECURITY_VALUES = { 0x00000001: 'Password protected', 0x00000002: 'Read-only recommended', 0x00000004: 'Read-only enforced', 0x00000008: 'Locked for annotations', }
[docs] def GetMessages(self, formatter_mediator, event_data): """Determines the formatted message strings for the event data. Args: formatter_mediator (FormatterMediator): mediates the interactions between formatters and other components, such as storage and Windows EventLog resources. event_data (EventData): event data. Returns: tuple(str, str): formatted message string and short message string. Raises: WrongFormatter: if the event data cannot be formatted by the formatter. """ if self.DATA_TYPE != event_data.data_type: raise errors.WrongFormatter('Unsupported data type: {0:s}.'.format( event_data.data_type)) event_values = event_data.CopyToDict() security = event_values.get('security', None) if security: security_flags = [] for flag, description in iter(self._SECURITY_VALUES.items()): if security & flag: security_flags.append(description) security_string = '0x{0:08x}: {1:s}'.format( security, ','.join(security_flags)) event_values['security'] = security_string for key, value in iter(event_values.items()): if isinstance(value, py2to3.BYTES_TYPE): event_values[key] = repr(value) return self._ConditionalFormatMessages(event_values)
manager.FormattersManager.RegisterFormatters([ OLECFItemFormatter, OLECFDestListEntryFormatter, OLECFDocumentSummaryInfoFormatter, OLECFSummaryInfoFormatter])