Source code for plaso.analysis.chrome_extension

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""A plugin that gather extension IDs from Chrome history browser."""

from __future__ import unicode_literals

import re

import requests

from plaso.analysis import interface
from plaso.analysis import logger
from plaso.analysis import manager
from plaso.containers import reports

[docs]class ChromeExtensionPlugin(interface.AnalysisPlugin): """Convert Chrome extension IDs into names, requires Internet connection.""" NAME = 'chrome_extension' # Indicate that we can run this plugin during regular extraction. ENABLE_IN_EXTRACTION = True _SUPPORTED_EVENT_DATA_TYPES = frozenset([ 'fs:stat']) _TITLE_RE = re.compile(r'<title>([^<]+)</title>') _WEB_STORE_URL = '{xid}?hl=en-US' def __init__(self): """Initializes the Chrome extension analysis plugin.""" super(ChromeExtensionPlugin, self).__init__() # Saved list of already looked up extensions. self._extensions = {} self._results = {} def _GetChromeWebStorePage(self, extension_identifier): """Retrieves the page for the extension from the Chrome store website. Args: extension_identifier (str): Chrome extension identifier. Returns: str: page content or None. """ web_store_url = self._WEB_STORE_URL.format(xid=extension_identifier) try: response = requests.get(web_store_url) except (requests.ConnectionError, requests.HTTPError) as exception: logger.warning(( '[{0:s}] unable to retrieve URL: {1:s} with error: {2!s}').format( self.NAME, web_store_url, exception)) return None return response.text def _GetPathSegmentSeparator(self, path): """Given a path give back the path separator as a best guess. Args: path (str): path. Returns: str: path segment separator. """ if path.startswith('\\') or path[1:].startswith(':\\'): return '\\' if path.startswith('/'): return '/' if '/' and '\\' in path: # Let's count slashes and guess which one is the right one. forward_count = len(path.split('/')) backward_count = len(path.split('\\')) if forward_count > backward_count: return '/' return '\\' # Now we are sure there is only one type of separators yet # the path does not start with one. if '/' in path: return '/' return '\\' def _GetTitleFromChromeWebStore(self, extension_identifier): """Retrieves the name of the extension from the Chrome store website. Args: extension_identifier (str): Chrome extension identifier. Returns: str: name of the extension or None. """ # Check if we have already looked this extension up. if extension_identifier in self._extensions: return self._extensions.get(extension_identifier) page_content = self._GetChromeWebStorePage(extension_identifier) if not page_content: logger.warning( '[{0:s}] no data returned for extension identifier: {1:s}'.format( self.NAME, extension_identifier)) return None first_line, _, _ = page_content.partition('\n') match = name = None if match: title = if title.startswith('Chrome Web Store - '): name = title[19:] elif title.endswith('- Chrome Web Store'): name = title[:-19] if not name: self._extensions[extension_identifier] = 'UNKNOWN' return None self._extensions[extension_identifier] = name return name
[docs] def CompileReport(self, mediator): """Compiles an analysis report. Args: mediator (AnalysisMediator): mediates interactions between analysis plugins and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. Returns: AnalysisReport: analysis report. """ lines_of_text = [] for user, extensions in sorted(self._results.items()): lines_of_text.append(' == USER: {0:s} =='.format(user)) for extension, extension_identifier in sorted(extensions): lines_of_text.append(' {0:s} [{1:s}]'.format( extension, extension_identifier)) lines_of_text.append('') lines_of_text.append('') report_text = '\n'.join(lines_of_text) analysis_report = reports.AnalysisReport( plugin_name=self.NAME, text=report_text) analysis_report.report_dict = self._results return analysis_report
# pylint: disable=unused-argument
[docs] def ExamineEvent(self, mediator, event, event_data): """Analyzes an event. Args: mediator (AnalysisMediator): mediates interactions between analysis plugins and other components, such as storage and dfvfs. event (EventObject): event to examine. event_data (EventData): event data. """ if event_data.data_type not in self._SUPPORTED_EVENT_DATA_TYPES: return filename = getattr(event_data, 'filename', None) if not filename: return separator = self._GetPathSegmentSeparator(filename) path_segments = filename.lower().split(separator) # Determine if we have a Chrome extension ID. if 'chrome' not in path_segments and 'chromium' not in path_segments: return if path_segments[-2] != 'extensions': return # TODO: use a regex to check extension identifier extension_identifier = path_segments[-1] if extension_identifier == 'Temp': return user = mediator.GetUsernameForPath(filename) # We still want this information in here, so that we can # manually deduce the username. if not user: if len(filename) > 25: user = 'Not found ({0:s}...)'.format(filename[0:25]) else: user = 'Not found ({0:s})'.format(filename) extension_string = self._GetTitleFromChromeWebStore(extension_identifier) if not extension_string: extension_string = extension_identifier self._results.setdefault(user, []) if (extension_string, extension_identifier) not in self._results[user]: self._results[user].append((extension_string, extension_identifier))