Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The Google Chrome history event formatters."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

from plaso.formatters import interface
from plaso.formatters import manager
from plaso.lib import errors

[docs]class ChromeFileDownloadFormatter(interface.ConditionalEventFormatter): """Formatter for a Chrome file download event.""" DATA_TYPE = 'chrome:history:file_downloaded' FORMAT_STRING_PIECES = [ '{url}', '({full_path}).', 'Received: {received_bytes} bytes', 'out of: {total_bytes} bytes.'] FORMAT_STRING_SHORT_PIECES = [ '{full_path} downloaded', '({received_bytes} bytes)'] SOURCE_LONG = 'Chrome History' SOURCE_SHORT = 'WEBHIST'
[docs]class ChromePageVisitedFormatter(interface.ConditionalEventFormatter): """Formatter for a Chrome page visited event.""" DATA_TYPE = 'chrome:history:page_visited' FORMAT_STRING_PIECES = [ '{url}', '({title})', '[count: {typed_count}]', 'Visit from: {from_visit}', 'Visit Source: [{visit_source}]', 'Type: [{page_transition}]', '{extra}'] FORMAT_STRING_SHORT_PIECES = [ '{url}', '({title})'] SOURCE_LONG = 'Chrome History' SOURCE_SHORT = 'WEBHIST' _UNKNOWN_PAGE_TRANSITION = ('UNKNOWN', None) # The following definition for values can be found here: # _PAGE_TRANSITIONS = { 0: ('LINK', 'User clicked a link'), 1: ('TYPED', 'User typed the URL in the URL bar'), 2: ('AUTO_BOOKMARK', 'Got through a suggestion in the UI'), 3: ('AUTO_SUBFRAME', ('Content automatically loaded in a non-toplevel frame - user may not' 'realize')), 4: ('MANUAL_SUBFRAME', 'Subframe explicitly requested by the user'), 5: ('GENERATED', ('User typed in the URL bar and selected an entry from the list - ' 'such as a search bar')), 6: ('START_PAGE', 'The start page of the browser'), 7: ('FORM_SUBMIT', 'A form the user has submitted values to'), 8: ('RELOAD', ('The user reloaded the page, eg by hitting the reload button or ' 'restored a session')), 9: ('KEYWORD', ('URL what was generated from a replaceable keyword other than the ' 'default search provider')), 10: ('KEYWORD_GENERATED', 'Corresponds to a visit generated from a KEYWORD')} # The following is the values for the source enum found in the visit_source # table and describes where a record originated from (if it originates from a # different storage than locally generated). The source can be found here: # _VISIT_SOURCE = { 0: 'SOURCE_SYNCED', 1: 'SOURCE_BROWSED', 2: 'SOURCE_EXTENSION', 3: 'SOURCE_FIREFOX_IMPORTED', 4: 'SOURCE_IE_IMPORTED', 5: 'SOURCE_SAFARI_IMPORTED'} # pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def GetMessages(self, formatter_mediator, event_data): """Determines the formatted message strings for the event data. Args: formatter_mediator (FormatterMediator): mediates the interactions between formatters and other components, such as storage and Windows EventLog resources. event_data (EventData): event data. Returns: tuple(str, str): formatted message string and short message string. Raises: WrongFormatter: if the event data cannot be formatted by the formatter. """ if self.DATA_TYPE != event_data.data_type: raise errors.WrongFormatter('Unsupported data type: {0:s}.'.format( event_data.data_type)) event_values = event_data.CopyToDict() page_transition_type = event_values.get('page_transition_type', None) if page_transition_type is not None: page_transition, page_transition_long = self._PAGE_TRANSITIONS.get( page_transition_type, self._UNKNOWN_PAGE_TRANSITION) if page_transition_long: event_values['page_transition'] = '{0:s} - {1:s}'.format( page_transition, page_transition_long) else: event_values['page_transition'] = page_transition visit_source = event_values.get('visit_source', None) if visit_source is not None: event_values['visit_source'] = self._VISIT_SOURCE.get( visit_source, 'UNKNOWN') extras = [] url_hidden = event_values.get('url_hidden', False) if url_hidden: extras.append('(url hidden)') typed_count = event_values.get('typed_count', 0) if typed_count == 0: extras.append('(URL not typed directly - no typed count)') elif typed_count == 1: extras.append('(type count {0:d} time)'.format(typed_count)) else: extras.append('(type count {0:d} times)'.format(typed_count)) event_values['extra'] = ' '.join(extras) return self._ConditionalFormatMessages(event_values)
manager.FormattersManager.RegisterFormatters([ ChromeFileDownloadFormatter, ChromePageVisitedFormatter])